Useful Websites
This is the web page for great ethonobotanist, humanitarian and teacher Frank Cook who is the main inspiration for this website as well.
Super eco-conscious and styley clothes colored exclusively with natural dyes in Portland, OR
This is a great site detailing numerous commerically wild harvested crops.
Great collection of web resources to get kids involved in botany!
Audio Visual Resources for Botany
This is a PDF of some of my favoirte audio visual resources for the study of botany
This is a downloadable PDF of some of my favorite audio visual resources for the study of botany
This great resource features a host of detailed plant inventories and publications on biodiversity assessment.
This amazing resource by Botanical Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) is a map of botanical gardens from around the world as well as other botanically based research institutions! Around 2,500 in all! Lots of other information on this website about plant conservation as well
Craft Websites
Penland has supported the Appalachian Crafts movement since the 1920's. Many traditional arts of interest to ethnobotanists are supported including woodworking, basketry and textiles.
John C. Campbell was a historian and educator who worked in Appalachia during the early 1900's. His widow opened the folk school in his name in 1925. This storied institution continues to hold classes related to the ethnobotany of Appalachia. Cooking classes, craft workshops and musical offerings are all on tap.
Lisa is an incredible fiber artist with over a decade of experience with natural dyes
Permacouture is an excellent resource, based out of Berkeley, for information on natural dyes and the teaching of people about them.
Iris is a teacher and inspirational speaker on many topics concerning plants based in Massachusetts. She holds classes on natural dyes, wild edibles and herbs. Iris also offers products for sale.
This website neatly weaves together the worlds of art and exotic invasive biology. Paper made from some of our most challenging plants and much more. Well worth a look see for any artist or person interested in use rather than further abuse when dealing with introduced invasives.
This website is an incredibly beautiful photo biographical journey into the lives of five plants and some of their associated people. Featured are Hops (Humulus lupulus) Scented Stock (Matthiola incana), Bent Grasses (Agrostis spp.), Spindle Tree (Euonymous europaeus) and London Plane (Platanus x hispanica)
This school outside of Asheville, NC was started in 1978 by Drew Langsner. They teach people about all manner of crafts related to working with wood. Plans, books and videos are available from this resource as well.
This school is based out of Edneyville, NC. They offer classes in the cultivation and practical use of bamboo. Their nursery offers 23 different species.
The description follows from the website. Art Plantae is a resource provider whose focus is encouraging an interest in plants through drawing. Its aim is to address issues in botanical literacy by connecting artists, naturalists and educators so they can learn from each other and then teach others.
This is an incredible site for viewing art made from fern foliage!
Earthskills/Ancient Arts
This center near Cherokee, NC offers all manner of instruction for young and old in the tradition of indigenous cultures from around the eastern U.S.
Wild roots is a community outside Asheville, NC that has been involved with teaching earthskills for over a decade now. These folks really walk the talk!
Ethnobotany Programs
This Ethnobotany program is very well developed and also publishes a fabulous journal available online
A number of my friends have gone through the University of Georgia, Athens, Doctorate Anthropology program while focusing on Ethnobotany
This small state school in the Appalachian part of Maryland has one of the few actual full on Ethnobotany programs in the country. They also have a center for Appalachian Ethnobotany as well.
Here is an extensive list of various ethnobotany programs including most of those listed on this site here.
The CIEER site has a host of links regarding the world of ethnobotany. Educational programs, bibliographies, research projects conferences, databases and publications are all included.
Farming/Local Food
The Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (SSAWG) is a regional organization with a very diverse membership all focused on sustainable methods of farming. Their winter conference every year helps kick of the season of farming preparation following the holidays.
ATTRA has a multitude of publications focusing on sustainable agriculture which are available for download or mailing. They are one of the best examples i can think of for the appropriate use of public funding. They are perennially in threat of having their budget canceled so support them in any way you can.
The website hosted by Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) is a premiere resource for folks interested in local food.
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA) is a tireless advocate for sustainable farming in the Carolinas with decades of experience. They have a great agriculture conference in late Fall every year.
Bountiful Cities is one of Western North Carolina's oldest non-profit food activist groups. They run a host of community gardens in the Asheville areas as well as putting on numerous events throughout the year. Pearson garden and the George Washington Carver edible park in particular are sterling examples of urban agriculture, permaculture, and community sustainability.
