Past & Recurring Events

May 29 2020
Jun 01 2020

Medicine's From the Earth

Blue Ridge Assembly

Theme: Restoring Immunological Balance with Botanicals

i will be presenting on the Ethnobotany of the African Diaspora

Highlights: More than 40 presentations on clinical applications of botanical medicine PLUS Friday intensive on mitigating effects of environmental toxins with Donald Yance, panel discussions, medicine-making classes and herb walks in a beautiful retreat setting. See speaker and topic list below

Fee: Variable

May 15 2020
May 17 2020

LEAF Festival

Lake Eden Black Mountain, NC

Canceled due to Covid 19

LEAF is my favorite festival ever located at an incredible venue.

i will be leading a plant walk focused on wildflowers.

Fee: Variable

Apr 19 2020
Apr 24 2020

Appalachian Ethnobotany

John C. Campbell Folk School Brasstown, NC

Join us in classroom time and on walks for a study of the botanical biogeography of the Appalachian mountains. This includes an overview of botanical traditions of the region's cultural groups; a focus on plants supportive of wildlife, food as medicine, and traditional crafts; and the effect of exotic invasives on Appalachian ecosystems - as well as their potential use for wild-edible foraging and fermentation. Synthesize the knowledge into personally relevant form. All are welcome.

To register for this class, please call 1-800-365-5724.

Prior to registering by phone, please read our General Information and Policies.

Fee: $564

Apr 04 2020


Keystone Flora Native Plant Nursery - OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 5081 Wooden Shoe Hollow Drive Cincinnati, OH 45232

Canceled due to Covid 19

Excited to attend this event for the first time! Ohio is such a special state botanically and culturally.

From the website:

All day we will have knowledgeable botanical guides teaching us about plants that are growing around us on the trails and pathways... come learn clinical herbalism, folklore, botanical identification methods, harvesting ethics, and more... Also...

There will be a diversity of amazing hands on presentations involving plants in every way!

•Herbalism classes

•Native American plant traditions

•biodynamic farming

•permaculture and ecoculture design

•primitive skills

•plant fiber cordage making

•Korean natural farming

•mushroom cultivation

•acorn processing

and more.

i will be leading plant walks focused on Botany by Family/Ethnobotany in general and exotic invasive uses and wild edibles, food as medicine plants in particular.

Time: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $25 - 30

Mar 07 2020
Mar 08 2020

Organic Grower's School

Mars Hill University

This will be the 27th annual iteration for one of the largest sutainable agriculture education symposiums in the country!

From the website: The Spring Conference is a one-of-a-kind event that offers regionally specific workshops on organic growing and sustainable living. Our mission is to provide down-to-earth, practical advice while remaining affordable and accessible.

i will be participating in a panel discussion along with Dr. Jeanine Davis from the NC State Mountail Horticultural and Crops Research Center and Osker Brown from Glorious Forest Farm.

The topic is Forest Gardening and the description from the website follows. With even a small shaded area, you can create a forest garden for food and medicine as well as a beautiful place in which to “forest bathe.” Learn the basics basics on how to grow, procure seeds and plants, and maintain a plentiful forest.

Time: 5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday Sunday
Fee: Variable

Feb 28 2020
Mar 02 2020

Florida Herbal Conference

Camp La Llanada on Tiger Lake: Lake Wales, FL

This is a favorite event of the year occuring at an awesome location with great class offerings, delicious food available and inspiring craft vendors. My classes this year follow.

Florida Woody Ethnobotany

Spend a class learning about trees and shrubs. We will go for a plant walk to learn how to identify a woody plant by the leaves, bark and other characteristics. Common and obscure uses for woody plants of the Floridian flora that may support overall health, well-being and sustenance will also be discussed.

Botanical Beverages of the World

Take an ethnobotanical tour with Marc Williams explorer of 30 countries and all fifty of the United States. We will look at some of the various beverages from cultural traditions in Florida and around the globe and talk about how they relate to health and well-being.

Botany (Intensive – Additional Fee)

Our botany intensive will focus on the families of plants found commonly in Florida. We will cover the differences in how plants look regarding leaves, flowers, fruits and other parts and how this may help in proper identification. The way plants are classified based on these features and more recently DNA will be discussed relative to how they are referred to scientifically. We will also look at the best book and web resources for the exploration of botany on the peninsula. The class will feature a powerpoint covering the major characteristics of botany in general and then we will examine various forms of plant material to further emphasize the lessons learned.

Fee: Variable

Feb 19 2020

Poisonous Plants of Paradise: Suncoast Fruit Club Monthly Meeting

Nokomis Community Center 234 East Nippino Trail Nokomis FL 34275

Florida is home to over 4,000 species of plants. Many of them are beautiful but deadly if ingested. We will explore through a Powerpoint presentation what plants to look out for specifically and what patterns to pay attention to even if you don’t know a plant’s certain identity. We will also discuss how some plants that are very toxic are used in crafts and jewelry. Plants that can cause rashes and other discomforts more mild than death will also be covered. This is an important class for anyone who loves to explore nature and especially for those who have small children.

Suncoast Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Club Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm.

Enjoy monthly guest lectures on tropical fruit, vegetables and related topics, a free tasting table, plant and seed exchange while enjoying the fellowship of new friends with similar interests.

Time: 6:30
Fee: Membership

Feb 08 2020

Winter Tree Identification A

North Carolina Arboretum

Limit: 24 students

Blue Ridge Naturalist Core Requirement

This class is now SOLD OUT. Please click here to be added to the wait list. 

Trees take on a whole new dimension in winter. Learn to identify winter trees based on silhouette, bark, twigs and other characteristics. We will start with a powerpoint that covers major concepts and terms, and review some of the best books for tackling this subject matter. We will finish the class with a sojourn outside of variable length depending on the weather.  Students should wear weather-appropriate clothing for the outdoors and bring a hand lens if available.

Time: 1 - 4 p.m.
Fee: $48 members $68 non-members

Oct 12 2018
Oct 14 2018

Ethnobiology Playshop

Hostel in the Forest outside of Brunswick, GA

Ethnobiology Playshop Extravaganza

This educational opportunity brings great knowledge and excitement to the Hostel in the Forest. Marc and Mycol return to one of their favorite classrooms with practical ecological identification of plants and mushrooms, as well as permaculture and fermentation techniques. We will share in the fresh local bounty, eating and drinking deliciously all the while elevating our collective wisdom around the wonder of biology!

Presentations will include:

Botany/Mycology 101 presentation, Wild Foods/Medicines walk, Super Food preparation presentation, Seedsaving and Agrobiodiversity talk, Botanical beach/estuary Walk, Fermentation Overview with Honey Mead Making and a Permaculture Ecological restoration talk. Botanical slide shows of various parts of the world including Latin America, Africa and Europe are also possible given interest.

WHEN: Please prepare to arrive Friday afternoon. Teachings will begin Friday evening and end Sunday afternoon.

Jim Veteto, PhD, is an anthropologist-anarchist-poet. He teaches cultural and environmental anthropology, ethnobotany, and Cherokee studies at Western Carolina University. Jim holds a B.A. in anthropology and English with a certificate in environmental ethics from the University of Georgia (UGA), an M.A. from Appalachian State University in Appalachian studies and sustainable development, and a PhD from UGA in ecological and environmental Anthropology. Veteto is the former president of the Culture and Agriculture section of the American Anthropological Association and directs the Southern Seed Legacy project and the Laboratory of Cultural and Environmental Anthropology. He walks the green path with over 400 species of plants at his non-profit land-based organization, Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies (AIMS)—which includes an heirloom seedbank, heirloom apple orchard and diverse cove-hardwood forest in Kituhwah Bioregion, USA. Jim has traveled throughout 46 of 50 US States and 13 countries, studying the plants along the way, and has done ethnobotanical fieldwork in Appalachia, the Ozarks, northern Mexico, British Columbia, and Costa Rica. He is the author or co-author of over 50 publications, including Environmental Anthropology Engaging Ecotopia: Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Ecovillages (Berghahn Books, 2013), The Slaw and the Slow Cooked: Culture and Barbecue in the Mid-South (Vanderbilt University Press, 2011), Place-Based Foods of Appalachia: From Rarity to Community Restoration and Market Recovery (University of Arizona Southwest Center/Renewing America’s Food Traditions, 2011), and Margaret’s Mead: Anthropological Inquiries into the Making and Sharing of Honey Wine (Culture and Agriculture Section of the American Anthropological Association, 2017). Jim and Marc teach ethnobotanical mead-making classes throughout the SE US and are currently working on a book that is will be the comprehensive authority on honey wine and ethnobotany. 

Marc Williams is an ethnobotanist. He has studied plants intensively while learning to use them for food, medicine, biological conservation, and beauty. His training includes a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies concentrating in Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College and a Master’s degree in Appalachian Studies concentrating in Sustainable Development with a minor in Geography and Planning from Appalachian State University. He has taught hundreds of people about the marvelous lives of plants and their respective uses. He is the Executive Director of Plants and Healers International and on the Board of Directors of the Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies. Marc first came to the Hostel in the Forest in March of 1998 and was immediately transformed through a first time sweat lodge experience with Tom Dennard the hostel founder. Like Mycol many of the principles that make the Hostel in the Forest such a special place have informed his expression of life in this world ever since. Further info can be found at where an online botany class in the tradition of Frank Cook is conducted by donation.


COST:  $175 - 225 per person which includes accommodations at the Hostel for Friday and Saturday night as well as a basic breakfast porridge, potluck lunches and beautiful vegetarian dinner on both nights. Please bring a food item or two you would like to share. Worktrade may be available for interested participants with limited funds. Write to with stated need and proposal.



BRING: Your notebook, any relevant books you have, a camera, a loupe (portable magnifying glass) if you have one, water bottle, rain coat etc. Handouts will be provided. 


To register contact by phone or the following website Phone: 912-264-9738

Fee: $175 - 225 sliding scale

Sep 28 2018
Sep 30 2018

Sharing Nature's Abundance

Sunnybank Inn at Hot Springs, NC

Come join Marc Williams and others at the historical Sunny Bank Inn located in Hot Springs, NC. This will be a learning opportunity in the tradition of Frank Cook who taught thousands of people how to enjoy the abundance of nature all around us. Our experience will begin with a dinner, greet, meet and orientation on Friday night. Saturday we will hike to a number of choice spots for foraging around the area while preparing and eating what we find through the day. After dinner Saturday we will head for a nice hot soak at the famous hot springs. Sunday we will do a review of what we have learned as well as a discussion of how to cement the knowledge and pursue further study. This is a great way to immerse oneself in the art of foraging while also enjoying a marvelous locale and the fellowship of good people.

Cost is $250 all inclusive of 2 nights at Sunnybank, 6 meals and a soak in the springs

Arrangements are available for day students and camping potentially as well…

Fee: $250

Sep 14 2018
Sep 16 2018

20th Annual Ohio Pawpaw Festival

Albany, OH

So excited to be part of this legendary festival with a presentation entitled the Pawpaw and its Tropical Relatives

Description from the website

2018 Ohio Pawpaw Festival

The 20th Annual Ohio Pawpaw Festival will be September 14-16, 2018. We hope you can  join the crowds of happy folks at scenic Lake Snowden in Albany, Ohio, for 3 days of pawpaw music, food, contests, art, history, education, sustainable living workshops, activities for the kids and lots more!

Friday: 4 p.m. - midnight
Saturday: 10 a.m. - midnight
Sunday: 10 a.m. - 5 pm

General Admission
$15/one-day pass; $30/weekend pass; children 12 & under free

Seniors/Military Admission
$10/one-day pass; $20/weekend pass

No Refunds; All Sales Final

NO DOGS allowed on festival grounds.  No weapons, outside alcohol, or illegal substances permitted.


Ohio Pawpaw Festival is located at 5900 US 50 West, Albany, OH.

More info at the link below

Fee: Variable Pricing

Aug 27 2018
Sep 02 2018

Afro-botany Conference

Puerto Viejo de Limon, Costa Rica

i am excited to be one of the keynote speakers at this upcoming 2nd annual conference. The main organizer Rachel Thomas is a dear friend and collaborator and the line-up of other presenters is stellar!

From the website...

Come to the beautiful Caribbean village of Puerto Viejo de Limon, Costa Rica to learn about plants in our magical garden. In a traditional style, we will celebrate Africana botanical traditions with a gathering of elders, teachers, students, plant lovers and community members, sharing wisdom as well as food, music, dance, ceremony.

Afro-Botany:  The interdisciplinary study and forthcoming implementation of traditional botanical strategies used by Africans and their descendants throughout the African Diaspora. Afro-botany includes ethnomedicine, history, environmental science, spirituality, trauma recovery, educational repatriation and health policy decolonization.

Mission:  To provide a safe, academic yet traditional community space to explore, experience and document the botanical and wellness knowledge of the African Diaspora, and to create relationships which empower us to contribute to the survival of Afro-botany and Traditional African Medicine.

More info at the link below

Fee: Variable Pricing

Aug 03 2018
Aug 05 2018

25th Annual SE Permaculture Gathering

Arthur Morgan School outside Celo, NC

Come to our annual gathering at the beautiful Arthur Morgan School in Celo, NC. This is certainly one of my favorites of all time, even in a place and a life with many amazing events! i will most definitely be helping to facilitate a plant/mushroom walk and will also be working in the kitchen if you want to help make food for everybody. Almost all the meals are sourced locally or from participants of the gathering.

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 31 2018

Forage to Feast

Todd, NC

From the website:

Usually in August each year – Wild foodies are in for a fabulous, tasty learning experience with one of the best, my mentor Marc Williams.

Starting at 5:00 pm, Marc will lead us on a plant walk around my land. Each of you will have a recipe to be responsible for and to forage for. After we have garbled our catch (my term for sorting our weeds), we will each cook an entree for our Mediterranean cuisine meal. Finally, we’ll feast on nature’s bounty and enjoy each other’s company as we sip Dandelion root coffee, Elderberry wine and enjoy a wild dessert. Plan on joining us and expanding your horizons. Rediscover the green gifts that God has so generously provided for our food and medicine. Reconnect to our roots. Reclaim knowledge that will feed your body and your spirit.

RSVP required. Cost $40 – $60 Pay what you can…Receive what you need! This is a valuable learning experience as well as a delicious nutritious meal. Go to the website link to register and for more info

Time: 4 - 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $40 - 60 Sliding Scale

Jul 27 2018
Jul 29 2018

Wild Herb Weekend

Valle Crucis, NC

i will just be tabling this year but am very excited to take in some of the classes on offer at this very imformative and friendly conference set at a gorgeous locale.

From the website:

The theme this year is Plants, People and Place Celebrating our Appalachian Roots

Wild Herb Weekend is our annual conference, held in the beautiful high mountain location of Valle Crucis, NC in late July. There is something for everyone at this intimate little conference. Whether you grow herbs for a hobby, use herbs for healing, or want to start a commercial herb operation, you will find many interesting sessions and hands-on workshops and plant walks to participate in!

See more information at the link below


Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 27 2018

Wild Food Walk

79 Maney Branch Rd, Weaverville, NC 28787-9751


Discover a world of wild edible possibilities around Herb Mountain Farm in Weaverville, NC. We are lucky to have traveling forager Robin Harford all the way from England. On Robin’s foraging walks he usually covers at minimum 20 wild food plants. He’ll show you how to identify wild edible plants using his unique ‘sensory method of plant identification’. You’ll learn how to cook, prepare and preserve the plants you find, as well as be immersed in their mystery, history and folklore. Sustainable foraging and safety guidelines are also covered. Robin sees foraging as an art, an ancient way to feed and sustain ourselves in a slow, graceful way. The very act of foraging is deeply healing and transformative and goes beyond simply putting food on the table. It opens you up to the mystery and wonderment of Life.

There is nothing more fulfilling than wandering around picking a bit here, a bit there, crushing, smelling, nibbling, only to return to your kitchen to prepare scrumptious food for loved ones. During your time together Robin will take you on a plant journey like no other you will have come across. He won’t be regurgitating facts and figures he’s simply read in books, he lives and breathes wild plants, and will teach you what the books simply cannot. Plants are his life, and he knows that once you have been touched by them, your life will be forever changed, and you’ll realize (even more than you do now) just what a wonderful gift you have been given. Welcome to the wild world of foraging and the ancient art of the forager.

Local foraging instructor and chef Marc Williams will also be aboard to collaborate with his good friend Robin who’s unusual presence in country is mainly due to attending the Plants and Healers International in person annual board meeting.

Herb Mountain Farm is a fabulous event facility located in a cove hardwood forest just 25 minutes from Asheville, NC. The land boasts over 600 documented plant species among a multitude of trails and will open in the fall with onsite lodging as well.

Income from this event benefits the work of 501c3 non-profit Plants and Healers International

Reserve now as space is limited! See link below


No Dogs! Sorry!!!


Robin Harford is an ethnobotanist, professional forager and wild food educator. He has been teaching people about their local edible landscape since 2008. Recently his foraging courses were voted #1 in the UK by BBC Countryfile. Robin has travelled extensively documenting and recording the traditional and local uses of wild food plants in indigenous cultures, and more recently his work has taken him to Africa, India, SE Asia and Europe. He is a co-director of Plants & Healers International, a non-profit that connects people, plants and healers around the world.


“Robin’s course was amazing! I urge anyone interested in foraging to do one before he stops. With so many edible plants to choose from his ‘sensory method’ is a flash of brilliance.” – Antony Christie BA (Hons), MSc

“Punk ambassador for the plant kingdom, Robin’s infectious encyclopaedic enthusiasm is borne from complete commitment to his chosen field. He imparts practical wisdom with engaging confidence, nurturing embodied understanding to lay open the mysteries of the cornucopia at our feet.” – Michael Kusz

“I truly was blown away – I absolutely loved the course – it was inspiring, totally and utterly captivating – I can’t remember the last time someone held my attention for so long – Robin is a brilliant teacher.” – Janet Allan

“We absolutely loved the course: fascinating and deeply therapeutic. Robin is a brilliant communicator and his courses are excellent value for money too.” – Naomi Cleaver – Channel 4 & Sky TV Presenter

“I went into the day knowing very little about edible plants, but your sheer enthusiasm and boundless knowledge quickly had me hooked! I felt that I learned so much from you. Not only about what you can and can’t do with the plants that are on our doorsteps, but also about getting back to trusting my instincts and listening to myself more. Thanks so much for a fantastic day and really helping to open my eyes to trusting my instincts again. It’s a real shame that you are slowing down on the teaching. So many people could learn so much from you.” – Lyndsey Mizen

“I got an enthusiasm, accessibility and connection with the plant kingdom I’ve never had before, even having spent decades of my life in green Sussex. I loved all the stories, the attitude and your humanity too.” – Clive Ardagh

“I think that the links you drew between the smells and tastes of the plants was fascinating. But the key feature of the experience was your insight and knowledge, put across to us in a very engaging and humorous way.” – Paul Rispolo


Time: 12 p.m. - 3p.m.
Fee: 20

Jul 25 2018

Forage and Finger Foods

Sunray Cove Candler, NC email marc for directions marc at


Discover a world of wild edible possibilities around Sun Ray Cove in Candler, NC. We are lucky to have traveling forager Robin Harford all the way from England. On Robin’s foraging walks he usually covers at minimum 20 wild food plants. He’ll show you how to identify wild edible plants using his unique ‘sensory method of plant identification’. You’ll learn how to cook, prepare and preserve the plants you find, as well as be immersed in their mystery, history and folklore. Sustainable foraging and safety guidelines are also covered. Robin sees foraging as an art, an ancient way to feed and sustain ourselves in a slow, graceful way. The very act of foraging is deeply healing and transformative and goes beyond simply putting food on the table. It opens you up to the mystery and wonderment of Life.