Paul has established quite a few projects over his decades of time at Long Branch. He has pick your own berries, heirloom apples, alternative energy, and a chestnut breeding project. Numerous classes occur on site and it is surrounded by over 1000 acres of conservation land.
The Maine Organic Farming and Gardening Association is an incredible advocacy group for agriculture but they also host one of the coolest festivals ever known as the Common Ground Fair
This website offers and excellent resource for ecological forest stewardship supported by a number of North Carolina land agencies.
This website hosts numerous resources for the identification of woody plants.
Gathering/Event Websites
These gatherings in the spring and fall celebrate the group of tasks collectively known as primitive skills or ancient arts.
Earthsong is a very special place near Athens, GA. This land was sacred to the Creek Native Americans. A number of earth centered classes are hosted here.
Herbal/Botanical Schools
This is a great place to get skills in vegan and rawfoods cookery around Asheville, NC.
Botanologos - Patricia Kyritsi Howell
For over 17 years, the BotanoLogos School for Herbal Studies, located in the mountains of northeast Georgia (USA), has specialized in teaching about Southern Appalachian medicinal herbs.Their programs provide experiential learning in the botanically rich Appalachian mountains of Northeast Georgia, USA.
This is the website for my good friend and teacher Coreypine Shane and his school
Great online learning resource featuring content on all sorts of topics. Botany is a little thin but if you poke around a lot of free resources are featured therein...
This is one of the oldest herb schools in Asheville, NC. i and many other amazing teachers team up to teach the regular curriculum and a bunch of other special topics to boot!
This school in Ithaca is legendary for its training of many premier herbalists. Some graduates now have their own amazing schools in other parts of the country i.e. (Corey Pine and Juliet featured in resources here). 7 Song is one of the primary people that Frank Cook studied with as well.
Kiva Rose is a powerhouse for herbalism in the Southwest. People interested in going deeper with plants have numerous opportunities through her classes, consultations, botanical sanctuary and Traditions in Western Herbalism Conference.
This is the website for my good friend and teacher Juliet Blankespoor and her herbal school
This school is located in Northern New Mexico. They also host a plant festival in August
This site has a host of information on the Ancient Arts and is a place where you can purchase the book Botany in a Day directly from the author as well.
This great non-profit group located in Nevada City, CA offers affordable classes in many aspects of empowering people to stay healthy.
This school is located in Placerville,California. Candis is a student and colleague of Michael Tierra and an accomplished artist/author of articles and books. She is also a minister/counselor so her work has a strong socio/spiritual context. She integrates Western Herbalism with Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Tarot!
Our philosophy is 'Returning Birth to the Family.' We believe that the study of midwifery is not just the study of birth but the study of life itself. We teach midwives how to live and practice in a new paradigm of childbirth... a Quantum paradigm where we value trust, self-direction, and the ability to create soul-level connections with each other.
Kathi's impressive bio follows from a conference in Nevada City...Kathi has studied herbs since 1969. Her attraction to fragrant plants led to an involvement in aromatherapy. As a well-established author in the herbal world, her books include Herbs for Health and Healing; Aromatherapy - A Complete Guide to the Healing Art; The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs; Herbs: American Country Living and more. Keville is editor of the American Herb Association Quarterly, an honorary life member of the American Aromatherapy Association, a member of the National Institute of Holistic Aromatherapy, and a founding professional member of the American Herbalist Guild. She travels throughout North America teaching seminars, and offers classes in herbalism, aromatherapy, and more at Oak Valley Herb Farm in Grass Valley, California.
One can find online herbal classes at this site. i cannot vouch for them and the idea of virtual herbal studies seems a bit difficult to me. However, for folks in some parts of the country this option may be better than none. If you are mobile i would recommend you come to one of the multitude of schools in Asheville, NC though!
Sacred plant traditions is a school near Charlottesville, VA with classes for all ranges of experience in making and consuming herbal medicine. They also have afiliation with a bush medicine project for the Bahamas.
Dawn is a registered nurse offering herbal training in Florida. She uses the traditions of Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Native American Traditions while working with the basic premise of Vitalism. She also offers classes by correspondence and online.She facilitates other websites as (articles, recipes) (aromatherapy company) (website devoted to tea)
The Florida School of Holistic Living is based in Orlando, FL and offers a multitude of classes on Natural Health, Spiritual Arts, and Sustainable Living. They started in 1999 and have continued to grow their class offerings and community connections since.
Paul Bergner started this school located in Boulder, CO. The website states that they train in the Vitalist tradition and offer local and distance education. An extensive annotated links section is a great aspect of the site. Free copies of the publication Medical Herbalism are available here as well! i know that Paul is well respected in the herbal community but not much beyond that. The website also states that ownership is to change in June 2012.
Living Earth School of Herbalism located in Toronto, Canada provides quality education in Western herbalism and related subjects for those who wish to pursue a career as a professional herbalist or who want to learn about herbs and herbal medicine for their own general interest. Living Earth is now offering online distance learning courses. The first online courses are Healing With Herbs and the Introductory Class of Herbal Field Studies. Students may enroll in these ongoing courses any time and work at their own pace. For more information or to register visit the the Current Courses and Registration sections of our website. More courses coming soon!
Lupo Passero has been a friend and colleague of mine for quite a few years. She offers a number of educational training programs in New York including a novel seed to market full season learning opportunity.
This school is a welcome addition to the fold of herbal learning resources for North Carolina uniquely located in Winston Salem.
The description from the website states that Clinical Holistic Herbalist Antonina Whaples has received certifications through the Appalachia School of Holistic Herbalism and the Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine and apprenticed with Kaitlyne O’Brannnon of World Spirit Health. Her passion is teaching community herbalism, with an emphasis in healing emotional trauma and integrating herbal medicine into everyday life. Antonina is also a certified Reiki II energy healer, NC Beekeeper, and personal trainer. She received her Permaculture Design Certification through We Are All Farmers Permaculture Institute.
Many other talented folks are on board at this location which also serves as a healing center focusing on a host of modalitites including Acupuncture, Reiki, Yoga, Massage and Reflexology
This is an accredited program open to the general public and available to military folks using their GI bill funds. Courses are available online and a number of publications are available for free download as well.
This site offers a suite of affordable online course in herbalism as well as a host of free class note resources as well.
Probably the premier site offering online courses regarding herbalism including the very popular Herb Mentor program and several others featuring 7 Song, Rosemary Gladstar, Rosalee de la Floret, Larken Bunce and others.
Offering online courses regarding herbalism...
This handy web page has a host of resources related to ethnobotany including books, journals, web pages and societies.
This journal published by the Society for Economic Botany is a premier place for ethnobotanical information from around the world. The archives contain over 50 years of information related to the science of Ethnobotany. A conference occurs annually which offers an excellent opportunity to present research and learn of current trends in ethnobotany, ethnobiology, and economic botany.
The Journal of Ethnobiology is one of the major publications for academic ethnobtanists. The Society also hosts an annual conference.
This online journal offers a plethora of information for those interested in the science of Ethnobotany.
Another online journal featuring a host of ethnobotanical information mostly from India and thereabouts.
Kids Camps for Nature Awareness
The True Nature camp just outside Asheville, NC offers a great opportunity for children to reconnect with the power of nature and the ancient arts that are the legacy of humanity.
When i first saw camp celo i instantly wanted to be a kid again. This popular program has functioned for over 50 years! The camp is located a little over an hour from Asheville, NC. i have heard great feedback from parents with children in their program.
The Association for Experiential Education is a great group for teachers of the wild. They have conferences and many other resources available for the continuing professional development of instructors.
The Living Earth School, located outside Charlottesville, VA is a very well established camp for kids of all ages. Numerous friends of mine from Warren Wilson College have acted as instructors there. This is one of the best places i can think for helping children overcome the modern phenomenon labeled by Richard Louv as "Nature Deficit Disorder"
Terra Summer was a program based near Asheville, NC that had a strong focus on connecting kids to where food comes from. Regular lessons in subjects such as science and humanities were holistically viewed through the lens of their relation to food production. Unfortunately they had to cease operation due to lack of funding...