There is nothing more fulfilling than wandering around picking a bit here, a bit there, crushing, smelling, nibbling, only to return to your kitchen to prepare scrumptious food for loved ones. During your time together Robin will take you on a plant journey like no other you will have come across. He won’t be regurgitating facts and figures he’s simply read in books, he lives and breathes wild plants, and will teach you what the books simply cannot. Plants are his life, and he knows that once you have been touched by them, your life will be forever changed, and you’ll realize (even more than you do now) just what a wonderful gift you have been given. Welcome to the wild world of foraging and the ancient art of the forager.

Local foraging instructor and chef Marc Williams will also be aboard to collaborate with his good friend Robin who’s unusual presence in country is mainly due to attending the Plants and Healers International in person annual board meeting. Wild food enthusiasts and book authors Ashley and Glenn English will be our hosts.

The last part of this event will be a foraged finger food tasting session. Together we will craft delicious mouth-watering wild culinary delights. All dishes will feature foraged wild plant ingredients as well as local organic vegetables, hand-made ingredients and ferments. Nourishment of both body and soul are integral to the food we will create together. Let us craft food that is prepared with love, imagination, care and attention. Some examples of foods items we will feature include canapes with yogurt cheese, pimento cheese and toppings, chips, queen anne's lace hummus, salsa with bee balm, water melon salad with foraged foods pesto, pine needle soda and bliss balls.

Income from this event benefits the work of 501c3 non-profit Plants and Healers International

Reserve now as space is limited! See link below


Robin Harford is an ethnobotanist, professional forager and wild food educator. He has been teaching people about their local edible landscape since 2008. Recently his foraging courses were voted #1 in the UK by BBC Countryfile. Robin has travelled extensively documenting and recording the traditional and local uses of wild food plants in indigenous cultures, and more recently his work has taken him to Africa, India, SE Asia and Europe. He is a co-director of Plants & Healers International, a non-profit that connects people, plants and healers around the world.


“Robin’s course was amazing! I urge anyone interested in foraging to do one before he stops. With so many edible plants to choose from his ‘sensory method’ is a flash of brilliance.” – Antony Christie BA (Hons), MSc

“Punk ambassador for the plant kingdom, Robin’s infectious encyclopaedic enthusiasm is borne from complete commitment to his chosen field. He imparts practical wisdom with engaging confidence, nurturing embodied understanding to lay open the mysteries of the cornucopia at our feet.” – Michael Kusz

“I truly was blown away – I absolutely loved the course – it was inspiring, totally and utterly captivating – I can’t remember the last time someone held my attention for so long – Robin is a brilliant teacher.” – Janet Allan

“We absolutely loved the course: fascinating and deeply therapeutic. Robin is a brilliant communicator and his courses are excellent value for money too.” – Naomi Cleaver – Channel 4 & Sky TV Presenter

“I went into the day knowing very little about edible plants, but your sheer enthusiasm and boundless knowledge quickly had me hooked! I felt that I learned so much from you. Not only about what you can and can’t do with the plants that are on our doorsteps, but also about getting back to trusting my instincts and listening to myself more. Thanks so much for a fantastic day and really helping to open my eyes to trusting my instincts again. It’s a real shame that you are slowing down on the teaching. So many people could learn so much from you.” – Lyndsey Mizen

“I got an enthusiasm, accessibility and connection with the plant kingdom I’ve never had before, even having spent decades of my life in green Sussex. I loved all the stories, the attitude and your humanity too.” – Clive Ardagh

“I think that the links you drew between the smells and tastes of the plants was fascinating. But the key feature of the experience was your insight and knowledge, put across to us in a very engaging and humorous way.” – Paul Rispolo

Tickets at the following link

Time: 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $33

Jun 23 2018
Jul 14 2018

Rainbow Gathering

Southern Appalachia

The Rainbow Gathering is in some National Forest in a different state each year. The location this year will be somewhere in New England but the exact site is still to be announced. The actual location will be on the welcomehome website by mid June. Rainbow is certainly the most economical opportunity to learn plants in a deep way…All classes at Rainbow cost no money and there are of ton of different opportunities…We walk and talk about plants everyday and try to identify whatever we see. i will be there roughly from around 6/30-7/7

See more at the website link

Fee: Priceless and by Donation

May 25 2018
May 28 2018

Wild Crafting and Medicine Making Intensive

From the website...

Do you want to take the power of healing into your own hands?  Are you skeptical of conventional Western medicine and pharmaceutical drugs?  Do you want to learn to recognize and work with plant allies?  Are you drawn to wildcrafting, but feel intimidated?  This is the class for you!  It’s an herbal medicine training that will empower you to identify and utilize plants — both wild and cultivated — for healing and vitality.   

Join our inspired and experienced team of herbalists, artesans, and ethnobotanists for this 4-day intensive.  You will leave with a basket full of homemade medicines (made by you!), plus the knowledge of how to make more — from plants growing all around you.  

i will be teaching about botany and making pesto from 2 - 5:30 on 5/25

Fee: Variable Pricing

May 11 2018
May 13 2018

LEAF Festival

Lake Eden at Camp Rockmount outside Black Mountain, NC

LEAF is one of my all time favorite festivals! Great music, food, poetry slams, zip lines, drum circles, contra dancing, healing arts, Earth skills and general all around great group of people to share it with! i will be leading a Wildflower Plant Walk on Saturday for an hour and honoring the legacy of Frank Cook who passed away almost 9 years ago.

Fee: Variable pricing

Feb 23 2018
Feb 25 2018

Florida Herbal Conference

Camp Lallanada near Lake Walkes, FL


Spend a class learning about trees and shrubs. We will go for a plant walk to learn how to identify a woody plant by the leaves, bark and other characteristics. Common and obscure uses for woody plants of the Floridian flora that may support overall health, well-being and sustenance will also be discussed.


Plants and Healers International is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to continuing the work of ethnobotanist and humanitarian Frank Cook. The main mission is to foster the further development of society in harmony with the natural world. Frank took numerous trips to Florida as part of his prolific travels around the world. We will explore the resources that are available through PHI to help interested parties learn more about the healing plants and people of Florida as well as places like Jamaica, Latin America, South Africa, India, Nepal, North America and beyond.

BOTANY BASICS: An Intensive ($40 additional fee)

Our botany intensive will focus on the families of plants found commonly in Florida. We will cover the differences in how plants look regarding leaves, flowers, fruits and other parts and how this may help in proper identification. The way plants are classified based on these features and more recently DNA will be discussed relative to how they are referred to scientifically. We will also look at the best book and web resources for the exploration of botany on the peninsula. The class will feature a powerpoint covering the major characteristics of botany in general and then we will examine various forms of plant material to further emphasize the lessons learned.

See more at the following link

2819 Tiger Lake Rd, Lake Wales, FL

Fee: Variable pricing

Feb 18 2018

Ethnobotany Walk

Ft. King National Historic Landmark outside Ocala, FL

Spend this class learning about trees and shrubs from ethnobiologist Marc Williams. We will go for a plant walk to learn how to identify a woody plant by the leaves, bark and other characteristics. Common and obscure uses for woody plants of the Floridian flora that may support overall health, well-being and sustenance will also be discussed. This program is free and open to the public.

3925 E Fort King St. Ocala, Florida 34470

Time: 2 p.m. - 4p.m.
Fee: Free

Feb 16 2018

Poisonous Plants of Paradise

Naples Botanical Garden

Florida is home to over 4,000 species of plants. Some of them are beautiful, but deadly if ingested. In this program, you’ll learn what plants to look out for specifically and what patterns to pay attention to even if you are uncertain about a plant’s identity. We will also discuss how some plants that are very toxic are used in crafts and jewelry. Plants that can cause rashes and other discomforts will also be covered. This class is important for anyone who loves to explore nature and especially for those who have small children.

Go to the following link for more information and to register

Time: 2 p.m. - 4p.m.
Fee: $15 - 20

Feb 14 2018

Food as Medicine

Nokomis, FL Community Center

Food as medicine is a concept that is rooted in the healing systems of Ancient Greece, China, India, and others. It is well known that various compounds such as antioxidants and bitters are helpful in promoting overall health and well-being. Classes of plants, such as adaptogens, make up a large part of the current superfood trends in our society. Marc Williams will present an overview of plants located in the subtropical and tropical realms around Florida that represent prime examples of how food can be medicine, as well as some fascinating stories of how these plants and humans have interacted over time.

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the
Nokomis Community Center 234 East Nippino Trail Nokomis, FL 34275

Enjoy monthly guest lectures on tropical fruit, vegetables and related topics, a free tasting table, plant and seed  exchange while enjoying the fellowship of new friends with similar interests.

Time: 6:30 P.M.

Feb 08 2018
Feb 11 2018

Florida Earthskills Gathering

Little Orange Creek Nature Preserve

From the website.

With more than 70 instructors sharing skills for adults, teens and kids, plus morning and evening programming, there’s something for everyone to enjoy! The Florida Earthskills Gathering is a unique blend of enthusiasts who bring abundant skills and a great spirit of co-creation to this homespun gathering. By gathering here, we acknowledge that the time is ripe for modern, “civilized” humans to become more ecologically aware, to reclaim the true meaning of sustainability, and to help grow a culture of thriving which can only be achieved by living in symbiosis with each other and with our beloved Earth.

My classes are below

2/8/2017 (Thursday) Afternoon Florida Woody Ethnobotany
Spend a class learning about trees and shrubs. We will go for a plant walk to learn how to identify a woody plant by the leaves, bark and other characteristics. Common and obscure uses for woody plants of the Floridian flora that may support overall health, well-being and sustenance will also be discussed.
2/9/2017 (Friday) Afternoon Plant Family Patterns: The Key to See
Plant Family Patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 300,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and over 400 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes including all but extreme southern Florida. You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk around the Little Orange Creek park where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility, medicinality, craft, wildlife promotion and landscape beauty will be discussed. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.
2/10/2017 (Saturday) Afternoon

Challenges and Opportunities with Exotic Invasive Plants

We will focus in this class on plant family patterns and what they indicate regarding identification and ethnobotanical application of exotic invasive plants for food, medicine and beauty. A review of the ethnobotanical literature helps underpin the opportunities to employ these plants and effectively make use of a problem by turning it into a resource. We will take a walk and pursue an in depth look at some of the prime species of plants occurring on the Little Orange Creek Nature center property

Fee: Variable pricing

Feb 04 2018

Imbolc Introduction to Mead Making

Folklore in Boone

Come join us as world renowned Ethnobotanist, Marc Williams, teaches traditional honey mead making using herbal ingredients that honor and celebrate the Imbolc passage of year. Marc has been teaching botany, wild edible lore, and about the many uses and traditions of the rich abundance of the plants around us for many years. His passion of the plant nations comes thru to his pupils in a powerful way that instills a reverance and overall connection to the wild. We are thrilled he is coming as we also celebrate Imbolc, the half way point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. This is a powerful point in the year that has been an important guidepost for farmers and medicine makers for centuries. Feb. 4th from 3pm to 6pm. There is a $20 to $40 sliding scale on this workshop.

See more information at the following Facebook link

Folklore is located at 2208 US Hwy 421 N, Ste.1, Boone NC 28607

Time: 3p.m. - 6p.m.
Fee: $20 - 40 Sliding Scale

Jan 28 2018

Supernatural Sodas Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Villagers in West Asheville

Just in time to make something special for Valentine's Day! Learn or further explore the ancient art of beverage fermentation. We will discuss everything from sodas for the children to magical health supportive formulations and loving libations for your sweetie and friends. The class will include handouts, tastings, snacks and some demonstration beverage crafting too!

278 Haywood Road, Asheville, NC 28806


Go to the following link to register


Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $25 - 50 Sliding Scale

Jan 27 2018

Winter Tree ID

NC Arboretum in Bent Creek

Trees take on a whole new dimension in winter. This is particularly true for deciduous species. Identifying and observing trees in winter can be a fun and rewarding activity. In this class, students will view trees in the landscape and woodland and learn to identify them based on silhouette, bark, twigs and other characteristics. Participants will receive the booklet “Winter Tree Finder.” This class fulfills a core requirement for the Blue Ridge Naturalist Certificate.

Go to the following link to register

Time: 1 - 4 p.m.
Fee: Variable pricing

Jan 26 2018

AIMS Orchard Pruning Party

Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies (AIMS)

From the Facebook Event: See following link for further info

Have you ever been curious about the art & science of pruning fruit trees? Come on out to the Appalachian Insitute for Mountain Studies (AIMS) and join ethnobotanist orchardists Jim Veteto and Marc Williams in this hands-on pruning workshop in the AIMS JR Dawkins Appalachian Hierloom Apple Orchard. If yoiu are an experienced pruner, please come out so we can pair you with those with less experience. If you are inexperienced, come and learn. This will help increase tree health & apple production for our free community apple pressing days in the summer & fall. To conclude, we will sample a fermented beverage made directly from the orchard, offer some to the apple spirits, join hands around the largest tree in the orchard and recite and ancient poem or two, while participating in the ancient English tradition of Wassailing! the tree in order to promote good health & harvest for the orchard during the upcoming growing season.

120 Prairie Sky Lane, Burnsville, NC 28714

Time: 12 - 5 p.m.
Fee: By donation

Nov 28 2017
Dec 03 2017

Cultures of Fermentation

Marriot Washington, D.C. Wardman Park

This will be a round table discussion at the 116th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association. i will also be a co-presenter with Dr. Jim Veteto on a paper detailing the mead making traditions of Western North Carolina on Sunday. You can see a link to a zine that we and others crafted for the ocassion at the following link...

Time: 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Fee: Variable pricing

Nov 09 2017
Nov 17 2017

Plants and Healers International Ethnobotanical Trip to Peru

Sacred Valley of Peru and Thereabouts

Come and join members of Plants and Healers International for a memorable and educational immersion into the mountains and valleys, forests and jungles of Peru, to discover and reconnect to the plants and the healers of this remarkable region.

Plants and Healers International is following in the footsteps of botanical explorer and humanitarian Frank Cook leading plant focused trips around the world. We organized one tour to Costa Rica in March 2016 and the tour described below to the Andes of Peru in December 2016. The Andean highlands have long been a source and destination for people seeking health and connection to the Mother Earth. This winter, you can be one of the few that makes the journey, and brings back the knowledge!

See more at the following link

Fee: $1,495

Oct 29 2017

Fall Tree ID

NC Arboretum in Bent Creek

Many trees in the Appalachian Mountains of Western North Carolina combine to create a spectacular foliage color show during the autumn months. This class covers the biology of what causes seasonal color change and teaches participants how to identify trees in autumn by their colored leaves, fruit and other botanical characteristics. This class fulfills a core requirement for the Blue Ridge Naturalist Certificate.


See more at the following link


Time: 1 - 4:00 p.m.
Fee: Variable pricing

Oct 28 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December. Free appetizers with dinner reservation $75, kids 4-10 half-price. Private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Oct 19 2017
Oct 22 2017

LEAF Festival

Lake Eden at Camp Rockmount outside Black Mountain, NC

This is my favorite festival ever! Think healing arts, earth skills, contra dancing, poetry slamming, amazing music and food to boot! i will be leading a plant walk focusing on autumn trees on Saturday 10/22 from the Earthskills area.

More information at the website.

Time: 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Fee: Variable Pricing

Oct 18 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December. Free appetizers with dinner reservation $75, kids 4-10 half-price. Private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Oct 14 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December. Free appetizers with dinner reservation $75, kids 4-10 half-price. Private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Oct 11 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December. Free appetizers with dinner reservation $75, kids 4-10 half-price. Private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Oct 06 2017
Oct 09 2017

Ethnobiology Playshop

Hostel in the Forest outside of Brunswick, GA

Ethnobiology Playshop Extravaganza

This educational opportunity brings great knowledge and excitement to the Hostel in the Forest. Marc and Mycol return to one of their favorite classrooms with practical ecological identification of plants and mushrooms, as well as permaculture and fermentation techniques. We will share in the fresh local bounty, eating and drinking deliciously all the while elevating our collective wisdom around the wonder of biology!

Presentations will include:

Botany/Mycology 101 presentation, Wild Foods/Medicines walk, Super Food preparation presentation, Botanical beach/estuary Walk, Fermentation Overview with Honey Mead Making and a Permaculture Ecological restoration talk. Botanical slide shows of various parts of the world including Latin America, Africa and Europe are also possible given interest.

WHEN: Please prepare to arrive Friday afternoon. Teachings will begin Friday evening and end Sunday afternoon.

Mycol Stevens has a Master’s Degree in Aquatic Ecology and worked as a restoration ecologist/botanist for the Florida Fish and Game across the state of FL from 2004-2014. He has traveled much of Central and South America and Africa, and has learned from some of the best teachers including Frank Cook and Robert Hunsucker. Mycol has been teaching ethnobotany and edible mushrooms since 2005. He also lives off-the-grid on an “ecocentric” permaculture homestead where he eats from the wild almost daily and propagates and cultivates his own organic foods. Mycol’s philosophy is to ween off the “system” and to eat your food as medicine. Mycol has been inspired by the Hostel since the mid 90’s and much of its philosophy is reflected in his way of life. Knowing the living world around you, connects you to the living world. Mycol hosts (Willing Workers On Organic Farms, (WWOOFers) at his Finca. Contact him if you are interested in visiting. He also is the host of the annual mushroom teaching in July on the Finca.

Marc Williams is an ethnobotanist. He has studied plants intensively while learning to use them for food, medicine, biological conservation, and beauty. His training includes a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies concentrating in Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College and a Master’s degree in Appalachian Studies concentrating in Sustainable Development with a minor in Geography and Planning from Appalachian State University. He has taught hundreds of people about the marvelous lives of plants and their respective uses. He is the Executive Director of Plants and Healers International and on the Board of Directors of the Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies. Marc first came to the Hostel in the Forest in March of 1998 and was immediately transformed through a first time sweat lodge experience with Tom Dennard the hostel founder. Like Mycol many of the principles that make the Hostel in the Forest such a special place have informed his expression of life in this world ever since. Further info can be found at where an online botany class in the tradition of Frank Cook is conducted by donation.

COST:  $200 per person which includes accommodations at the Hostel for Friday and Saturday night as well as a basic breakfast porridge, potluck lunches and beautiful vegetarian dinner on both nights. Please bring a food item or two you would like to share. Worktrade may be available for interested participants with limited funds. Write to with stated need and proposal.

BRING: Your notebook, any relevant books you have, a camera, a loupe (portable magnifying glass) if you have one, water bottle, rain coat etc. Handouts will be provided. 

To register contact by phone or the following website Phone: 912-264-9738

Fee: $200

Sep 03 2017

Supernatural Sodas Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Jim Duke's Green Farmacy Garden outside Fulton, MD

Come join us at the legendary Green Farmacy garden of extraordinary ethnobotanist Jim Duke for a class on the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various drinks while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special sodas and liqueurs. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created items to please any palate! A plant walk and foraging tour will also be part of the educational offerings. Please help spread the word to people in the area!