Medicinal Plant Websites
A neat website out of England focusing on medicinals but also with a lot of other botanical information
Corinna Wood studied with Susun Weed and has been a fixture of the Asheville area medicinal plant community for many years. Her company Red Moon Herbs offers many high quality medicinal products. Corinna also teaches classes and organizes the perennial favorite Southeast Women's Herbal Conference. 3000 pages of women's wit and wisdom the Wise Woman Way. Herbal healing for fertility, childbearing, breast health, cancer prevention, menopause, nutrition, spirit healing, the Wise Woman Way. Go to: for thousands of articles, plus video, audio, herbal ezine, woman's forum, weblogs, bookshop and more.
This site is the result of many years of dedication by the late great Michael Moore, herbalist not the director, and his many students and legions of fans. Moore was a teacher for many people who have now been credited as incredible teachers in their own right including 7 Song, Juliet Blankespoor, Corey Pine Shane, and the late Frank Cook.This website is a treasure trove of medicinal and ethnobotanical information!!! If you could take it all in you almost wouldn't need to go to school! Almost...
Henriette has given us a great resource especially for medicinal aspects of plants
Robert Eidus has worked with the medicinal plants of Appalachia for decades. He offers seeds, plants and classes. Work trade and internships are available.
This website is managed by John Immel who practices Ayurveda and counts Frank Cook as one of his influences.
The United Plant Savers are a collective of people dedicated to preserving our medicinal plant legacy.
Joe Hollis is an iconic figure with the realm of Appalachian/Asian medicinal plant propagation and use. His homesite Mountain Gardens is a wonderland of terraces, alternative building techniques and useful plant diversity. He offers seeds, plants and classes.
Cassandra studied at Emory and the University of South Florida. Her site list a number of great links regarding ethnobotany and quite a bit of her personal research on medicinal plant use in Italy.
NC Herb - Dr. Jeanine Davis
Dr. Davis is a mainstay of the herbal community for the whole southeast. She has been stationed with the North Carolina Cooperative Extension outside Asheville,NC since 1988 and this is one of several websites she manages.
Lisa opens up the world of plant based chemistry in a clear easy way. She has published a book by the same name and excerpts can be viewed at the site.
i first met these folks at the annual Fungus Foray outside of Nevada City, CA. They offer neat box kits to grow all sorts of interesting edible mushrooms
This website is a great resource for photo help in identifying mushrooms.
Myco Web - Michael Wood, Fred Stevens
This website is focused primarily around the Fungi of California. 600 species are covered with 480 species descriptions and 4,800 photos. Links to HUNDREDS of other mycological based websites are also located here!!! Reprints of hard to find books are available as well.
Mushroom Observer - Nathan Wilson, Jason Hollinger and many others
Mushroom is a premier site for citizen science and at the end of 2011, has over 180,000 images, 80,000 observations and very close to 3,000 registered users! Check it out!!!
Permaculture Certifications
This is a very affordable, relatively speaking, permaculture certification program.
Plant Database Websites
This site has a host of photos about a number of subjects including botanical ones. They have over 93,000 plant related images.
A searchable database on the food a medicinal uses of plants in Minnesota
Nice micro study on the plant use of the Luiseno Native Americans from Southwestern California.
This amazing database lists the uses of over 7,000 plants!
This database lists ethnobotanical information on 145 traditional Hawaiian plants.
Dr. Duke's decades of research provided online by our tax dollars at work
This is a neat site containing many links to videos of Ethnobotanists plying their trade.
An interesting little survey of the ethnobotany for some major plants in Texas.
This amazing database, that comprises a multitude of other databases is the single biggest source i have found for plant information that is aggregated at the family level. Unfortunately the site is a bit outdated and in disrepair with one note stating it will be taken offline in June 2011
Living Wild is a wiki type collaborative site where people can enter information regarding the Ethnobotany of the Sierra Nevada mountains specifically.
A searchable list of native plants to Washington state and their ethnobotany.
Ethnobotany Manuals - Southwestern School of Botanical Medicine
This webpage has a list of some old ethnobotanical book resources for the southwest. They are linked to Adobe Acrobat PDF files for downloading.
This site is a bit commercial but still has a host of interesting ethnobotanical information on tropical plants that is freely available.
This amazing database is dedicated to providing information on wild California plants for conservation, education, and appreciation.