8210 Murphy Road Fulton, MD 20759

See more at the following links

Time: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Fee: $25 - 40 Sliding Scale

Sep 02 2017

Plant Family Patterns

Jim Duke's Green Farmacy Garden outside Fulton, MD

Plant Family Patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 300,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and close to 500 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes. You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies.

However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk around the legendary Green Farmacy garden of Jim Duke where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility, medicinality, craft, wildlife promotion and landscape beauty as well as potential invasiveness will be discussed. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.

8210 Murphy Road Fulton, MD 20759

See more at the following links


Time: 2 p.m. - 4p.m.
Fee: $15 - 25 Sliding Scale

Sep 01 2017

Appalachian Ethnobotany

Paris Apothecary

From the event site:

Please join the Paris Apothecary in welcoming Marc Williams, Exec. Director for Plants & Healers International, for an incredibly fascinating talk on Appalachian Ethnobotany!

Ethnobotany is the study of the connections between plants and people. In this talk we will first cover the history of study and the geology of the Appalachian mountains. Next will be taking a look at the botanical traditions of indigenous groups and later settlers. A particular focus on food, medicine, and crafts will be highlighted. The effect of exotic invasive plants on the Appalachian ecosystem as well as their potential use within the framework of wild edible foraging and fermentation will be discussed as well.

Paris Apothecary 692 Federal Street Paris, VA 20130

Kids 12 & under are free - Please still register them on the ticketing website!

IMPORTANT: Please PARK in the Ashby Inn & Restaurant Parking Lot located behind the Inn/Apothecary on Gap Run Road. There is a large gravel overflow lot. There is very limited parking available in front of the Apothecary. Any questions? Please contact

More info at the following links

Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Fee: $15

Aug 26 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December. Free appetizers with dinner reservation $75, kids 4-10 half-price. Private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Aug 19 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December. Free appetizers with dinner reservation $75, kids 4-10 half-price. Private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Aug 03 2017
Aug 06 2017

Permaculture Gathering

Arthur Morgan School outside Celo, NC

Come to our annual gathering at the beautiful Arthur Morgan School in Celo, NC. This is certainly one of my favorites of all time, even in a place and a life with many amazing events! i will most definitely be helping to facilitate a plant walk and will also be working in the kitchen if you want to help make food for everybody. Almost all the meals are sourced locally or from participants of the gathering.

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 31 2017

Forage and Feast

Todd, NC

From the website:

Usually in August each year – Wild foodies are in for a fabulous, tasty learning experience with one of the best, my mentor Marc Williams.

Starting at 5:00 pm, Marc will lead us on a plant walk around my land. Each of you will have a recipe to be responsible for and to forage for. After we have garbled our catch (my term for sorting our weeds), we will each cook an entree for our Mediterranean cuisine meal. Finally, we’ll feast on nature’s bounty and enjoy each other’s company as we sip Dandelion root coffee, Elderberry wine and enjoy a wild dessert. Plan on joining us and expanding your horizons. Rediscover the green gifts that God has so generously provided for our food and medicine. Reconnect to our roots. Reclaim knowledge that will feed your body and your spirit.

RSVP required. Cost $40 – $60 Pay what you can…Receive what you need! This is a valuable learning experience as well as a delicious nutritious meal. Go to the website link to register and for more info

Fee: $40 - 60 Sliding Scale

Jul 21 2017
Jul 23 2017

Wild Herb Weekend

Valle Crucis Conference Center outside Boone, NC

i will lead a few classes at the 2016 Wild Herb Weekend as part of my first ever keynote presentation to a gathering. Quite the honor for the 30th annual iteration of something i have been attending for over a decade.  Many other awesome teachers will be presenting including Dr. Jeanine Davis .


See more at the website!

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 12 2017
Jul 14 2017

The Future of Ginseng and Forest Botanicals Symposium

Waterfront Place Hotel, Morgantown, WV

This symposium, spearheaded by United Plant Savers and in collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), is a forum for presenting current research and documenting critical new information about the conservation, cultivation, and commerce of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and other Appalachian forest botanicals. This 3-day symposium will provide a forum to bring together a diverse array of stakeholders involved in the management and regulation of forest botanicals in Appalachia, including federal and state agencies, tribal representatives, academics, landowners, collectors, and the herbal products industry. The symposium will also include a poster session. Proceedings of the symposium will be published online on the United Plant Savers website. Detailed information is on the website.

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jun 30 2017
Jul 05 2017

National Rainbow Gathering

National Forest in Oregon

The Rainbow Gathering is in some National Forest in a different state each year. The location this year will be somewhere in Oregon but the exact site is still to be announced. The actual location will be on the welcomehome website by mid June. Rainbow is certainly the most economical opportunity to learn plants in a deep way…All classes at Rainbow cost no money and there are of ton of different opportunities tpo learn…We walk and talk about plants everyday and try to identify whatever we see. i will be there roughly from around 6/30-7/5

See more at the website

Fee: Priceless!

Jun 02 2017
Jun 05 2017

Medicines From the Earth

Blue Ridge Assembly outside Black Mountain, NC

This conference has a very deep focus on the medicinal aspects of plants. Many walks are included in the program with the likes of Doug Elliot and CoreyPine Shane. The incredible line up of other teachers includes David Winston, Kathleen Maier, Mary Bove, Teresa Boardwine, David Crow, Roy Upton, Jill Stansbury, Donald Yance, Aviva Romm, Tori Hudson, Deborah Frances, Vicky Shufer and others. i will be leading a plant walk about Botany by Family and leading a cooking demonstration focused on Wild Foods Cooking.

Contact Info:

Fee: Variable Pricing

May 27 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-October, 9 am-12:30 pm

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Fee: $75

May 11 2017
May 14 2017

The LEAF Festival

Lake Eden and Camp Rockmont

LEAF is one of my all time favorite festivals! Great music, food, poetry slams, zip lines, drum circles, contra dancing, healing arts, Earth skills and general all around great group of people to share it with! i will be leading a Wildflower Plant Walk on Saturday for an hour and honoring the legacy of Frank Cook who passed away almost 8 years ago.

Contact Info:

Time: 1:45 - 2:45 p.m.
Fee: Sliding Scale but buy in Advance

May 05 2017
May 07 2017

Asheville Herb Festival

Western North Carolina Farmers Market

i will be helping my friends Mateo Ryall of HerbandRoots Nursery and Robert Eidus of Eagle Feather Farm at the 27th annual Asheville Herb Festival! i will also be tabling for Plants and Healers International with an assortment of information to share.

Time: Business Hours

Apr 29 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home has done wild food adventures since 1995.
They sponsor three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December, from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November.

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome and an introductory e-book is included.
Free appetizers with dinner reservation. Price is $75, kids 4-10 half-price
Private outings are also available.

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Fee: $75

Apr 15 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home has done wild food adventures since 1995.
They sponsor three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December, from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November.

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome and an introductory e-book is included.
Free appetizers with dinner reservation. Price is $75, kids 4-10 half-price
Private outings are also available.

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Fee: $75

Apr 12 2017

No Taste Like Home Tour

Rise Up Rooted Farm

No Taste Like Home has done wild food adventures since 1995.
They sponsor three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December, from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November.

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome and an introductory e-book is included.
Free appetizers with dinner reservation. Price is $75, kids 4-10 half-price
Private outings are also available.

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Fee: $75

Feb 24 2017
Feb 26 2017

Florida Herbal Conference

Retreats by the Lake 2819 Tiger Lake Rd, Lake Wales, FL

i will be offering classes on Florida Woody Ethnobotany, Botany by Family, and Florida First Nations Ethnobotany

See further description of the event from the website

The 6th annual Florida Herbal Conference is a gathering to connect and empower our bioregional herbalist community, featuring over 40 workshops for all levels of interest and experience, alongside inspiring music, nutritious food, and herbal artisans, all in a beautiful lakeside setting.

Workshops focus on bioregional, earth-centered herbalism, with topics including clinical herbalism, herbal crafts, herbal tradition and history, medicine making, plant identification walks and many hands-on demonstrations. The weekend also includes a marketplace of herbal vendors, musical activities each evening, fun herbal activities during free time, guided movement activities throughout the weekend, a powerful fire circle, and regional mixers.

The Florida Herbal Conference is intended to provide a weekend for herbal enthusiasts of our southern state to learn from each other, wise teachers, and the plants themselves; to build relationships with herbal sisters and brothers from the region; and to get grounded in their herbal practice through education, fellowship, and community in nature.

Enjoy three days of classes and hands-on workshops taught by some of the most knowledgeable and inspiring teachers in Florida. Meet your regional neighbors and build networking and relationships. Enjoy time on the beautiful Tiger Lake or on a plant hike, or take a movement class to get grounded and centered in your own healing. With a focus on the healing flora of Florida, our conference seeks to not only educate but to advocate for the conservation and preservation of our bioregional ecology.  Together, we gather to begin the process of healing ourselves and each other as we also heal the planet.

The Florida Herbal Conference is presented by the Florida School of Holistic Living and Leaves and Roots.

Fee: Variable Pricing

Feb 18 2017
Feb 19 2017

South Florida Permaculture Convergence

The Happehatchee Center Estero, FL

From the website

Decolonize the Coconut:
A South Florida Permaculture Convergence
February 18th-19th, 2017

Rising out of the regional breakouts at the 2016 Florida Permaculture Convergence, we invite our Greater-Everglades Network to come together to teach, learn, and love, as we build relationships and resiliency as a climate zone and region.

Coconuts are a highly valued source of food and medicine throughout tropical regions of the world.  The island nations of the South Pacific have a deep reverence for this tree, often referred to as the tree of life.  It supplies them with all that they need- raw materials for building, fibers for making ropes, mats, and even clothes.  The flesh and water provide nourishment and medicine and the oil is used for cooking and lamp oil.  In Hinduism, the three indentions on the seeds represents Lord Shiva, and these seeds are offered in many ceremonies.  When the hard shell is ceremonially split, it represents the breaking of the ego.   The coconut water contains the same electrolyte balance as blood.  

On January 18th and 19th, lets come together to decolonize the coconut and rewild our South Florida community. 

COCONUT DRIVE: we will be processing coconuts all weekend to go into meals.  BRING COCONUTS! 

This event is capped at 75 persons! REGISTER NOW!

Fee: $90 - 120 Sliding Scale

Feb 18 2017

Food as Medicine

Naples Botanical Gardens

Food as medicine is a concept that is rooted in the healing systems of Ancient Greece, China, India, and others. It is well known that various compounds such as antioxidants and bitters are helpful in promoting overall health and well-being. Classes of plants, such as adaptogens, make up a large part of the current superfood trends in our society. Marc Williams will present an overview of plants located in the subtropical and tropical realms around south Florida that represent prime examples of how food can be medicine, as well as some fascinating stories of how these plants and humans have interacted over time

Food as medicine is a concept that is rooted in the healing systems of Ancient Greece, China, India, and others. It is well known that various compounds such as antioxidants and bitters are helpful in promoting overall health and well-being. Classes of plants, such as adaptogens, make up a large part of the current superfood trends in our society. Marc Williams will present an overview of plants located in the subtropical and tropical realms around south Florida that represent prime examples of how food can be medicine, as well as some fascinating stories of how these plants and humans have interacted over time. - See more at:
Time: 1 - 3 p.m.
Fee: $15 - 20

Feb 17 2017

Floridian First Nations Ethnobotany

Naples Botanical Gardens

In this lecture participants will explore the various indigenous applications of plants from the southeast and Florida specifically as we discuss different ecoregions of the state. Some uses will include those for food, medicine, craft materials and ceremony. Tribes such as the Calusa, Timucua, Seminole, Miccosukee and Creek will be a particular focus.

In this lecture participants will explore the various indigenous applications of plants from the southeast and Florida specifically as we discuss different ecoregions of the state. Some uses will include those for food, medicine, craft materials and ceremony. Tribes such as the Calusa, Timucua, Seminole, Miccosukee and Creek will be a particular focus.In this lecture participants will explore the various indigenous applications of plants from the southeast and Florida specifically as we discuss different ecoregions of the state. Some uses will include those for food, medicine, craft materials and ceremony. Tribes such as the Calusa, Timucua, Seminole, Miccosukee and Creek will be a particular focus. - See more at: this lecture participants will explore the various indigenous applications of plants from the southeast and Florida specifically as we discuss different ecoregions of the state. Some uses will include those for food, medicine, craft materials and ceremony. Tribes such as the Calusa, Timucua, Seminole, Miccosukee and Creek will be a particular focus. - See more at:
In this lecture participants will explore the various indigenous applications of plants from the southeast and Florida specifically as we discuss different ecoregions of the state. Some uses will include those for food, medicine, craft materials and ceremony. Tribes such as the Calusa, Timucua, Seminole, Miccosukee and Creek will be a particular focus. - See more at:
Time: 1 - 3 p.m.
Fee: $15 - 20

Feb 09 2017
Feb 12 2017

Florida Earthskills Gathering

Little Orange Creek Nature Park outside Hawthorne, FL

From the website.

With more than 70 instructors sharing skills for adults, teens and kids, plus morning and evening programming, there’s something for everyone to enjoy! The Florida Earthskills Gathering is a unique blend of enthusiasts who bring abundant skills and a great spirit of co-creation to this homespun gathering. By gathering here, we acknowledge that the time is ripe for modern, “civilized” humans to become more ecologically aware, to reclaim the true meaning of sustainability, and to help grow a culture of thriving which can only be achieved by living in symbiosis with each other and with our beloved Earth.

My classes are below

2/9/2017 (Thursday) Afternoon Florida Woody Ethnobotany
Spend a class learning about trees and shrubs. We will go for a plant walk to learn how to identify a woody plant by the leaves, bark and other characteristics. Common and obscure uses for woody plants of the Floridian flora that may support overall health, well-being and sustenance will also be discussed.
2/10/2017 (Friday) Afternoon Plant Family Patterns: The Key to See
Plant Family Patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 300,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and over 400 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes including all but extreme southern Florida. You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk around the Little Orange Creek park where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility, medicinality, craft, wildlife promotion and landscape beauty will be discussed. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.
2/11/2017 (Saturday) Afternoon Southeast Indigenous Ethnobotany
We will explore the various Indigenous applications of plants from the southeast and Florida specifically as we walk around the gathering grounds. Tribes such as the Calusa, Timucua, Seminole, Miccosukee and Creek will be a particular focus.
Fee: Variable Pricing

Jan 26 2017

Winter Tree ID

NC Arboretum in Bent Creek, NC

In winter, trees take on a whole new dimension. This is particularly true for the deciduous species. Identifying and observing trees in winter can be a fun and rewarding activity. In this class we will view trees in the landscape and woodland and learn to identify them based on silhouette, bark, twigs and other characteristics. Participants will receive the booklet Winter Tree Finder. This class fulfills a core requirement for the Blue Ridge Naturalist Certificate.

Time: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Dec 01 2016
Sep 09 2016

Ethnobotanical Tour in Peru

Cusco, Peru and the Surrounds

The Andean highlands have long been a source and destination for people seeking health and connection to the Mother Earth. This winter, you can be one of the few that makes the journey, and brings back the knowledge! Following in the footsteps of legendary botanical explorer Frank Cook.

We will spend time in the Sacred Valley including Ollantaytambo and Pisac visiting the Salt Flats of Salinas, the ruins of Puma Marka and of course one of the travel thrills of a lifetime Machu Picchu.

We will explore botanical gardens and museums all the while focusing on ways to learn the identification of plants efficiently and also what their ethnobotanical applications may be. A variety of teachers will enrich the educational experience covering a multitude of healing modalities and healing products.

For more info go to the website of Plants and Healers International

Some sliding scale/work trade/scholarship may be available depending on interest. Contact marc at for more info.

Fee: $1,750

Nov 10 2016

Ginseng Conference

Madison County Agricultural Extension - 258 Carolina Lane , Marshall, NC 28753

Description from the registration page below

Come join us for this one day extravaganza of organic ginseng, knowledge, experience and current events. Speakers include Joe Hollis: Asian, American ginseng and Jiaogulan. Marc Williams: Value added products including wild honey and wild ginseng. Joe Ager: NC ginseng legislation. Chip Carroll: Recent American Ginseng Summit. Robert Eidus: Alternative organic fungicides. Gary Kauffman: Ginseng law enforcement discussion. Ross Young will host. More speakers TBA. Please register and pay through Eventbrite or visit our event on Facebook at  to print and mail in the registration form along with a check to reserve your spot.


Time: 9 - 5 p.m.
Fee: $30

Nov 04 2016
Nov 06 2016

Carolina Farm Stewardship - Sustainable Agriculture Conference

Imperial Hilton Durham, NC

Join us at the 31st Annual CFSA Sustainable Agriculture Conference

Plan to join us in fabulous, foodie Durham for top-notch speakers, hands-on intensives and tours, great networking opportunities, and, of course, our famous local, organic meals! It’s the Farm and Food event of the year! My class will focus is still to be determined.


Oct 30 2016

Fermentation Extravaganza

Pickard's Mountain Eco-Institute

Come join ethnobotanist Marc Williams for an applied class in making healthy probiotic foods. This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. We will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then do a short plant walk to find some wild ingredients and then follow by crafting some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Essene Bread, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir, Yogurt Cheese, Seed Cheeses and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.
Worth it for the food and handouts alone!!!
Join us as we explore how fermentation can enhance our health!  
Fermented foods and drinks offer live probiotics and more available nutrients.
Learn why ancient cultures have treasured these processes through the ages!

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

Time: 2 - 5:30

Oct 29 2016

Forage and Feast

Pickard's Mountain Eco-Institute

This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the green wall and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us.

Scholarships and Work Trade Available! Register below via the website.

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

Time: 2 - 7 p.m.

Oct 21 2016
Oct 23 2016

LEAF Festival Plant Walk

Lake Eden Black Mountain, NC

This is my favorite festival ever! Think healing arts, earth skills, contra dancing, poetry slamming, amazing music and food to boot! i will be leading a plant walk focusing on autumn trees on Saturday 10/22 from the Earthskills area.

More information at the website.


Oct 16 2016

Fall Tree Identification

North Carolina Arboretum Bent Creek, NC

Spend an afternoon learning about woody plants. The class will start with a presentation about major tree and shrub families and will then go outside for a plant walk to learn how to identify a woody plant by the color of its leaves and other characteristics in the fall. Common and obscure uses for woody plants that may support overall health, well-being and sustenance will also be discussed. Wear appropriate clothing for walking outside.

Go to the following link for more details.

Time: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Oct 09 2016

All Things Apple

Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies

Come out for an exploration of this amazingly versatile and favored fruit of the temperate world

The day will feature apple tasting, cider pressing/tasting, jelly/sauce making, cobbler baking & more

A potluck for dinner will happen around 6:30

Activities will all occur at the Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies (AIMS)

120 Prairie Sky Lane Burnsville, NC

This location features an established orchard with over 50 varieties of apples and a beautiful Appalachian rich cove forest.

$10-30 Suggested Donation will go to support the work of AIMS and Marc Williams

Time: 1 - 7 p.m.
Fee: $10-30 Suggested Donation

Oct 08 2016

Forage and Feast

Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary Outside Leicester, NC

We will meet at Soulflower Botanical sanctuary in Leicester, NC. We will talk for about ½ hour then walk for about 2 hours and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes.


Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine. Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region.Knowledge of some problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be.Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles.Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany.