Distribution maps, taxonomy and pictures for almost every plant in North America!!! is the home of Plant Biographies and is an encyclopedia of plants and their interrelationship with man and the planet, their usage, practices, history, influence and unusual properties - from Xerxes to the present day.This is the prime source of Plant Biographies on the Internet. It contains over 4,000 species and genera, at least 30,000 botanical synonyms and even more common names (in many languages), and over 800 authoritative reference works are addressed. All this information is fully searchable and accessible within seconds.
The Gymnosperm Database is a premier site for up to date information on this ancient group of plants. Over 1000 are covered in all with neat suggested reading links and articles as well.
One stop shop for information on plant use by Native American tribes. Dr. Moerman also published much of this info in book form under the title Native American Ethnobotany
This is an incredible searchable database that allows one to view plants in their family groups.
This database lists the germplasm materials in the United States collection and can also help with figuring out taxonomy.
Tropicos - Missouri Botanical Gardens
This database, maintained by the Missouri Botanical Gardens, is a great way to source citations and updated taxonomy for particular taxa.
Comprehensive treatment of the plants in North America is a work in progress that will eventually be available in print and online.
Comprehensive treatment of the over 25,000 plants in North America and animals as well. Detailed distribution maps as well.
Great articles on numerous ethnobotanical subjects and other information on the plants of North America as well.
The goal of this database is to provide information from as many Herbaria as possible. So far 13 regional consortia including 811 Herbaria and 73,500,000 specimens are on board! The goal is to digitize these collections by 2020.
Use Plant Information Online to discover sources in 1074 North American nurseries for 104,779 plants, find 357,757 citations to 161,488 plants in science and garden literature!Links to selected websites for images and regional information about 19,131 plants, and access information on 2,631 North American seed and nursery firms. Plant Information Online is a free service of the University of Minnesota Libraries.
This ambitious project aims to categorize every single extant plant species within the Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms currently over 350,000 in 17,000 genera and 642 families as of 9/2013.
Good source for plant family photo albums though the taxonomy is out of date going off of Judd 2002 and the second Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG II) 2003 at best. It does have options to list by even older systems like APG I and Cronquist which may or may not be of interest.
Botanicus - Missouri Botanical Gardens
This is a collection of digitized historical botanical literature featuring nearly 2000 titles in all sorts of languages with some items being several centuries old all available for free viewing and downloading...
Nature Serv is the premier source for finding the status of potentially threatened or endangered plants.
This links to an incredible list of databases many of them floras for countries in Asia and Latin America but also image catalogs, bibliographies, rare books and more!
A database featuring information on almost 30,000 food plants!
Plant Nursery Websites
Ron and Suzanne specialize in hundreds of heirloom apple varieties and probably have on of the greatest selections available in the south!
This is the business of good friend, mentor and amazing permaculturalist Chuck Marsh. If you need edible landscaping plants around Appalachia this is a good choice. They carry many special fruits such as Goumi, and improved varieties of Persimmons and Elderberries you won't find anywhere else!
Woodlanders - Bob McCartney and George Mitchell
Woodlanders focuses on rare native and exotic plants and have been around since 1979. They are located in Aiken, South Carolina
This sustainably run nursery and fruit production school is one of the many brain children from local Renaissance man Bill Whipple
This is a great company located in Central Appalachia. Convenient to the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest. Lots of novelties that may not be available in other locales. Perfect for Permaculture type installations.
i had the great pleasure to visit Barry's nursery in West Virginia a few years back. He has many unique plants that you will not find anywhere else. i greatly encourage you to check his site for interesting cultivars and many other rarities. He also has a mailing list where he offers interesting tidbits information and great deals on plants. The website description includes the fact that over the past 32 years they have managed to amass a diverse collection of well over 10,000 different, hardy to zone 5 perennials, bulbs, trees and shrubs from every corner of the Earth on A 60-acre mountain top at 3000 feet in beautiful Greenbrier County WV. They also are very adept a shipping plants all over as most of their business is done on-line!
Good friends run this Permaculture based business and landscape company out of Gainesville, FL They have an especially good selection of citrus and other tropical semi-tropical fruits. oliver also teaches classes on grafting.
Seed Companies/Seed Saving
Chip Hope runs this seed company specializing in heirloom tomatoes. he also directs a Sustainable Agriculture program at Western Piedmont Community College.
Turtle Tree Seeds are a popular Biodynamic seed company
Fedco - C.R. Lawn
Fedco is a seed company out of Maine with very affordable prices, great descriptions lots of heirlooms and organic seeds. Probably my favorite seed company ever!