Contact and Registration Information:

Time: 2 - 6:30 p.m.
Fee: $40

Oct 08 2016

No Taste Like Home Tour

Location TBD

No Taste Like Home has done wild food adventures since 1995.
They sponsor three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December, from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November.

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome and an introductory e-book is included.
Free appetizers with dinner reservation. Price is $75, kids 4-10 half-price
Private outings are also available.

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Oct 02 2016

Supernatural Sodas, Magical Meads, Local Liqueuers

Green Farmacy outside Fulton, MD

Come join us at the legendary Green Farmacy garden of extraordinary ethnobotanist Jim Duke for a class on the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various drinks while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special sodas and liqueurs. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created items to please any palate! A plant walk and foraging tour will also be part of the educational offerings. Please help spread the word to people in the area!

See more at the website

Time: 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Fee: $25-40 sliding scale

Sep 22 2016
Sep 23 2016

Rooted in the Mountains Seventh Annual Symposium Integrating Indigenous Knowledge, Language, Health and Environment

Western Carolina University

i will be part of a panel discussion with Dr. Jim Veteto and others.

From the website

Rooted in the Mountains: Valuing our Common Ground emphasizes the connection between local and traditional knowledge with health and environmental issues.  This is an interdisciplinary forum where enthnography, literature, art, music, Native and Western science converge. Our theme for this year's conference is 'The Importance of Time and Place'.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Brett Riggs, Sequoyah Distinguished Professor of Cherokee Studies. 

Go to the website for further information.

Fee: $75

Sep 10 2016

Wild Edible Plant Walk

North Carolina Arboretum

Plant family patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 350,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and around 500 plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes. One can know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if they learn the top 30 families around. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. North America has over 4,000 edible species of plants of which many hundred reside in Western North Carolina. We will engage in a walk and talk around the Arboretum where we will delve into the major wild edible plant families of the area. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Edibility will be our particular focus but potential invasiveness will be discussed as well.

Go to the following link for more details


Time: 1 - 4 p.m.

Aug 20 2016

No Taste Like Home Tour

Location TBD

No Taste Like Home has done wild food adventures since 1995.
They sponsor three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December, from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November.

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome and an introductory e-book is included.
Free appetizers with dinner reservation. Price is $60, kids 4-10 half-price
Private outings are also available.

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Aug 13 2016

No Taste Like Home Tour

Location TBD

No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month mid-April to mid-December, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November.

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome. Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation $60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Aug 04 2016
Aug 07 2016

22nd Annual Southeastern Permaculture Gathering

Arthur Morgan School outside Celo, NC

Come to our annual gathering at the beautiful Arthur Morgan School in Celo, NC. This is certainly one of my favorites of all time, even in a place and a life with many amazing events! i will most definitely be helping to facilitate a plant walk and will also be working in the kitchen if you want to help make food for everybody. Almost all the meals are sourced locally or from participants of the gathering.

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 22 2016
Jul 24 2016

Wild Herb Weekend

Valle Crucis Conference Center outside Valle Crucis, NC

This will be the 30th anniversary of a great event celebrating the healing power of plants in a marvelous locale...

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 16 2016

No Taste Like Home Tour

Location TBD

No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-December, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome. Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$75, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $75

Jun 16 2016
Jun 19 2016

Firefly Gathering

Bell's Cove outside Barnardsville, NC

The ninth annual Firefly Gathering offers an excellent example to go deeper with the crucial tasks known collectively as Primitive Skills or Ancient Arts. i will be leading plant walks and a class on fermentation during the main event. Over 200 classes in total will be offered by more than 100 teachers. Attendance is limited so get tickets while you can!

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jun 15 2016
Jul 15 2016

The National Rainbow Gathering

New England

The Rainbow Gathering is in some National Forest in a different state each year. The location this year will be somewhere in New England but the exact site is still to be announced. The actual location will be on the welcomehome website by mid June. Rainbow is certainly the most economical opportunity to learn plants in a deep way…All classes at Rainbow cost no money and there are of ton of different opportunities…We walk and talk about plants everyday and try to identify whatever we see. i will be there roughly from around 6/30-7/7

See more at the website

Fee: Priceless, Free!

Jun 05 2016
Jun 09 2016

57th Annual Society for Economic Botany Conference

Pine Mountain Settlement School outside Pine Mountain, KY

This is one of the premier international conferences for the academic pursuit of ethnobotany. i have been six times and presented to the group on three of those occasions. The theme this year is Resilience in the Face of Resource Extraction: Ethnobotany and Exploitation. Excited to check it out at least in part being so close to Asheville, NC although this year it overlaps with Medicine's From the Earth which i will definitely be teaching and tabling at as well. The Pine Mountain Settlement school is also legendary in its own right.

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jun 04 2016
Jun 06 2016

Medicine's From the Earth

Blue Ridge Assembly outside Black Mountain, NC

This conference has a very deep focus on the medicinal aspects of plants. Many walks are included in the program with the likes of Doug Elliot and CoreyPine Shane. The incredible line up of other teachers includes Christopher Hobbs, David Winston, Mary Bove, Teresa Boardwine, Chanchal Cabrera, Juliet Blankespoor, Roy Upton, Jill Stansbury, Donald Yance, Vicky Shufer and others. i will be leading a plant walk about Woody Ethnobotany.

Go to the following link for more information and to register.

Fee: Variable

May 29 2016

Plant Walk!

Painter's Greenhouse outside of Old Fort, NC

Plant family patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 350,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and close to 500 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes. You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk around Painters where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility and medicinality. Potential invasiveness will be discussed as well. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications. Painter's Greenhouse (828) 668-7225 Location 734 Roy Moore Rd. Old Fort, NC 28762 Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Fee: Priceless! Free...

May 28 2016

Forage and Feast

Maverick Farms outside Valle Crucis, NC

We will start off the day with an introduction talk for about half an hour. We will then walk for about 2 hours and prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes.


Acquisition of significant info regarding the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine
Gain the ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region
Learn about the biggest invasive problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be
Practice the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles
Achieve awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of wild foods

Go to the following link for more information and to register

Time: 2 - 6:30 p.m.
Fee: $35-55 Sliding Scale

May 19 2016
May 22 2016

Kinnection Campout

At the Deerfields outside Mills River, NC

From the website: We welcome you to join us in the beautiful hills of southern Appalachia at the legendary Deerfields for the fourth annual Kinnection Campout, a full four days of music, art, classes, & ceremony.  The campout is designed to be a unique gathering focused on community building where the tribe can drop in a bit deeper with each other, form lasting connections, and celebrate life together in a safe “transformational” container.

i will probably lead a couple plant walks...

Fee: Variable Pricing

May 12 2016
May 15 2016

41st bi-annual LEAF Festival

Lake Eden outside Black Mountain, NC

LEAF is one of my all time favorite festivals! Great music, food, poetry slams, zip lines, drum circles, contra dancing, healing arts, Earth skills and general all around great group of people to share it with! i will most likely be leading a wildflower plant walk for an hour at some point in the weekend.

Fee: Variable Pricing

May 07 2016

Brewing with Non-Timber Forest Products

Rutland, OH

In this class, we will discuss both wild non-timber forest products that are useful in various brews, and items needing cultivation to sustainably harvest. The basics of making sodas, meads, and liqueurs will be covered with handouts. 

We will start with a plant walk for about an hour and a half and gather ingredients as we go. Then we will settle in and start brewing a mead while talking about the processes involved with making various types of fermented beverages as we sample different things along the way.

Go to the following link for more info and to register.

PLEASE help spread the word to anyone you know who may be interested in the area!

Time: 1 - 5:30 p.m.
Fee: $35-55

Apr 29 2016
May 01 2016

Herbs and Botanicals Weekend

Eureka Springs, AR

Herbs and Botanicals Weekend

April 29- May 1, 2016 – 5 workshops

  • Fri April 29th (10am – 4pm) – Flower Essence with Carolyn Amrit Knaus $40
  • Sat April 30th (10am – 1pm) – Into the Woods with Larry Lowman – $35
  • Sat April 30th (2pm – 5pm) – Myths and Medicine of Ozark Plants with Steven Foster – $35
  • Sun May 1st (10am – 1pm) – Plant Spirit Communications with Melissa Clare Melissa Clare – $35
  • Sun May 1st (2pm – 4pm) – The Invaluable Earthworm with Dymon Moraga – $15

Register for individual workshops (click Registration Info Tab below workshop)
or register for the entire weekend: Package rate: (whole weekend) $140 ($20 discount)

Further Information at the link belowed

Fee: Variable

Apr 17 2016

Fermentation Extravaganza

Pickard's Mountain Eco-Institute

Come join ethnobotanist Marc Williams for an applied class in making healthy probiotic foods. This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. We will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then do a short plant walk to find some wild ingredients and then follow by crafting some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Essene Bread, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir, Yogurt Cheese, Seed Cheeses and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available. Worth it for the food and handouts alone!!! Join us as we explore how fermentation can enhance our health!  Fermented foods and drinks offer live probiotics and more available nutrients. Learn why ancient cultures have treasured these processes through the ages!

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

$40 - 60 sliding scale, Scholarships and Work Trade may be available. Contact Picakrd's mountain for more information.

Time: 2 - 6 p.m.
Fee: $40 - 60 Sliding Scale

Apr 16 2016

Forage and Feast

Pickard's Mountain Eco-Institute

This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the green wall and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us.

Scholarships and Work Trade Available! Register at Eventbrite

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

See more at the Pickard's Mountain website

Time: 2 - 6:30 p.m.
Fee: Variable

Apr 06 2016
Apr 10 2016

4th Annual Piedmont Earthskills Gathering

Shakori Hills outside Chapel Hill, NC

From the website

Mission Statement

The mission of the Piedmont Earthskills Gathering is to provide a learning experience which empowers people through the development of skills and inspires a deep appreciation of inter-connectedness, cultural heritage, and ecological respect.


  • To increase the appreciation of the lives and skills of our ancestors, all of our ancestors, whether they came from the plains of African or the caves of Europe, or anywhere else across the globe.
  • To instill a greater appreciation of the natural world upon which we all depend
  • To expand knowledge of Piedmont flora and fauna
  • -To inspire an ethic of caretaking towards the natural world
  • To cultivate the qualities that support community building which include an attitude of service, a sense of gratitude, tolerance for diversity, the ability to listen actively and speak plainly, personal responsibility and a belief in the value of peacemaking
  • To inspire discovery of the interconnectedness of the natural world and one’s individual inner spirit and the growth of personal virtues

On Facebook

Fee: Variable Pricing

Apr 03 2016

Plant Family Patterns

UNCA Botanical Gardens

Ethnobiologist Marc Williams will walk the Gardens with participants and delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Participants will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. The phenomenon of exotic invasive plants will also be covered in relation to their family membership. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications. Participants must register register and pre-pay. For additional information or to register, please contact our Office Manager (252-5190). Time: 12 - 4 p.m.
Fee: $12 Garden Members $17 General Admission

Apr 02 2016
Nov 01 2016

Resilient Living School by Ashevillage

Various Places around Asheville, NC

From the website

Are you ready to begin your resilient life in community? Would you like to dive into a transformative program where you can explore your role in creating the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible? Are you yearning to learn hands-on skills that you can really use? We invite you to come connect with the land, your natural instincts, and a group of passionate peers and practitioners in the oldest mountains on the planet. Explore your purpose and path in the world while living in community. Gain earth- and heart-based living skills. Get to know your food source and cycles. Take your next steps toward a resilient life.

Fee: Various Prices

Mar 03 2016
Mar 06 2016

3rd Annual Medicines From the Edge Symposium

Termales del Bosque outside Aguas Zarcas Costa Rica

From the website:

In permaculture, the Edge is the most diverse and abundant place. It is where the species from two different zones meet and where life develops. Whether it is along a water front, where the meadow meets the forest or where the continents meet, here is where we find the most life! Costa Rica is located in between North and South America and in between two oceans. With many microclimates Costa Rica is home to hundreds of tropical and temperate medicinal plants, trees, fruits and fungi! Abundant wildlife, inspiring landscape, diverse population all helped develop the country's most beloved phrase... Pura Vida... Pure LIFE!

Join us for a gathering of herbalists from the Americas to celebrate our diversity and learn about the abundant medicines from the Neo-Tropics. Costa Rica, a bridge between North and South America has diverse micro-climates where we can find temperate familiars and exotic rainforest healers. Explore the range of ethnobotanically significant plants from indigenous and Afro-Caribbean, Costa Rica as well as other plants from the Americas.

On Facebook

Fee: Variable Pricing

Feb 26 2016
Feb 28 2016

5th Annual Florida Herbal Conference

2819 Tiger Lake Rd, Lake Wales, FL

From the website

The 5th annual Florida Herbal Conference is a gathering to connect and empower our bioregional herbalist community, featuring over 40 workshops for all levels of interest and experience, alongside inspiring music, nutritious food, and herbal artisans, all in a beautiful lakeside setting.

Workshops focus on bioregional, earth-centered herbalism, with topics including clinical herbalism, herbal crafts, herbal tradition and history, medicine making, plant identification walks and many hands-on demonstrations. The weekend also includes a marketplace of herbal vendors, musical activities each evening, fun herbal activities during free time, guided movement activities throughout the weekend, a powerful fire circle, and regional mixers.

The Florida Herbal Conference is intended to provide a weekend for herbal enthusiasts of our southern state to learn from each other, wise teachers, and the plants themselves; to build relationships with herbal sisters and brothers from the region; and to get grounded in their herbal practice through education, fellowship, and community in nature.

Enjoy three days of classes and hands-on workshops taught by some of the most knowledgeable and inspiring teachers in Florida. Meet your regional neighbors and build networking and relationships. Enjoy time on the beautiful Tiger Lake or on a plant hike, or take a movement class to get grounded and centered in your own healing. With a focus on the healing flora of Florida, our conference seeks to not only educate but to advocate for the conservation and preservation of our bioregional ecology.  Together, we gather to begin the process of healing ourselves and each other as we also heal the planet.

The Florida Herbal Conference is presented by the Florida School of Holistic Living and Leaves and Roots.

Fee: Variable Pricing

Feb 17 2016
Feb 21 2016

6th Annual Florida Earthskills Gathering

Little Orange Creek Nature Park Hawthorne, FL

From the website

We invite people of all tribes to join us in creating conscious community and in celebrating our living, breathing planet by learning and sharing truly sustainable living skills.

With more than 70 instructors sharing skills for adults and kids, plus morning and evening programming, there’s something for everyone to enjoy!

The Florida Earthskills Gathering is a unique blend of enthusiasts who bring abundant skills and a great spirit of co-creation to this homespun gathering. By gathering here, we acknowledge that the time is ripe for modern, “civilized” humans to become more ecologically aware, to reclaim the true meaning of sustainability, and to help grow a culture of thriving which can only be achieved by living in symbiosis with each other and with our beloved Earth.

Through experiential learning, objects and skills will be crafted to provide food, shelter, clean water, and deep healing of the earth and ourselves.

We play our own music, create our own games, weave our own dance, make our own reality, and live our lives with feet firmly planted on the ground. We grow food, we regard water and air as precious resources, and we honor and respect all our relations. We seek to become a healing part of all that is good and beautiful about life on Earth, and to share this ecological awareness with others for generations to come.

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jan 27 2016

Supernatural Sodas, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Naples Florida Botanical Gardens

Come join ethnobiologist Marc Williams for a journey through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various beverages while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special brews. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! Handouts will be given.

Time: 10 am - 12 pm

Jan 09 2016

Food as Medicine

Naples Florida Botanical Garden

Food as medicine is a concept that is rooted in the healing systems of Ancient Greece, China, India and others. It is well known that various compounds such as antioxidants and bitters are helpful in promoting overall health and well being. Classes of plants such as Adaptogens make up a large part of the current superfood trends in our society. Marc Williams will present an overview of plants located in the subtropical and tropical realms around south Florida that represent prime examples of how food can be medicine as well as some fascinating stories of how these plants and humans have interacted over time.

Time: 10 am - 12 pm

Dec 04 2015
Dec 05 2015

International Ginseng Expo

University of North Carolina Asheville

From the event page...

The North Carolina Natural Products Association is once again hosting its International American Ginseng Expo on December 4th and 5th. Speakers include growers, wild-harvesters, researchers, herbalists, botanists, regulatory officials on the state and national level, academics, conservationists, and private sector business leaders. On Friday attendees will have an opportunity to take part in an afternoon intensive session on growing ginseng OR participate in an open roundtable discussion with our speakers and other experts in the ginseng industry. Friday's event offers unique opportunities for those in the industry to have direct conversations with each other regarding the topic. Following the roundtable intensive, participants will have an opportunity to participate in a hands-on session making ginseng products. Saturday is a full day of plenary and concurrent sessions on a variety of topics related to the ginseng industry and other forest botanicals. See the agenda for both days below. Sponsors and vendors will be on hand during breaks, while poster sessions will be on display. We welcome any and everyone interested in the ginseng industry to attend!

Our Friday evening reception will include networking opportunities, the chance to meet and talk with our speakers and specials guests, and to hear a brief presentation from Ann Armbrecht of the Sustainable Herbs Project. We'll have a silent auction of items ranging from ginseng seed to dried ginseng to products from WNC natural products manufacturers. Attendees can bid on items during Friday afternoon, but are encouraged to attend the reception to post the winning bid. Reception tickets are an additional fundraiser for NCNPA educational programming. Note that tickets must be purchased separately.

Confirmed speakers include:

Hyonho Baek, PhD, Bent Creek Institute, Vice President, Business Development

Bob Beyfuss, Ginseng Expert, Retired Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Leader for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Greene County, NY and the statewide American Ginseng Specialist for Cornell Cooperative Extension

Eric Burkhart, PhD, Pennsylvania State University, Faculty Instructor, Ecosystem Science and Management Department and Plant Science Program Director, Shaver's Creek Environmental Center

Chip Carroll, United Plant Savers, Botanical Sanctuary Manager and Ginseng Grower

Jeanine Davis, PhD, Author, NCSU, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist Horticultural Science, Mills River Research Station Alternative Crops & Organics Program

Jeannie Dunn, Owner of Red Moon Herbs, NCNPA President

Pat Ford, Botanist, US Fish & Wildlife Service

Ed Fletcher, COO, Strategic Sourcing

Melissa Fryar, Herbalist and Bulk Herb/Herb & Body Manager at French Broad Food Co-Op

Joe Hollis, Herbalist and Founder of Mountain Gardens

Gary Kauffman, Botanist, US Forest Service

Phyllis D. Light, MA, Traditional Appalachian Folk Medicine Herbalist and Founder of Appalachian Center for Natural Health

Joe-Ann McCoy, PhD, Director of the NC Arboretum Germplasm Repository

W. Scott Parsons, Author and Owner of Green Gold Enterprises, Grower

Jen Rhode-Ward, PhD, UNCA, Associate Professor Department of Biology

Wallace Souther, Owner of Hoopers Creek Botanicals, Grower

Barry Thorne, Owner of Golden Needle Acupuncture, Herbal & Medical Supply

David Welch, NC Plant Conservation Program Administrator, NCDA

Marc Williams, MA, Ethnobotanist and Executive Director of Plants & Healers International

More info at the following link


Time: 1:00 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the following day
Fee: Variable Pricing

Nov 21 2015

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-December, 9:30 am-12:30 pm

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome
Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 - 12:30
Fee: $60

Nov 15 2015

Supernatural Sodas, Magical Meads, Local Liquers

Wild Dahlia Homestead outside King's Mtn, NC

Come join Marc for a journey through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various beverages while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special brews. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! Handouts will be given.

Go to the following website for more details and to register

Time: 2-5 p.m.
Fee: $25-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Nov 14 2015

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-December, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome. Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 2 - 5 p.m.
Fee: $60

Oct 27 2015

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-December, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome. Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 to 12:30
Fee: $60

Oct 25 2015

Woody Ethnobotany

North Carolina Arboretum outside Asheville, NC

Spend a day learning about trees and shrubs. The
class will start with a presentation about major tree
and shrub families and will then go outside for a plant
walk to learn how to identify a woody plant by the
color of its leaves in the fall. Common and obscure
uses for woody plants that may support overall health,
well-being and sustenance will also be discussed.
Wear appropriate clothing for walking outside. This
class fulfills a core requirement for the Blue Ridge
Naturalist Certificate.

More info at the website below

Time: 10a.m. - 4p.m.
Fee: $42 Arboretum members $52 non-members

Oct 22 2015

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-December, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome. Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Fee: $60

Oct 21 2015

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-December, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome. Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Fee: $60

Oct 15 2015
Oct 18 2015

LEAF Festival

Lake Eden outside Black Mountain, NC

This is my favorite festival ever! Think healing arts, earth skills, contra dancing, poetry slamming, amazing music and food to boot! i will be leading a plant walk focusing on autumn trees on Saturday 10/17 from the Earthskills area.

Contact Info:

Fee: Variable Pricing

Oct 13 2015

Production: Supernatural Sodas and Probiotic Beverages

AB Tech Enka/Candler Campus Room TCC 112

Learn or further explore the art and science of beverage fermentation. Discussion will cover a range of beverage formulations, from soda to more health supportive libations. The course includes handouts, tastings, and demonstrations. Some items featured will include Jun, Kombucha, Kvass, Water Kefir, and Rejuvelac.

See more information at the website and Facebook page

Time: 6 - 9 p.m.
Fee: $45.40

Oct 12 2015
Oct 16 2015

Resilient Living Workshop

Ashevillage in Asheville, NC

This comprehensive workshop is an overview of the basic skills you’ll need to create a resilient life. Dig deep into what it takes to build and maintain a vibrant homestead. Learn from Asheville’s top teachers, gardeners, fermenters, builders, healers, and botanists how to create a thriving, regenerative ecosystem, community, and home. In this workshop you will learn about homesteading, gardening, foraging, fermenting, food preservation, and herbal medicine making skills. If you are an aspiring urban homesteader, naturalist, activist, health professional, or hungry student, you will gain life-long wisdom in this week-long immersion. In a world focused on sustainability, we ask, why not go one step further >> resilient living.

i will be doing the fementation part in the schedule below
Hands-on learning, site projects & educational workshops 
  • Gardening 101: Garden planning, harvesting, cover cropping, seed starting & saving
  • Soil 101: Soil building, composting, self made worm bins, and seed balls
  • Mushroom Inoculation: growing shiitakes and oyster mushrooms
  • Living Skills: Woven baskets, hand carved spoons, cooking on fire
  • Herbal Medicine Making: Tinctures, teas, infusions, and serums
  • Food Preservation: Canning, pickling & preserving the harvest
  • Wild Edibles: Foraging walk & wild tea party
  • Fermentation: Kraut, kimchi, mead & more
  • Educational Tours: Permaculture sites

Arrival & Departure: The program begins Monday, October 12th and ends on Friday October  16th, with a community soiree of local, nourishing fare, friends, and family. Plan to arrive Sunday, Oct 11th, and depart Saturday, October 17th, or stay a few extra days and explore the Asheville area.

Daily schedule: Each morning, from 10am-1pm, you will have a three-hour class led by Ashevillage Sanctuary’s garden & site manager, Kate Hanford. Then you will have roughly 90-minutes for lunch where you can explore Asheville’s vast organic, local, farm-to-table food scene, or bring a lunch with you. In the afternoons, from 2:30-5:00pm, you will be learning with one of Asheville’s top teachers. All topics and techniques that you will be learning throughout the week are listed above.

See more at the event website

Fee: $695 - 895 depending on registration time

Oct 11 2015

Fermentation Extravaganza

Pickard's Mountain outside Chapel Hill, NC

Come join ethnobotanist Marc Williams for an applied class in making healthy probiotic foods. This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. We will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then do a short plant walk to find some wild ingredients and then follow by crafting some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Essene Bread, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir, Yogurt Cheese, Seed Cheeses and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.
Worth it for the food and handouts alone!!!
Join us as we explore how fermentation can enhance our health!  
Fermented foods and drinks offer live probiotics and more available nutrients.
Learn why ancient cultures have treasured these processes through the ages!

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

Time: 2 - 6 p.m.
Fee: $40-60 Sliding Scale

Oct 10 2015

Forage and Feast

Pickard's Mountain outside Chapel Hill, NC

This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the green wall and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us.

Scholarships and Work Trade Available! Register below via Eventbrite.

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

Time: 2 - 6:30
Fee: $40 - 60 Sliding Scale

Oct 06 2015

No Taste Like Home Tour


No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-December, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and then 2 pm - 5 pm after November

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome. Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Fee: $60

Oct 01 2015
Oct 02 2015

Nurturing Your Botanical Sanctuary Workshop

United Plants Savers Sanctuary outside Rutland, OH

This workshop is an opportunity for those who are part of the Botanical Sanctuary Network and the Sacred Seeds Network to gather to learn important ETHNOBOTANICAL skills, to share stories, and to strengthen ties. Your botanical sanctuary can play a critical role in the conservation of endangered medicinal plants.

Two-day workshop intensive will cover the following topics

  • Knowing and documenting: Botany basics, data collection, how to make Herbarium specimens, bio blitzing, botanical illustration
  • Management and stewardship: Know your land, mapping geology, soil, plant communities, and making a plan to address invasive plants
  • Education and outreach: Trails, signage, outreach/ social media and how to use the at-risk assessment tool
  • Plant medicine conservation: Conservation, creating your own collection, cultivation, the history and science of herbal extraction and medicinal plant ethics

IMG 0680Teachers

  • Marc Williams: Ethnobotanist and Executive Director of Plant Healers International,
  • Susan Leopold: Executive Director United Plant Savers and Director of the Sacred Seeds Sanctuary
  • Alison Ormsby: Environmental educator and sacred natural sites specialist
  • Chip Carroll: Stewardship manager of the Goldenseal Sanctuary
  • Nathan Wright and Monica Cady:  Co-founders of Herbal Lodge,
  • Rebecca Wood: Herbalist, yoga instructor and founder of Hopewood Holistic Heath,
  • Lee Ann Woolery: Community Arts Specialist at University of Missouri Extension and Expedition Leader at EcoArt Expeditions
  • More teachers, class details and program schedule will be listed soon!

What is Sacred about Medicinal Plant Conservation? For centuries, traditional healers have used medicinal plants.  In addition, it is recognized that custodians of sacred groves/natural sites hold knowledge about the botanical resources of these areas.  Many sacred sites contain medicinal plants not found elsewhere.  In order for these important plants to survive for future generations, it is critical that they are conserved now.  This could be through on-site (in situ) conservation, or off-site (ex situ) cultivation at botanical gardens or home gardens.  It is critical that the keepers of the medicinal plant knowledge are respected and that as plants are harvested, it is done in a sustainable manner, with permission of landowners.

To preserve biodiversity and plant knowledge, the Sacred Seeds Sanctuary network was formed.  This network provides support for the conservation of these sanctuaries or gardens, through publicity, natural resource management advice, and training opportunities. 

United Plant Savers' Goldenseal Sanctuary is a member of the Sacred Seeds Network, an international network of community inspired sacred gardens. In 2014 United Plant Savers and Sacred Seeds joined forces. Through the generous support of New Chapter we are thrilled to be offering the workshop for both those in the Sacred Seeds Network and the United Plant Savers Botanical Sanctuary Network. We are offering this two-day workshop to those who are current BSN members and Sacred Seed Garden members. If you are not a member of the BSN network but have been thinking about joining you can attend the workshop for the cost of $150.00 and then if you decide to become a sanctuary member your $100.00 application fee will be waived. We have made this event extremely affordable so that anyone who wishes to attend can join the workshop.

If you are interested in reading more about medicinal plants and sacred groves, see:

Leopold, Susan. (2012). Sacred Groves…Activism and Conservation of Healing Plants, Plant Healers, Spring 2012. 

Ormsby, Alison A. and Bhagwat, Shonil A. (2010). Sacred forests of India: a strong tradition of community-based natural resource management. Environmental Conservation, 37(3): 320–326.

In the future we hope to offer similar workshops in Costa Rica, Ethiopia, India, and Ghana, as a way to regionally connect with the growing international network of sacred seed sanctuaries.  For more information, contact Alison Ormsby, consultant (, or Susan Leopold, Executive Director, United Plant Savers & Director of the Sacred Seeds Sanctuary (

See more at the United Plant Savers website link below

Fee: $50-$150

Sep 13 2015

Plant Walk!

The Green Farmacy Garden outside Fulton, MD

Plant Family Patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 300,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and close to 500 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes. You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk around the legendary Green Farmacy garden of Jim Duke where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility, medicinality, craft, wildlife promotion and landscape beauty as well as potential invasiveness will be discussed. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.

Time: 10a.m. - Noon
Fee: $15-25 Sliding Scale

Sep 12 2015

Super Natural Sodas, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

The Green Farmacy Garden outside Fulton, MD

Come join us at the legendary Green Farmacy garden of extraordinary ethnobotanist Jim Duke for a class on the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various drinks while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special sodas and liqueurs. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created items to please any palate! A plant walk and foraging tour will also be part of the educational offerings. Please help spread the word to people in the area!

See more at the website


Time: 2 - 5:30 p.m.
Fee: $25-40 sliding scale

Sep 11 2015
Sep 12 2015

Harvest Conference

Various locales around Asheville, NC

This second annual Harvest Conference sponsored by the Organic Grower's School promises to be another tour de force in learning about gardening and sustainability. i will be doing a morning workshop on Friday featuring a plant walk forage and lunchtime feast...See more details at the event website and Facebook page linked below...

Fee: Variable Pricing

Sep 07 2015

Labor Day Hike and Forest Walk

Mars Hill University in Mars Hill, NC

Meet at Ramsey Center, First Floor Renfro Library, Mars Hill University. We will head from there up to Bailey Mountain. We will focus on the major plants we see of ethnobotanical and ecological interest.

Time: 3 - 5 p.m.
Fee: Free!

Sep 04 2015
Sep 06 2015

Enjoying Nature's Abundance

Sunny Bank Inn

Come join Marc Williams and others at the historical Sunny Bank Inn located in Hot Springs, NC. This will be a learning opportunity in the tradition of Frank Cook who taught thousands of people how to enjoy the abundance of nature all around us. Our experience will begin with a dinner, greet, meet and orientation on Friday night. Saturday we will hike to a number of choice spots for foraging around the area while preparing and eating what we find through the day. After dinner Saturday we will head for a nice hot soak at the famous hot springs. Sunday we will do a review of what we have learned as well as a discussion of how to cement the knowledge and pursue further study. This is a great way to immerse oneself in the art of foraging while also enjoying a marvelous locale and the fellowship of good people.

Cost is $250 all inclusive of 2 nights at Sunnybank, 6 meals and a soak in the springs

Arrangements are available for day students and camping potentially as well…


Contact Info: 828-622-7206

Fee: $250

Aug 30 2015

Plant Family Patterns

UNCA Botanical Gardens

Plant family patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 300,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and close to 500 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes. You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. We will walk and talk at the Botanical Gardens where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Participants will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. The phenomenon of exotic invasive plants will also be covered in relation to their family membership. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.

Participants must register register and pre-pay.  For additional information or to register, please contact our Office Manager (252-5190). more info at the following link

Time: 12 - 4p.m.
Fee: $12 members $17 non-members

Aug 28 2015
Aug 30 2015

Three Days of Light

Camp Grier outside Old Fort, NC

This is the 4th annual Three Days of Light event...i will be teaching a class on Botany by Plant family Patterns on Friday and a Woody Ethnobotany class on Saturday.

See more info at the event website and Facebook page linked below...



Fee: Variable Pricing

Aug 16 2015

Fermentation Extravaganza

Pickard's Mountain

Come join ethnobotanist Marc Williams for an applied class in making healthy probiotic foods. This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. We will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then do a short plant walk to find some wild ingredients and then follow by crafting some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Essene Bread, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir, Yogurt Cheese, Seed Cheeses and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.
Worth it for the food and handouts alone!!!
Join us as we explore how fermentation can enhance our health!  
Fermented foods and drinks offer live probiotics and more available nutrients.
Learn why ancient cultures have treasured these processes through the ages!

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

Time: 2 p.m. - 6p.m.
Fee: $40 - 60 Sliding Scale

Aug 15 2015

Forage and Feast

Pickard's Mountain outside Chapel Hill, NC

This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the green wall and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us.

Scholarships and Work Trade Available! Register below via Eventbrite.

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

Time: 2 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Fee: $40 - 60 Sliding Scale

Aug 06 2015
Aug 09 2015

SE Permaculture Gathering

Arthur Morgan School outside Celo, NC

The SE Permaculture Gathering is a truly prototypical example of the amazingness that the Asheville area has to offer with food, education, celebration and relaxation. This year my plate will be rather busy with facilitating the over-all food operations and procurement with 5 other chefs and numerous volunteers. We are going for all local jam and as much food as possible in concentric circles starting with the South Toe River Valley then Asheville and beyond. We will also collectively host plant walks where we will try to add to the list of over 246 taxa of plants already identified over the last 14 years!

Fee: Variable

Jul 24 2015
Jul 26 2015

Wild Herb Weekend

Valle Crucis Conference Center

i will lead two classes at the 2015 Wild Herb Weekend. My topics include an ethnobotanically focused Woody Plant plant walk and a walk focused on plant family characteristics and how they can help identification and awareness of potential ethnobotanical application. Many other awesome teachers will be presenting including Dr. Jeanine Davis  and co-keynotes Doug Elliott and Mimi Hernandez just to name a few.

Further info at the following link!wild-herb-weekend/ca3p

Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 12 2015

Forage and Feast

Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary outside Leicester, NC

We will meet at Soulflower Botanical sanctuary in Leicester, NC. We will talk for about ½ hour then walk for about 2 hours and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes.


Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine. Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region.Knowledge of some problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be.Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles.Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany.

Contact and Registration Information:

Time: 2 - 6:30
Fee: $40

Jul 11 2015

Botanical ID for Entrepreneurs

AB Tech Campus in Enka Candler

Come learn the basics of whole plant identification by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower, and fruit types. Open to everyone, this course will be particularly useful for those required to comply with botanical identification requirements for Good Manufacturing Practices. The first half will be a botany lecture and the second half will be a plant walk. Participants will also learn how to identify plants using a field guide. It’s requested, but not required, that students bring a copy of Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide.

Course number: SEF-9057-152BW Register online at, or via the attached form (click on "more details")

Time: 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Fee: 59.40

Jun 25 2015
Jun 28 2015

Firefly Gathering

Bell's Cove outside Barnardsville, NC

The 8th annual Firefly Gathering offers an excellent example to go deeper with the crucial tasks known collectively as Earth Skills or Ancient Arts. i will be leading plant walks and a class on fermentation during the main event. Over 200 classes in total will be offered by more than 100 teachers. Attendance is limited so get tickets while you can!

Fee: Variable

Jun 05 2015
Jun 07 2015

Singing Alive

Highland Lake Cove outside Flat Rock, NC

From the website: Singing Alive Appalachia is a gathering of the SongTribes with the intent to share and invigorate songs, to hold space for them to do their healing work, to brew the melodic magic of communal singing. It is about bringing people together who feel called to awaken, and nurture their spiritual life through communion with songs (and prayers, chants, blessings) of celebration of life in this temple universe. Such songs clarify our lives, strengthen our communities, and foster personal and planetary renewal. At Singing Alive we gather to share them, and ourselves, in a safe, welcoming environment. Our goal is to open hearts, and the songs are the keys. These songs are multicultural, coming to us from many eras and lands far and near. Together they tell a perennial story, a Gaian dharma, so often forgotten, yet so joyfully remembered, of the Great work of spiritual evolution, of earth-conscious living and peaceful co-existence. By singing this story we come home to Ourselves and perform the Dream of re-Creation we have so longed to live.

Though this is a gathering focused on singing i am sure we will fit in a plant walk or two somewhere in there...smiley

More info:

Fee: Variable

May 30 2015

Plant Walk!

Painters Greenhouse

Plant Family Patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 300,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and close to 500 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes. You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk around Painters where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility, medicinality, craft, wildlife promotion and landscape beauty as well as potential invasiveness will be discussed. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.

Painter's Greenhouse (828) 668-7225


734 Roy Moore Rd.

Old Fort, NC 28762

Time: 2-3 p.m.
Fee: Free!

May 29 2015
Jun 01 2015

Medicines From the Earth

The Blue Ridge Assembly outside Black Mountain, NC

This conference has a very deep focus on the medicinal aspects of plants. Many walks are included in the program with the likes of Doug Elliot and CoreyPine Shane. The incredible line up of other teachers includes David Winston, Kathleen Maier, Mary Bove, Teresa Boardwine, David Crow, Roy Upton, Jill Stansbury, Donald Yance, Aviva Romm, Tori Hudson, Deborah Frances, Vicky Shufer and others. i will be personing a table along with my apprentice and others for Plants and Healers International

See more info about the event at the following website


Fee: Variable

May 24 2015
May 30 2015

Wild Food and Fermentation

Ashevillage in Asheville, NC

i will be leading a class on the Cleansing power of wild salads and pestos as you can see below along with a host of other accomplished teachers including Sandor Katz, Alan Muskat of No Taste Like Home, Natalie Bogwalker of Wild Abundance, Asia Suler of One Willow Apothecaries and Luke Learningdeer of Forest floor Wilderness Programs and others...

This immersive workshop is led by the world renowned fermentation expert, and New York Times best selling author, Sandor Katz. He will lead you in daily hands-on fermentation projects and classes. Along with Sandor, five of Asheville’s top wild food experts will take you on field excursions to discover, taste, and learn how to work with nutritional edibles you can find most anywhere. Demonstrations, lectures, food tastings, and community gatherings will all be included. In this workshop, you will learn how to nourish yourself and heal your body with fermented foods, as well as identify and prepare wild and medicinal edibles that you can integrate into your kitchen and daily diet. If you are a food connoisseur, aspiring naturalist, chef, health professional, urban homesteader, or hungry student, you will gain life-long wisdom from this week-long immersion.