Sow True is an awesome little seed company located near Asheville, NC
Johnny's Selected Seeds is probably the biggest provider of seeds to Sustainable/Organic grower's in the Eastern U.S.They have a great selection and a very informative catalog
Southern Exposure seed company is another great Appalachian source for open pollinated and heirloom seeds.
Sierra Seeds is a small company based out of Nevada County, CA which is my other homebase outside Asheville, NC. In 2011 they had nearly 100 varieties of open pollinated seeds appropriate for the Sierra foothills.
Horizon Herbs, located in Williams, Oregon, is a premier seed company featuring over 400 organically grown and open pollinated plants. The catalog alone is a rich source of information for medicine makers and ethnobotanists. Richo has also published several books on the cultivation of medicinal plants.
Prarie Moon is an excellent seed company based out of Winona, MN. i was introduced to them by Juliet Blankespoor who uses their seeds at her Chestnut School and nursery outside Asheville, NC Their catalog has a wealth of ecological information supporting the increase of biodiversity for a number of landscapes.
Bountiful Gardens is the seed catalog for the Ecology Action Network and the legendary ideas of John Jeavons. Heirloom, untreated, open-pollinated seeds and numerous inspiring publications are featured.
This great site hosts a seed exchange of many rare and hard to find plants as well as some really interesting books.
Teaching Botany to Children
This is a PDF of resources online for teaching botany to children
Wild Edible Websites
Sam is an author of two really good books and a DVD on wild edibles. His website also offers a host of other great resources especially for people in the Midwest. Primitive Skills are a particular focus of his resources section.
Green Deane is a very prolific and vocal advocate for wild foods. He is based out of Florida. Dean has posted a ton of wild foods videos on You tube.
Free Food - Blanche Cybele Derby
Blance is a wildfood enthusiast who's led weed walks for over 30 years all over New England. She has also written/illustrated 3 books
Forage Ahead is a yahoo group of over 2,000 people. This is a very active listserv that counts amongst contributor several PhD's like John Kallas and Peter Gail as well as famous foragers like Wildman Steve Brill.
This is one of the best sites i have seen on making wild wines
Earth School 's offerings include Wilderness Survival Camps, Self Reliance Skills, Nature Awareness and Emergency Preparedness Training.
Sunny Savage is a dynamo of activity in regards to wild food plants. Her site is a wealth of cross connecting info. She also has a mulititude of videos up on You tube about wild edibles,
Forage SF is a group conceived of in 2008 by Iso Rabins. They do plant walks, host monthly wild food dinners and also have a market for wild food products in the California Bay area. i wish that every city had an organization like this!
This is the website for linking up with the Wild Foods Forum newsletter that goes out quarterly. You can send an email to Vickie in order to receive it by PDF
Wildman Steve Brill is one of America's most famous foragers. i have had the pleasure of walking with him in New York's central park. Highly recommended if you are ever in the area. Steve also has a number of great books on wild edibles. His cookbooks in particular are extensive and very well done.
John Kallas is a very authoritative source for information on wild foods. He has also published a newsletter in the past that has lots of tasty tidbits.
This web page offers exposure to a number of videos covering wild edibles led by noted English forager Marcus Harrison
This site is maintained Robin Harford who is a foraging teacher and student of Frank Cook. Robin is based in South Western England.
These are pictures posted of Wild Edibles largely linked to classes led by "Wildman" Steve Brill
Arthur is a preeminent botanist in the state of Maine. He offers consultation holds workshops related to ethnobotany and primitive skills. His website also features up to date taxonomical information for the Northeastern Unites States in particular.
Alan Muskat is one of the most knowledgeable mycologists i have ever met! he taught on numerous occasions with Frank Cook and also has many other skills besides mushrooms as well.
This site is maintained Robin Harford who is a foraging teacher and student of Frank Cook. Robin is based in South Western England.
Cool map of edible fruit resources in Berkeley, CA. Great template it would be nice to see expand around the country.
The Forager Press website has a host of good books resources for further exploration of wild edibles both botanical and mycological. They also feature information for a number of other naturalist subjects i.e. birding. They have a special focus on the Adirondacks in particular. Lots of great links as well!