Learn hands-on, age-old, health-enhancing techniques for increasing the nutritive and healing properties of your food through fermentation. Gain take-home skills in safe foraging and preparation of wild plants, weeds, medicines, and mushrooms! Throughout this week, you will be making and doing the following:

Hands-On Fermented Food Projects:

  • Fermented Vegetables: Kraut, kimchi & beet kvass
  • Fermented Alcohol: Mead, wine, cider, beer & rice beer
  • Lightly Fermented Beverages: Kombucha, ginger bug & sodas
  • Fermented Grains: Flat bread, sourdough, pancakes, idli & dosa
  • Fermented Dairy: Kefir, simple farm cheese & yogurt
  • Plus: Basics of fermenting meat, fish, beans & eggs

Wild Edible Field Trips & Food Projects:

  • Mineral Rich Bone Broths: Making nutrient dense broths for energy, vitality & immunity
  • Ancient Roots, Ancient Foods: Preparing medicine & digestive bitters with nourishing roots
  • The Cleansing Power of Wild Salads & Pesto: Foraging for detoxifying wild greens & edible flowers
  • Wild Tea Party: Infusing and imbibing herbs for energy, balance, tummy taming, relaxation & immunity
  • Hunting Wild Mushrooms: A woodland adventure in foraging fungus with one of the country’s leading experts

See more info at the link below...

Fee: Variable

May 22 2015
May 24 2015

Ethnobotany / Mycology Playshop Extravaganza

Hostel in the Forest outside Brunswick, GA

The prelude to summer brings great knowledge and excitement to the Hostel in the Forest. Marc and Mycol return to one of their favorite classrooms with practical ecological identification of plants and mushrooms, as well as permaculture and fermentation techniques. We will share in the fresh local bounty, eating and drinking deliciously all the while elevating our collective wisdom around the wonder of biology!


Mycol Stevens has a Master’s Degree in Aquatic Ecology and worked as a restoration ecologist/botanist for the Florida Fish and Game across the state of FL from 2004-2014. He has traveled much of Central and South America and Africa, and has learned from some of the best teachers including Frank Cook and Robert Hunsucker. Mycol has been teaching ethnobotany and edible mushrooms since 2005. He also lives off-the-grid on an “ecocentric” permaculture homestead where he eats from the wild almost daily and propagates and cultivates his own organic foods. Mycol’s philosophy is to ween off the “system” and to eat your food as medicine. Mycol has been inspired by the Hostel since the mid 90’s and much of its philosophy is reflected in his way of life. Knowing the living world around you, connects you to the living world. Mycol hosts (Willing Workers On Organic Farms, (WWOOFers) at his Finca. Contact him if you are interested in visiting. He also is the host of the annual mushroom teaching in July on the Finca.


Workshops will include:

Botany/Mycology 101 presentation, Wild Foods/Medicines walk, Super Food preparation presentation, Botanical beach/estuary Walk, Fermentation Overview with Honey Mead Making and a Permaculture Ecological restoration talk. Botanical slide shows of various parts of the world including Latin America, Africa and Europe are also possible given interest.


WHEN: Please prepare to arrive Friday afternoon. Teachings will begin Friday evening and end Sunday afternoon.


COST:  $150-200 per person sliding, which includes accommodations at the Hostel for Friday and Saturday night as well as a basic breakfast porridge, potluck lunches and beautiful vegetarian dinner on both nights. Please bring a food item or two you would like to share. Worktrade may be available for interested participants with limited funds. Write to with stated need and proposal.


BRING: Your notebook, any relevant books you have, a camera, a loupe (portable magnifying glass) if you have one, water bottle, rain coat etc. Handouts will be provided. 

Fee: $150-$200 Sliding

May 14 2015
May 18 2015


The Deerfields outside Mills River, NC

From the website: We welcome you to join us in the beautiful hills of southern Appalachia at the legendary Deerfields for the fourth annual Kinnection Campout, a full four days of music, art, classes, & ceremony.  The campout is designed to be a unique gathering focused on community building where the tribe can drop in a bit deeper with each other, form lasting connections, and celebrate life together in a safe “transformational” container.

i will be leading plant walks on Sunday. See descriptions below.

Woody Ethnobotany: Food, Medicine and Beauty

We will take time to focus on the big long lived beings of the plant world; trees and shrubs. These plants play a central role in any ecosystem. We will cover common and more obscure uses for woody plants that may support overall health, well-being and sustenance while we walk. Some plants will be nibbled directly, others enjoyed for their fragrance.
Wildflower Walk
On this walk we will take note of the flowering plants of spring. Plant family patterns will be discussed that can enable one to demystify proper botanical identification. We will also explore how these patterns help elucidate whether a species might be used for food or medicine.
Fee: Variable

May 07 2015
May 10 2015

Lake Eden Arts Festival - LEAF

Lake Eden and Camp Rockmont

Lots of plant walks to be experienced here!

LEAF Festival is produced by LEAF Community Arts, a non-profit organization established to build community and enrich lives through the arts, locally and globally, through festivals, events, mentoring, and educational programs.

Occurring twice a year since 1995, LEAF Festival, based in Black Mountain, North Carolina has established a reputation as being one of the best festivals in the southeast. The Washington Post recognized it in 2001 as, “The best cultural Mix and Match Festival in the nation”. The festival includes international and local music, handcrafts, dancing, cuisine, children's activities, outdoor adventures, drum circles, a zipline, canoeing, etc

Fee: Variable Pricing

Apr 25 2015

Forage and Feast

Johnson City, TN

The owners of Mountain Yoga in Johnson City, TN have specially requested this event after attending a similar one at the Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary outside of Leicester, NC. This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the "green wall" and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us. $45. To RSVP Please contact at the info below...

Mountain Yoga 151-A East Mountcastle Drive, Johnson City, TN 37601


Time: 2p.m. - 7p.m.
Fee: $45

Apr 18 2015

Wild Foraging and Preservation

Living Web Farms in Mills River, NC

i will be teaming up with Natalie Bogwalker, co-founder of the Firefly Gathering and teacher extrordinaire to lead a foraging tour that will culminate in making a meal from what we find including a wild greens pesto, salad, dressing, herbal tea, venison and more.

More info at

1057 North Mills River Rd. Mills River, NC 28759


Time: 1:30 - 7 p.m.
Fee: By Donation Suggested ($25)

Apr 10 2015
Apr 12 2015

Food For Life

Sequatchie Valley Institute near Chatanooga, TN

Since 1998 thinkers, practitioners, dreamers and eaters have gathered at Moonshadow for the annual Sequatchie Valley Institute Food for Life event near Chattanooga, TN.

As an act of community, perched on the canyon walls of the ancient Cumberland Plateau, we connect and open to the flow of energy that we all call food.

Join us for a family friendly weekend of food, fire, kids, music and camping which will change your life forever!

Sessions Cover:

➢ food preparation and preservation strategies, including canning, drying, and fermentation. The exploration of various fermentation cultures, such as sour kraut and kim chi, mead, wine and beer making, kombucha, kefir, sour dough, miso, yogurt and cheese making. Our keynote speaker on this topic is Sandor Katz, the well loved southeastern author of "The Art of Fermentation" and "Wild Fermentation." This underground fermentation superhero will be sharing his enthusiasm for & wisdom about various aspects of health and vitality through fermentation.
➢ permaculture gardening & edible landscaping, with an emphasis on how to create & live within your own abundant environment
➢ plant walks, meeting & greeting our local wild edible & medicinal plants here in the forest, harvesting, discussion and preparation of various medicines
➢ metabolic, nutritional, biochemical, evolutionary relationships to health and disease
➢ theoretical and political explorations of the social and ecological implications of industrial agriculture as well as the pitfalls of the modern diet & an exploration of various methods of creating sustainable community-based food systems instead of global monopolies
➢ a comprehensive kids program encouraging adventurous eating & a real connection & relationship with food. We will be sharing yummy snack ideas that kids prepare & share, food based art projects, ways to play with your food, kids fermentation by making herbal sodas & general fun in the garden & fun with our food. We view kids as the future and helping them to fully understand how important it is to make wise choices about where their food comes from, how it is prepared & the ways in which we share it is imperative to a sustainable & abundant future.
➢ the art of bread making, culminating in a pizza party in our outdoor wood fired earthen oven
➢ tours of our land and hand built homes, permaculture gardens and sustainable lifestyle
➢ games, theatre, live music, sharing circles, and of course, delicious food!

Fee: $25-$50

Mar 25 2015
Mar 29 2015

Piedmont Earthskills Gathering

Shakori Hills, NC

The Gathering will be a 5 day and 4 night event that offers in-depth learning for individuals and families. This educational/enrichment program will focused on Primitive Living Skills and Homesteading. Top quality instructors will teach dozens of ancestral and heritage primitive skills such as matchless fire making, edible and medicinal plants, stone tool creation and use, ancient weaponry and basket making, just to name a few.

Earthskills gatherings are events where new friendships are forged, old friendships refined, and the empowering knowledge of pioneer, survival, native and traditional primitive skills are shared. These programs give participants the oppoortunity to become proficient in skills that have helped them redefine life goals and directions as well as broaden their knowledge of sustainable life ways, connection to nature, and the power of community. After a full day of hands on instruction, evening programs give us the opportunity to join in the revival of the great oral tradition of storytelling around the council fire, or the option to pull up a chair at any one of the camps where homegrown and traditional Appalachian music is played, or the opportunity to answer the call of the drum and dance around the fire under a star filled sky.

Fee: $170-$400

Mar 13 2015
Mar 16 2015

Medicines From The Edge

Termales del Bosque, Aguas Zarcas, San Carlos, Costa Rica

Teachers include:
In permaculture, the Edge is the most diverse and abundant place. It is where the species from two differnt zones meet and where life develops. Whether it is along a water front, where the meadow meets the forest or where the continents meet, here is where we find the most life! Costa Rica is located in between North and South America and in between two oceans. With many microclimates Costa Rica is home to hundreds of tropical and temperate medicinal plants, trees, fruits and fungi! Abundant wildlife, inspiring landscape, diverse population all helped develop the country's most beloved phrase... Pura Vida... Pure LIFE!

Join us for a gathering of herbalists from the Americas to celebrate our diversity and learn about the abundant medicines from the Neo-Tropics. Costa Rica, a bridge between North and South America has diverse micro-climates where we can find temperate familiars and exotic rainforest healers. Explore the range of ethnobotanically significant plants from indigenous and Afro-Caribbean, Costa Rica as well as other plants from the Americas.

The conference will cover a broad range of practical topics as well as focusing on tropical plant identification, medicine making, permaculture and functional tropical foods Enjoy horseback riding, zip-lining through the canopy, excursions to gorgeous waterfalls and Finca Luna Nueva, a biodynamic medicinal plant collection.
Fee: $300

Mar 07 2015
Mar 08 2015

Organic Growers School

UNC Asheville

The Organic Growers School is a non-profit based in Asheville, North Carolina. Our mission is to advance organic agriculture and sustainable living in the Southern Appalachian region by gathering people to teach, learn, and celebrate together.

We envision a mutually supportive network of thriving communities and prosperous farmers throughout the Southern Appalachians.

Our History & Work: The Organic Growers School is a 501c3 non-profit organization that grew out of the volunteer efforts of a group of farmers and extension specialists who, in 1993, gathered to discuss the need for nuts and bolts, region-specific crop growing information applicable for farmers in Western North Carolina. From this meeting, OGS was born, along with a mission to deliver practical information about organic agriculture at a reasonable price.

The first Organic Growers School Spring Conference was held in 1993, with just over 100 participants. Since then, the event has grown exponentially. In 2012, 1906 farmers, gardeners, educators, students, consumers, and chefs gathered from over 18 states and Canada, making the OGS Spring Conference the largest event of it’s type in the Southeast.

In addition to a successful Spring Conference, the OGS offers educational opportunities for organic farmers all year long through our farmer education initiative. CRAFT (Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training) in both western NC and eastern TN gathers farmers and their workers together for peer-to-peer, hands on learning about farm production and business management. Apprentice Link matches farmers to farmworkers and offers consultation about structuring labor on the farm.

Fee: $85 for both days, $45 for one

Feb 26 2015
Mar 01 2015

Kudzu Camp

Sylva, NC

Join Zev and Justin for a weekend workshop in Sylva, NC where we will explore how to harness the zeal of the 'zu for both human and ecological gain! For centuries it has been revered for its generous gifts of food, fiber, medicine, and more.

Visit School of Integrated Living's website for details about what students will learn.

Permaculture in Action is excited to be partnering with the School of Integrated Living and Plants and Healers International on this event.

Fee: By Donation

Feb 01 2015

Super Natural Sodas Magical Meads and Loving Liqueurs


Just in time to make something special for Valentine's Day! Learn or further explore the ancient art of beverage fermentation. We will discuss everything from sodas for the children to magical health supportive formulations and loving libations for your sweetie and friends. The class will include handouts, tastings, snacks and some demonstration beverage crafting too!

Contact marc to RSVP at the email below.

Time: 5-7 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale

Jan 29 2015

Small is Beautiful

Katuah Market

The first of what we hope will be a regular Small Is Beautiful Series, hosted at Katuah Market on Thursday, January 29th, from 6:30 - 8:30pm. After a half hour of connecting and socializing, we will have two guest speakers: Marc N. Williams on "Small Scale Food Production Is the Best' and Laura M. LaVoie on "Life in 120 Square Feet" Admission is free. Seating is available for the first 50 guests followed by standing room after that.

A Message from Katuah Market: "Come early for community connections and sample award-winning wines from local Jones von Drehle Vineyards and Winery! Tastings will be from 4:00-7:00pm."

Marc Wiliams
"Small Scale Food Production Is the Best"

Talk: The fundamental nature of food makes it one of the biggest aspects of sustainability. Local food can use less resources to produce but also be more nutritious and flavorful. Much more varietal diversity is available for folks that want to grow or find their own food as well. This overview of small scaled food production will address everything from kitchen gardens to foraging and livestock. We will both cover particular plants that give you the most bang for your plot size buck as well as prime wild edibles, small animals and local organizations that support educational programming in relation to food.

Laura M. LaVoie
" Life in 120 Square Feet"

Laura M. LaVoie is a freelance writer and blogger living in a 120 Square Foot Cabin with her partner, Matt, and their Sphynx cat, Piglet. Laura and Matt built the tiny house with their own hands after researching several types of alternative building techniques including Cordwood Masonry andEarthships. They decided on a small house because the Tiny House Movement matched their values and lifestyle perfectly. They began building the house in the mountains of North Carolina in 2009 and construction took three years as they lived and worked in Atlanta and would travel and build on weekends. Now Laura, Matt, and Piglet live and work in the tiny house full time. Follow this blog for more about their Life in 120 Square Feet.

Time: 6:30 pm
Fee: Free

Oct 18 2014

Super Natural Sodas Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Stonehouse in Nevada City, CA

Come join Marc at the old Stonehouse Brewery and Tavern for a journey through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various beverages while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special brews. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! Handouts will be given.

107 Sacramento Street  Nevada City, CA 95959

(530) 265-5050
Time: 1 - 4 p.m.
Fee: $30-50 Sliding Scale

Oct 04 2014

True Nature Fair Plant Walk

Highland Lake Cove outside Fletcher, NC

Plant Family Patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 250,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and close to 500 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes . You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk around the True Nature Country fair grounds where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility, medicinality, craft, wildlife promotion and landscape beauty will be discussed. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.


Contact Info:

Time: 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee: Variable

Sep 28 2014

Fermentation Intensive

Pickard's Mountain outside Chapel Hill, NC

Come join ethnobotanist Marc Williams for an applied class in making healthy probiotic foods. This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. We will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then do a short plant walk to find some wild ingredients and then follow by crafting some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Essene Bread, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir, Yogurt Cheese, Seed Cheeses and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.
Worth it for the food and handouts alone!!!
Join us as we explore how fermentation can enhance our health!  
Fermented foods and drinks offer live probiotics and more available nutrients.
Learn why ancient cultures have treasured these processes through the ages!

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

Time: 1:30 - 5 p.m.
Fee: $30-50 Sliding Scale

Sep 27 2014
Jun 27 2014

Forage and Feast

Pickard's Mountain outside Chapel Hill, NC

This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the green wall and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us.

Scholarships and Work Trade Available! Register below via Eventbrite.

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

Time: 2 - 7 p.m.
Fee: $40

Sep 19 2014
Sep 21 2014

Permaculture, Fermentation Techniques. Plant and Mushroom Identification Workshop

Hostel in the Forest outside Brunswick, GA

The fall equinox brings great knowledge and excitement to the Hostel in the Forest. Marc and Mycol return to the woods to provide Hostelers with practical ecological identification of plants and mushrooms as well as fermentation techniques.

Mycol Stevens has a masters in aquatic ecology and has worked as a restoration ecologist/botanist for the Florida Fish and Game across the state of FL since 2004. He has traveled much of Central and South America and Africa, and has learned from some of the best teachers including Frank Cook and Robert Hunsicker. Mycol has been teaching ethnobotany and edible mushrooms since 2005. He also lives off-the-grid on an “ecocentric” permaculture homestead where he eats from the wild almost daily and propagates and cultivates his own organic foods. Mycol’s philosophy is to ween off the “system” and to eat your food as medicine. Mycol has been inspired by the Hostel since the mid 90’s and much of its philosophy is reflected in his way of life. Knowing the living world around you, connects you to the living world. Mycol hosts (Willing Workers On Organic Farms, (WWOOFers) at his finca. Contact him if you are interested in visiting. He also is the host of the Florida Earthskills Gathering in February and annual mushroom teaching in July on the Finca.

Marc Williams is an ethnobotanist. He has studied plants intensively while learning to use them for food, medicine, biological conservation, and beauty. His training includes a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies concentrating in Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College and a Master’s degree in Appalachian Studies concentrating in Sustainable Development with a minor in Geography and Planning from Appalachian State University. Marc’s major research in graduate school focused on the most useful plants of Appalachia. However it is clear that a holistic appreciation of nature irrespective of utility will be necessary to create the new paradigm that are current global situation calls for. He has since spent significant time learning the plants of the Western U.S. and tropical regions as well. Marc has spent over a decade working at a multitude of restaurants, various farms, and travels throughout 24 countries in North/Central America and Europe and 50 of the United States of America. In those travels he has visited over 100 of the best botanical gardens in the world. He has taught hundreds of people about the marvelous lives of plants and their respective uses. Marc first came to the Hostel in the Forest in March of 1998 and was immediately transformed through a first time sweat lodge experience with Tom Dennard the hostel founder. Like Mycol many of the principles that make the Hostel in the Forest such a special place have informed his expression of life in this world ever since. Further info can be found at where an online botany class in the tradition of Frank Cook is conducted by donation.

Teachings will start Friday evening and end Sunday afternoon.

Workshops will include:

Botany 101 presentation, Wild Foods/Medicines walk, Super Food preparation presentation, Botanical Beach/estuary Walk, Fermentation Overview with Honey Mead Making and a Permaculture Ecological restoration talk. Botanical slide shows of various parts of the world including Latin America, Africa and Europe are also possible.

The cost will be $150 per person, which includes accommodations at the Hostel for the Friday and Saturday night as well as a beautiful vegetarian dinner on both nights. Call ahead to reserve your spot.

Bring your notebook, any relevant books you have, a camera, a loupe if you have one, water bottle, rain coat etc. Handouts will be provided.

Time: Friday eve to Sunday mid-afternoon
Fee: $150

Sep 13 2014

No Taste Like Home

Locations Vary

No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-October, 9 am-12:30 pm

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome
Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9 - 12:30
Fee: $60

Sep 07 2014

Super Natural Sodas Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Green Farmacy in Fulton, MD

Come join us at the legendary Green Farmacy garden of Jim Duke for a trip through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various drinks while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special sodas and liqueurs. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! A plant walk and foraging tour will also be part of the educational offerings. Please help spread the word to people in the area!

Time: 2 - 5:30 p.m.
Fee: $30-50 Sliding Scale

Sep 05 2014

Magic Brews: Super Natural Sodas & Fermented Drinks with Marc Williams

Warren Wilson College Garden Cabin

OGS presents the long-awaited Harvest Conference, a fall event featuring all the popularity of the Spring Conference with a focus on the fall growing season, harvesting, canning, growing, gardening, energy, cooking and more…all organically of course. We pride ourselves on bringing you down-to-earth advice on growing and sustainable living, while remaining affordable and accessible.

With very special guest Marc Williams, we're offering the following class:

Explore the nourishing super tonics from around the world and learn to make them easily at home for refreshment and health. We’ll cover Kombucha, Jun, Water Kefir, Beet Kvass and natural sodas. These probiotic rich and nutrient dense super foods make delicious drinks that bridge the worlds of food and medicine. Half day workshop will include hands-on, lecture, plant walk, and tasting craft beverages.

Time: 9 - 12:30
Fee: $40

Aug 30 2014

Wild Edible Plants

OM Sanctuary

Wild Edible Plants (NTLH Nature Series)





Date: 8/30/14

Time: 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Location: Oshun Renewal Center

$45 (plus $4 materials fee)





This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the green wall and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us. In the words of Henry Thoreau “The woods and fields are a table always spread”.

Time: 2-5 p.m.
Fee: $49

Aug 20 2014

No Taste Like Home

Locations Vary

No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-October, 9 am-12:30 pm

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome
Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9 - 12:30
Fee: $60

Aug 16 2014

No Taste Like Home

Locations Vary

No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-October, 9 am-12:30 pm

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome
Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9 - 12:30
Fee: $60

Aug 09 2014

Forage and Feast

Johnson City, TN

The owners of Mountain Yoga in Johnson City, TN have specially requested this event after attending a similar one at the Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary outside of Leicester, NC. This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the "green wall" and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us. $35. To RSVP Please contact at the info below...


Mountain Yoga 151-A East Mountcastle Drive, Johnson City, TN 37601

Contact Info:
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m
Fee: $35

Jul 31 2014
Aug 03 2014

SE Permaculture Gathering

Arthur Morgan School

The SE Permaculture Gathering is a truly prototypical example of the amazingness that the Asheville area has to offer with food, education, celebration and relaxation. This year my plate will be rather busy with facilitating the over-all food operations and procurement with 5 other chefs and numerous volunteers. We are going for all local jam and as much food as possible in concentric circles starting with the South Toe River Valley then Asheville and beyond. We will also collectively host plant walks where we will try to add to the list of over 246 taxa of plants already identified over the last 14 years!

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 25 2014
Jul 27 2014

Wild Herb Weekend

Valle Crucis Conference Center

i will lead three classes at the 2014 Wild Herb Weekend. My topics include Supernatural Sodas, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs, an ethnobotanically focused Woody Plant plant walk and a walk focused on plant family characteristics and how they can help identification and awareness of potential ethnobotanical application. Many other awesome teachers will be presenting including Suki Roth, Corey Pine Shane, and Jeanine Davis just to name a few.

Contact Info:!wild-herb-weekend/ca3p
Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 23 2014

Production: Fermented Foods for Entrepreneurs

Enka Candler Campus of AB-Tech Community College

This class is an opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles. The process of making many fermented items including kvass, kimchee, jun, water kefir, yogurt cheese, Essene bread and more will be discussed. Many of these products represent potential niche items and business opportunities to supply food for the burgeoning local food scene happening in our area and across the country. The hands-on portion of the class will include making sauerkraut and participating in a fermented food item tasting. Participants will receive handouts and cultures to take home.

· TCC 112 · Course: SEF-9055-206BW

Time: 6 - 8:30 pm
Fee: $44.40

Jul 13 2014
Jul 19 2014

Seasonal School of Culinary Arts

Warren Wilson College Swannanoa, NC

i will be offering a plant walk as part of this school on the morning of July 15th

The Seasonal School of Culinary Arts offers week-long hands-on immersion in a variety of culinary experiences designed to awaken and broaden the palate, lead you closer to the source of the food you prepare, and provide you with a panoply of skills that will help you celebrate the ordinary in extraordinary fashion.


To inspire a new--and encourage an older--generation of home chefs to gather food consciously, treat it with skill and respect, and share it with passion, furthering the notion that the most important moments we spend are those partaken with friends and family around the table.


Chefs are messengers/teachers/artists/gatekeepers, with the power to make a difference in the world through educating the tastes of those they feed. The Seasonal School of Culinary Arts unites from 30-40 chefs each summer week, each one with a different yet common approach to feeding the body and soul. You will be as infused with the enthusiasm of these chefs as you are with the wealth of recipes and culinary tips they will pass on to you as you work side by side.  The spring, autumn and winter weeks will be hosted by numerous experts in the wine, produce, and cuisine of each unique region.


The summer sessions are held on our homebase, the beautiful campus of Warren Wilson College in the Swannanoa Valley, where once the Cherokee roamed, there is scarcely a better place in the world to repose and revitalize for a week in mid-July. Surrounded by the cool mountains, you will be borne away by the sound of music emanating from the many artists who have come to the same spot to take part in the Swannanoa Gathering. Asheville is only a skip away, with its many fine restaurants and markets and people.

Ithaca, Sonoma and Paris (ah! Paris!) are all known for their wondrous wines and cuisines, each with its own very different terroir.  Discover them in excellent company, and bring home souvenirs to last a lifetime. Register now, and become a year-round culinary traveler!


The most important ingredient of all is you! In choosing to participate in a week (or more) of gastronomical exploration, you will be adding to the well-being of our planet. Food is a universal language and, in the words of Indian activist Vandana Shiva, "the highest karma is the producing of food in abundance and the giving of food in generosity". May we all help nourish the future!

Contact Info and Registration

Fee: Price Varies

Jul 12 2014

Botanical ID: Field Botany for Entrepreneurs

Enka Candler Campus of AB-Tech Community College

Good Manufacturing Practices require that companies verify the identity of their botanical materials. Come learn the basics of whole plant identification. Knowledge of plant family patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. There are approximately 300,000 species of plants known to global science, yet you’ll know something significant about the majority of plants in temperate climates if you learn the top 30 families around you The first session of this course will consist of a botany lecture and the second session will be a plant walk where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern United States. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Participants will also learn how to identify plants using a field guide, which is included in the registration fee.

· TCC 112 Course: SEF-9057-203BW

More information and Registration

Time: 10 am - 3:30 pm
Fee: $78.40, includes field guide

Jun 29 2014

Forage and Feast

Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary in Leicester, NC

We will meet at Soulflower Botanical sanctuary in Leicester, NC. We will talk for about ½ hour then walk for about 2 hours and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes.


Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine. Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region.Knowledge of some problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be.Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles.Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany.

Contact Info:

Time: 2 - 6:30 p.m.
Fee: $35

Jun 28 2014

No Taste Like Home

Locations Vary

No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-October, 9 am-12:30 pm

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome
Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9 - 12:30
Fee: $60

Jun 12 2014
Jun 15 2014

Firefly Gathering

Outside Barnardsville, NC

The 7th annual Firefly Gathering offers an excellent example to go deeper with the crucial tasks known collectively as Earth Skills or Ancient Arts. i will be leading a plant walk and a class on fermentation during the main event. Over 200 classes in total will be offered by more than 100 teachers. Attendance is limited so get tickets while you can!

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Jun 06 2014
Jun 08 2014

Enjoying Nature's Abundance

Sunny Bank Inn

Come join Marc Williams and others at the historical Sunny Bank Inn located in Hot Springs, NC. This will be a learning opportunity in the tradition of Frank Cook who taught thousands of people how to enjoy the abundance of nature all around us. Our experience will begin with a dinner, greet, meet and orientation on Friday night. Saturday we will hike to a number of choice spots for foraging around the area while preparing and eating what we find through the day. After dinner Saturday we will head for a nice hot soak at the famous hot springs. Sunday we will do a review of what we have learned as well as a discussion of how to cement the knowledge and pursue further study. This is a great way to immerse oneself in the art of foraging while also enjoying a marvelous locale and the fellowship of good people.

Cost is $250 all inclusive of 2 nights at Sunnybank, 6 meals and a soak in the springs

Arrangements are available for day students and camping potentially as well…

Contact Info: 828-622-7206
Fee: $250

May 31 2014
Jun 02 2014

Medicine's From the Earth

Blue Ridge Assembly outside Black Mountain, NC

This conference has a very deep focus on the medicinal aspects of plants. Many walks are included in the program with the likes of Doug Elliot and CoreyPine Shane. The incredible line up of other teachers includes David Winston, Kathleen Maier, Mary Bove, Teresa Boardwine, David Crow, Roy Upton, Jill Stansbury, Donald Yance, Aviva Romm, Tori Hudson, Deborah Frances, Vicky Shufer and others. i will be leading a plant walk about Exotic invasive plants that can be used for medicine...

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

May 25 2014

Fermentation Overview

Villagers (Formerly Small Terrain) in West Asheville, NC

This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir, Yogurt Cheese, Essene Bread and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.

Worth it for the food and handouts alone!

Please help spread the word to anybody that may be interested!!!

RSVP to Natalie Pollard 1 (828) 215-9569 or email below

Contact Info:
Time: 530 to 730 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 sliding scale

May 24 2014

No Taste Like Home

Locations Vary

No Taste Like Home wild food adventures since 1995
Three-hour foraging tours with expert guides
every Saturday and the third Wednesday of each month
mid-April to mid-October, 9 am-12:30 pm

Short, easy walks; all ages welcome
Introductory e-book included
Free appetizers with dinner reservation
$60, kids 4-10 half-price
private outings also available

Contact Info and Registration

Time: 9 - 12:30
Fee: $60

May 24 2014
May 26 2014

Heal Your Body in Nature - Wilderness Weekend

Hot Springs, NC

i will be teaching on Sunday and Monday of the following retreat below...

Cleanse Your Body & Discover Ayurveda.

Join Joyful Belly on a beautiful, & revitalizing 3 day hike through the Blue Ridge mountains. During this fun and interactive trip, you'll discover your body and awaken your healing potential through experiences in the natural world. Each day, you'll harvest wild foods and herbs for a three day detoxification process. Meanwhile, you'll learn about your body through enjoyable mealtime presentations. Together we'll share our experiences of the day over an evening meal and camp fire.

Your body's inner workings are most alive & more perceptible in nature. It has been said that nature is Ayurveda's greater teacher. By the end of the trip, you will learn how your body relates to food and the environment, essential skills for self-healing. This three day immersion offers you unique encounters with your body and nature. Back at home, you'll use these newly acquired skills as a roadmap to heal your body through food and lifestyle.

May flourishes with spring abundance. Spring greens offer renewal and vitality after a long winter. Among the many benefits of this workshop include

  • A three day detoxification diet and lifestyle
  • Revitalization and a great workout for your body.
  • Meeting & tasting wild edibles & herbs in their natural environment
  • Discovering how to select food & herbs for your body using only your five senses to guide you
  • Interactive lectures on healing through Ayurveda.
  • Bonding with others, and building great memories.

About the Trip

We start at the "Lover's Leap" trailhead outside of Hot Springs at 10 am, just on the other side of the French Broad from the town of Hot Springs and hike the Appalachian trail to Hurricane Gap. The entire trip is approximately ten miles. You will be walking about 3-4 miles each day and camping at night. Evenings will be spent building the fire, preparing the meal and sharing stories. Mornings will include class time and sampling herbs. Breakfast and dinner will be provided. Bring your own snacks and lunch. Difficulty level is moderate to easy. To make the trip light and easy, your tent and other overnight gear will be transported by car for you to each evening's campsite.

About John Immel

John Immel is the founder of leading Ayurvedic dieting website His insightful presentations on Ayurveda have captivated and changed the lives of thousands. John started his career with a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Harvard University. He first discovered Ayurveda while working on public health and service projects in South Asia & the Middle East.


This practical workshop offers discovery and learning opportunities for both novice and experienced students. The total cost for the trip and classes is $299. Attendance is limited to 20 people. Bring a friend for half price ($149.50). Come again and again for only $99.

Register at the following link...

Fee: $299

May 08 2014
May 11 2014

LEAF Festival

Lake Eden outside Black Mountain, NC

LEAF is one of my all time favorite festivals! Great music, food, poetry slams, zip lines, drum circles, contra dancing, healing arts, Earth skills and general all around great group of people to share it with! i will be leading a Wildflower Plant Walk on Saturday for an hour and honoring the legacy of Frank Cook who passed away almost 5 years ago. We will also be showing a tribute film created by the non-profit Plants and Healers Intenational that carries on the work of Frank in a multitude of ways

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Apr 20 2014
Apr 27 2014

Rivercane Rendevouz

La Fayette, GA

This event and its sister event in the autumn Falling Leaves are preeminent Earth skills/ancient arts happenings for the southeast region. i will hopefully be on hand to help lead plant walks and may also do a class on fermentation.

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Apr 19 2014

Foraging at the Farm

The Farm a Gathering Place

Join us for an action packed afternoon. First we will go on a garden tour and forage at The Farm a Gathering Place with ethnobotanist Marc Williams. We will prepare and eat a family style meal with chef Michael Gentry of Everyone Cooks using in season garden goods as well as foraged ingredients. Vegan and Gluten free options included!

Contact Info: RSVP 828-273-6542
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m
Fee: 45

Apr 12 2014
Apr 13 2014

Mother Earth News Fair

WNC Agricultural Center

This first time entry into the plethora of activities around Asheville, NC will feature a hosts of awesome learning opportunities and keynote speakers like Joel Salatin and Sandor Katz.

i will be presenting in the kids program about the wild edibles of Western North Carolina.This spotlight on wild foraged foods will focus on some of the most common and easily identified edible plants that occur in Western North Carolina. We will look at the plants in the flesh and also taste a tea made from plants that are featured. Come learn more about the abundant botanical resources surrounding us in a fun and informative presentation.

Contact Info:
Fee: $20 - 200

Apr 11 2014

Wild Edibles of The Appalachian Trail

The Hot Springs Visitor Center

Join Marc Williams for a delectable tour of wild edible foods available on the Appalachian Trail.This talk will feature a powerpoint presentation with several harvested plant species featured in the flesh as well.

Objectives of learning include:

Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families in Appalachia used for food and medicine

Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in the Appalachian region.

Knowledge of some problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be.

Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles.

Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany.

Contact Info: Contact Isaac (Ike) Lassiter 828-622-7271 with any questions
Time: 7 - 8 p.m.
Fee: Free to the public!

Apr 05 2014

Botanical ID: Field Botany for Entrepreneurs

Enka Candler Campus of AB-Tech

Good Manufacturing Practices require that companies verify the identity of their botanical materials. Come learn the basics of whole plant identification. Knowledge of plant family patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. There are approximately 300,000 species of plants known to global science, yet you’ll know something significant about the majority of plants in temperate climates if you learn the top 30 families around you The first session of this course will consist of a botany lecture and the second session will be a plant walk where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern United States. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Participants will also learn how to identify plants using a field guide, which is included in the registration fee.

Email contact or call 828-398-7943

Contact Info:
Time: 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Fee: 77.40

Mar 15 2014

Plant Walk, Wild Foods Lunch and Shiitake Inoculation Workshops

Eagle Feather Farm, Marshall, NC

Eagle Feather Organic Farm outside Marshall, NC

Plant Walk & Lunch with Marc Williams
Plant Walk from 10 a.m. to 12 noon • $10
Lunch from 12 noon to 1 p.m. • $10

Lunch items will include, Wild Greens Pesto Pasta, Quinoa Tabouleh, Green Salad, Tahini Creasy Green Dressing, Ginseng Bliss Balls and Herbal Tea all with items picked locally on the farm!

Shiitake Workshop with Robert Morningstar
Workshop from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Workshop only, $15 to $25 sliding scale.
Workshop w/your oak logs, $25. Limit 6 logs.
Workshop w/our oak logs, $15 plus $5 each log.

Call Robert at (828) 649-3536 to register or with questions.

or email

Please make checks payable to Robert Eidus, 300 Indigo Bunting Lane, Marshall, NC 28753

No Dogs Allowed ~ Carpooling is Encouraged ~ Directions are on the Web site

Contact Info: Call Robert at (828) 649-3536 to register or with questions.
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee: Variable Pricing

Mar 08 2014
Mar 09 2014

Organic Grower's School

University of North Carolina Asheville

The Organic Grower's School is a premier educational event for the entire Southeast and even the country! The 21st annual event will be at the University of North Carolina Asheville Campus. Almost nowhere else will you find such a multitude of classes offered at such an affordable price. Over 100 educational offerings in total!

i will be presenting a talk on Exotic Invasives...Harvest for Use as One means of Control both days from 4 - 5:30 p.m. Many exotic invasive plants are famous for a multitude of functions including food, medicine and crafts in their places of origin. We will cover how harvesting for use can be one method of control.


Contact Info:
Time: 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. each day
Fee: Variable Pricing

Feb 27 2014

Craft Plants of Appalachia

Mars Hill College, Liston B Ramsey Center

Join ethnobotanist Marc Williams for a plant walk and talk covering botanicals used in the southern Appalachian mountains for crafts and survival. Natural dyes, fibers, baskets, fire starters, and weaponry are some of the categories we will cover. Come learn some of the plants used for these primal practices and more about people and other resources occurring in the area that can support further study.

Walk 3-5 p.m. leaving from the Liston B Ramsey Center

Talk 7-8:30 p.m. inside the Liston B Ramsey Center...

More info at

Contact Info: Hannah Furgiuele 828.689.1571 or
Time: 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.and 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Fee: Free to the public!

Feb 22 2014
Feb 23 2014

Kudzu Camp

Sylva, NC (about 1 hour west of Asheville)

Kudzu Camp 2014
with permaculture teachers Zev Friedman, Justin Holt, and Guests

You might know kudzu as the vine that will follow you home and swallow your house. But for centuries it has been revered for its generous gifts of food, fiber, medicine, and more. Join us for a weekend workshop in Sylva, NC where we will explore how to harness the zeal of the 'zu for both human and ecological gain! Students will learn:

  • how to find, harvest, and process superior roots for their valuable medicinal and culinary starch
  • how to harvest and process vines for their strong and beautiful fibers
  • how to use kudzu root starch in cooking and healing
  • the fascinating history of use of kudzu in Asia and in the US
  • techniques for managing kudzu patches to maximize useful yields
  • how to integrate the plant into a permaculture reforestation strategy
The workshop, to be held February 22 and 23, 2014 in the beautiful mountain town of Sylva, NC (about 1 hour west of Asheville), will include scratch-made, organic meals provided by local chef Marc Williams. $135-165 sliding scale, includes meals and optional basic accommodations for Saturday night. Some work trade opportunities available.
This workshop will be a hands-on learning endeavor, so come prepared to stay warm while digging and processing roots outdoors. Fear not - there is a wood stove and plenty of cozy indoor time planned as well.
Contact Info: Contact for more information and to register
Fee: $135-165 sliding scale

Feb 11 2014

Fermented Foods for Entrepreneurs

Enka Candler Campus of AB Tech

This class is an opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles. The process of making many fermented items including kvass, kimchee, jun, water kefir, yogurt cheese, Essene bread and more will be discussed. Many of these products represent potential niche items and business opportunities to supply food for the burgeoning local food scene happening in Asheville and across the country. The hands-on portion of the class will include making sauerkraut and participating in a fermented food item tasting. Participants will receive handouts and cultures to take home. Instructor: Marc Williams.

Course: SEF-9055-106BW

Contact Info:
Time: 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Fee: 44.40

Feb 02 2014

Field to Fork

Warren Wilson College Garden Cabin

Shake those winter shadows
& go HOG-WILD on

Munchies & Meade:
--U make, U eat healthy appetizers
with Chef Michael Gentry
--Sip meade* with Marc Williams
(*ancient ambrosia with honey,
wild & medicinal herbs)

(other activities, TBA)

$25 Reservations: (828) 273-6542

Come ANYTIME during the party. There will be TWO short classes
on appetizers: (probably) 2:30p.m. & 4:30p.m.
(Might go for a Garden Tour/Nature Walk, weather permitting)


Contact Info: Michael Gentry (828) 273-6542
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m
Fee: $25

Dec 15 2013

Home for the Holidays

Villagers (Formerly Small Terrain)

Homemade Holidays

The class will focus on culinary gifts and other exciting recipes for a tasty, happy holiday season...Some featured items include chai mix, truffles, chutney, fire cider, probiotic dips and liqueurs. Everyone will leave with their choice of some fire cider, chai mix or truffles to take with them. Samples of all items mentioned here and more will be available for each student to try. Handouts including recipes will be given for everyone to take home as well. Come learn to have a more delicious yet healthy holiday season for your personal enjoyment as well as gift ideas for families and friends.

Contact Info: To RSVP Natalie Pollard 828-215-9569
Time: 5 to 730 p.m.
Fee: $20 to 30 sliding scale

Nov 19 2013

Everyone Cooks

UNCA Sherril Center Teaching Kitchen

This class is an opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The process of making many fermented items including kvass, kimchee, jun, water kefir, yogurt cheese, Essene bread, dosas and more will be discussed first and then carried out by students leading up to a meal shared by all. Participants will receive handouts as well as a delicous belly full or probiotic fermented foods.

Contact Info:
Time: 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $25

Nov 15 2013
Nov 17 2013

Carolina Farm Stewardship Association

Durham, NC

Join us at the 28th Annual CFSA Sustainable Agriculture Conference
November 15-17, 2013 in Durham, NC

Plan to join us in fabulous, foodie Durham for top-notch speakers, hands-on intensives and tours, great networking opportunities, and, of course, our famous local, organic meals!

It’s the Farm and Food event of the year!

My class will focus on discussing and sampling some unusual vegetables, both cultivated and wild. These plants offer the chance to increase diet diversity and interest while offering potential economic opportunities too. Come try something new!

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Nov 10 2013

Field to Fork

Warren Wilson College Garden

This will be an action packed good time including:

A garden tour and wild food tips with Marc Williams,

Physical Excerices to work up an appetite,

Gourmet vegetarian cooking class with the "Sustainable Gourmet" Michael Gentry of Everyone Cooks

Live local music.

Contact Info: RSVP to Michael Gentry 828-273-6542
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m
Fee: $40

Nov 07 2013

Fermented Foods for Entrepreneurs

Enka Candler Campus of AB Tech

This class is an opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles. The process of making many fermented items including kvass, kimchee, jun, water kefir, yogurt cheese, Essene bread and more will be discussed. Many of these products represent potential niche items and business opportunities to supply food for the burgeoning local food scene happening in Asheville and across the country. The hands-on portion of the class will include making sauerkraut and participating in a fermented food item tasting. Participants will receive handouts and cultures to take home. Instructor: Marc Williams.

  · Course: SEF-9055-109BW

Contact Info:
Time: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Fee: $59.70

Oct 27 2013

Super Natural Soda, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Stone House, Nevada City, CA


Come join Marc at the old Stonehouse Brewery and Tavern for a journey through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various beverages while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special brews. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! Handouts will be given.

107 Sacramento Street  Nevada City, CA 95959

(530) 265-5050


Contact Info: 828-231-4832
Time: 3 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 sliding scale

Oct 17 2013
Oct 20 2013

LEAF Festival Autumn Tree Walk

Lake Eden and Camp Rockmont

This is my favorite festival ever! Think healing arts, earth skills, contra dancing, poetry slamming, amazing music and food to boot! i will be leading a plant walk focusing on autumn trees at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday 10/19 from the Earthskills area.

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Oct 05 2013

True Nature Fair Plant Walk

Highland Lake Cove Flat Rock, NC

Plant Family Patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 250,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and close to 500 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes . You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk around the True Nature Country fair grounds where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility, medicinality, craft, wildlife promotion and landscape beauty will be discussed. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.


Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Sep 29 2013

Fermentation Workshop

Pickard's Mtn outside Chapel Hill, NC

Come join ethnobotanist Marc Williams for an applied class in making healthy probiotic foods. This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. We will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then do a short plant walk to find some wild ingredients and then follow by crafting some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Essene Bread, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir, Yogurt Cheese, Seed Cheeses and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.
Worth it for the food and handouts alone!!!
Join us as we explore how fermentation can enhance our health!  
Fermented foods and drinks offer live probiotics and more available nutrients.
Learn why ancient cultures have treasured these processes through the ages!

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516


Contact Info:
Time: 1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Fee: $25-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Sep 28 2013

Forage and Feast

Pickard's Mtn outside Chapel Hill, NC

This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the green wall and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us.

Scholarships and Work Trade Available! Register below via Eventbrite.

8519 Pickards Meadow Road
Chapel Hill,NC 27516

Contact Info:
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 7p.m.
Fee: $40

Sep 21 2013

Forage and Feast

Johnson City, TN

The owners of Mountain Yoga in Johnson City, TN have specially requested this event after attending a similar one at the Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary outside of Leicester, NC. This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the "green wall" and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us. $35. To RSVP Please contact at the info below...


Mountain Yoga 151-A East Mountcastle Drive, Johnson City, TN 37601

Contact Info:
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 7p.m.
Fee: $35

Sep 14 2013
Jul 14 2013

Super Natural Sodas, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Green Farmacy Garden Fulton, MD

Come join us at the legendary Green Farmacy garden of Jim Duke for a trip through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various drinks while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special sodas and liqueurs. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! A plant walk and foraging tour will also be part of the educational offerings. Please help spread the word to people in the area!

Contact Info:
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Fee: $20-40

Sep 05 2013
Sep 07 2013

Botanical ID: Field Botany for Entrepreneurs

Enka Candler Campus of AB Tech

Good Manufacturing Practices require that companies verify the identity of their botanical materials. Come learn the basics of whole plant identification. Knowledge of plant family patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. There are approximately 300,000 species of plants known to global science, yet you’ll know something significant about the majority of plants in temperate climates if you learn the top 30 families around you The first session of this course will consist of a botany lecture and the second session will be a plant walk where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern United States. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Participants will also learn how to identify plants using a field guide, which is included in the registration fee.

Thursday, September 5, 6 – 7:30 pm and Saturday, September 7 10 am – 1 pm

Course: SEF-9057-411BW

Contact Info:
Time: 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Thursday 10a.m. -1 p.m. Saturday
Fee: $70.90

Aug 25 2013

Super Natural Sodas, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Eagle Feather Organic Farm outside Marshall, NC

Come join Marc at Eagle Feather Farm for a journey through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various beverages while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special brews. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! Handouts will be given.


Eagle Feather Farm: 300 Indigo Bunting Ln  Marshall, NC 28753


Contact Info:
Time: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 sliding scale

Aug 18 2013

Forage and Feast

Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary outside Leicester, NC

We will meet at Soulflower Botanical sanctuary in Leicester, NC. We will talk for about ½ hour then walk for about 2 hours and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes.


Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine. Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region.Knowledge of some problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be.Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles.Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany.

Contact Info:
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 7p.m.
Fee: $30-50 Sliding Scale

Aug 08 2013
Aug 11 2013

North American Fruit Explorers Conference

Flat Rock, NC

This year's annual meeting of the North American Fruit Explorers will be held outside Asheville, NC, August 8th-11th.

This year’s theme- “Honoring our elders”

Registration (includes food for 2 days responisbly sourced and lovingly prepared by Marc Williams, Anne Knofilcek and crew)

More information on Facebook


Contact Info:
Fee: Members 60.00; Non members 70.00

Aug 01 2013
Aug 04 2013

25th Annual SE Permaculture Gathering

Celo, NC

The SE Permaculture Gathering is a truly prototypical example of the amazingness that the Asheville area has to offer with food, education, celebration and relaxation. This year my plate will be rather busy with facilitating the over-all food operations and procurement with 5 other chefs and numerous volunteers. We are going for all local jam and as much food as possible in concentric circles starting with the South Toe River Valley then Asheville and beyond. We will also collectively have plant walks where we will try to add to the 246 taxa of plants already identified over the last 13 years!

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 26 2013
Jul 28 2013

Wild Herb Weekend

Valle Crucis, NC

i will lead plant walks and a fermented beverage class at the 2013 Wild Herb Weekend . My topics include Supernatural Sodas and Magical Meads, an Exotic invasives plant walk and the Ethnobotany of Appalachian trees and shrubs. Many other awesome teachers will be presenting including Matthew Wood , Phyllis Light , Corey Pine Shane, and Jeanine Davis just to name a few.

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Jul 14 2013
May 20 2013

Seasonal School Culinary Arts

Warren Wilson College

Our stellar week in Asheville (July 14-20, 2013) will involve, as always, the top chefs of Western North Carolina, coupled with renowned wine experts, and a surrounding that is pastoral, flanked by blue mountains, and reeling with music and dance as a backdrop. Our theme for 2013 will revolve around the riches of Appalachia and how they define who we are while providing us with tremendous resources from which we may help inspire a world of food enthusiasts, rethinking all that we know and love.

Each day centers around a 3-hour class with master chefs, a gourmet lunch, and a wine tasting afternoon/evening session. The music in the background will be the drone of bagpipes and the lilt of flute and fiddle, as the Swannanoa Gathering's Celtic Week enhances the colors on our plates. Culinary students are welcome to join in evening festivities which last often until dawn breaks over the hill.

Contact Info:
Fee: $1,400

Jul 13 2013

Forage and Feast

120 Prairie Sky Lane Burnsville, NC

This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the "green wall" and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us. Delicious food will be enjoyed and handouts will be given.

Contact Info:
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 7p.m.
Fee: $30-50 Sliding Scale

Jul 12 2013

Super Natural Sodas, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

120 Prairie Sky Lane Burnsville, NC

Come join ethnobotanist Marc Williams at the Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies (AIMS) for a journey through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various beverages while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special brews. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! Handouts will be given.

Contact Info:
Time: 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $20-40

Jun 25 2013
Jun 28 2013

Ethnobotany Intensive

Wild Abundance outside Banardsville, NC

Firefly Ethnobotany Intensive Program

We will be focusing on the multitude of connections among people, plants and the rest of nature in the Firefly Ethnobotany Intensive. Activities will include a Botany 101 Presentation/Plant Walk – Wild Foods Forage and Feast – Survival 101 Plant Walk (tools, cordage, shelter, etc.) – Tree Walk – Ecology Talk – Fermentation Practicum – Medicines/Poisonous Plant Walk – Nutrition from a Traditional and Holistic Perspective Presentation – Salve and Tincture Making – and an Ethnobotanical Science Overview! The further point of the intensive is to raise our collective level of knowledge about taxonomy, botanical terminology, and more ethnobotanical uses for common and not-so-common plants.

Instructors include

Juliet Blankespoor

Natalie Bogwalker

Marc Williams

Jim Veteto

Sandi Ford

Class Fee (including materials): $195

Hours of class and schedule:

Tuesday: 11-6

11-12 Jim Veteto and Marc Williams Ethnobotany Overview

12-1  Marc Williams Fermentation Overview

230-430 Marc Williams and Jim Veteto Wild Edible Plant Walk and Forage

430-530 Marc Williams and Jim Veteto Feast prep including Mead Making

530         Eating-Mead Tasting

Wednesday: 10-6

Natalie Bogwalker Plants for Crafts and Survival

            Fiber, Friction Fire, Carving, Traps

Thursday: 10-6

Juliet Blankespoor Poisonous Plants and Plants for Medicine

Tincture Making and Plant Walk

Friday: 10-5

Sandi Ford

Sustainable Nutrition Paleo to Modern 10-12

Food as Medicine 12-1

Salve Making 230-330

Jim Veteto

Agrobiodiversity and Conclusion  330-5


Contact Info:
Fee: $195

Jun 20 2013
Jun 23 2013

Firefly Gathering

Banardsville, NC

The sixth annual Firefly Gathering offers an excellent example to go deeper with the crucial tasks known collectively as Primitive Skills or Ancient Arts. i will leading a plant walk and a class on fermentation during the main event. Over 200 classes in total will be offered by more than 100 teachers. Attendance is limited so get tickets while you can!

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Jun 14 2013
Jun 16 2013

Earth Skills Plant Intensive

Hostel in the Forest, Outside Brunswick, GA

Ethnobotanical Intensive with Mycol Stevens & Marc Williams May 4-6 2012

Mycol Stevens has a masters in aquatic ecology and has worked as a restoration ecologist/botanist for the Florida Fish and Game across the state of FL since 2004. He has traveled much of Central and South America and Africa, and has learned from some of the best teachers including Frank Cook.  Mycol has been teaching ethnobotany and edible mushrooms on the side since 2005.  He also lives off-the-grid on an “ecocentric” permaculture homestead where he eats from the wild almost daily and propagates and cultivates his own organic foods.  Mycol’s philosophy is to ween off the “system” and to eat your food as medicine.  Mycol has been inspired by the Hostel since the mid 90’s and much of its philosophy is reflected in his way of life.  Knowing the living world around you, connects you to the living world. Mycol hosts (Willing Workers On Oraganic Farms, (WWOOFers) at his finca. Contact him if you are interested in visiting. He also hosts an Earthskills gathering near the beginning of February every year. ,

Marc Williams is an ethnobotanist. He has studied plants intensively while learning to use them for food, medicine, biological conservation, and beauty. His training includes a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies concentrating in Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College and a  Master’s degree in Appalachian Studies concentrating in Sustainable Development with a minor in Geography and Planning from Appalachian State University. Marc’s major research in graduate school focused on the most useful plants of Appalachia. However it is clear that a holistic appreciation of nature irrespective of utility will be necessary to create the new paradigm that are current global situation calls for. He has since spent significant time learning the plants of the Western U.S. and tropical regions as well. Marc has spent over a decade working at a multitude of restaurants, various farms, and travels throughout 23 countries in North/Central America and Europe and 49 of the United States of America. In those travels he has visited over 70 of the best botanical gardens in the world. He has taught hundreds of people about the marvelous lives of plants and their respective uses. Marc first came to the Hostel in the Forest in March of 1998 and was immediately transformed through a first time sweat lodge experience with Tom Dennard the hostel founder. Like Mycol many of the principles that make the Hostel in the Forest such a special place have informed his expression of life in this world ever since. Further info can be found at where an online botany class in the tradition of Frank Cook is conducted by donation.

Teachings will start Friday evening and end Sunday afternoon.

Workshops will include:

  • Botany 101 presentation
  • Wild Foods/Medicines walk
  • Super Food preparation presentation 
  • Botanical Beach Walk
  • Fermentation Overview with Honey Mead Making and sharing 
  • Potential Sweat Lodge Ceremony
  • Botanical slide shows of various parts of the world including Latin America, Africa and Europe are also possible.

The cost will be $100 per person, which includes accommodations at the Hostel for the Friday and Saturday night as well as a beautiful vegetarian dinner on both nights.  Make sure to call ahead to reserve your spot!!!

Bring your notebook, any relevant books you have, a camera, a loupe if you have one, water bottle, rain coat etc.

Handouts will be provided.

“Teach a man to fish, ya got food for life. Let your food be your medicine.”

 “The forests and fields are a table always spread” Henry Thoureau

Contact Info:
Time: 6 p.m. Fri -5:30 p.m. Sun
Fee: $100

Jun 01 2013
Jun 03 2013

Medicine's From the Earth

Blue Ridge Assembly, outside Black Mountain, NC

This conference has a very deep focus on the medicinal aspects of plants. Many walks are included in the program with the likes of Doug Elliot and CoreyPine Shane. The incredible line up of other teachers includes David Winston, Kathleen Maier, Mary Bove, Teresa Boardwine, David Crow, Roy Upton, Jill Stansbury, Donald Yance, Aviva Romm, Tori Hudson, Deborah Frances, Vicky Shufer and others. i will be working in the wings to pay the way for my attendance.

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

May 31 2013
Jun 02 2013

Food For Life

Sequatchie Valle Institute at Moonshadow

Description below is from the website...A Tenessess premier of the Frank Cook short film tribute "The Green Man" will also  occur at this event...

For nearly two decades the Sequatchie Valley Institute’s annual “Food for Life” event at Moonshadow has gathered thinkers, practitioners, dreamers, and eaters alike.  On the walls of the ancient Cumberland Plateau, Food for Life is an act of community connecting and opening us to the flow of energy we call food.

In a space where being is your criteria for expertise, discussion and presentations range from the practical, common, and scientific to the edgy netherworlds of speculation, mythology, and spirit.  Topics covered in these manners include, fermentation and the art of cooking,  the joy of eating, nutrition, herbal medicine, crop and animal production and building relationships with the origins of our food.

Workshop leaders are drawn from a wide background of expertise and experience – allowing for a variety in the types of teaching, learning, and interaction.

Sessions Cover:

  • food preparation and preservation strategies, including canning, drying, and fermentation. The exploration of various fermentation cultures, such as sour kraut and kim chi, mead, wine and beer making, kombucha, kefir, sour dough, miso, yogurt and cheese making. Our keynote speaker on this topic is Sandor Katz, the well loved southeastern author of “The Art of Fermentation” and “Wild Fermentation.” This underground fermentation superhero will be sharing his enthusiasm for & wisdom about various aspects of health and vitality through fermentation.
  • permaculture gardening & edible landscaping, with an emphasis on how to create & live within your own abundant environment
  • plant walks, meeting & greeting our local wild edible & medicinal plants here in the forest, harvesting, discussion and preparation of various medicines
  • metabolic, nutritional, biochemical, evolutionary relationships to health and disease
  • theoretical and political explorations of the social and ecological implications of industrial agriculture as well as the pitfalls of the modern diet & an exploration of various methods of creating sustainable community-based food systems instead of global monopolies
  • a comprehensive kids program encouraging adventurous eating & a real connection & relationship with food.  We will be sharing yummy snack ideas that kids prepare & share, food based art projects, ways to play with your food, kids fermentation by making herbal sodas & general fun in the garden & fun with our food.  We view kids as the future and helping them to fully understand how important it is to make wise choices about where their food comes from, how it is prepared & the ways in which we share it is imperative to a sustainable & abundant future.
  • the art of bread making, culminating in a pizza party in our outdoor wood fired earthen oven
  • tours of our land and hand built homes, permaculture gardens and sustainable lifestyle
  • games, theatre, live music, sharing circles, and of course, delicious food!

All events are intentionally affordable and we ask $25 — $50 per adult, per day and children are $5-$20 per child per day, which includes lovingly prepared nutritious meals and admission to all workshops and lectures.

There is a $10 camping fee for the weekend.  Sliding scales are available for those who need it. All Sequatchie Valley Institute members receive a 10% discount.  We are not for profit (501c3), and all proceeds go to cover the costs of this and future events. Limited work trade is available and needs to be arranged in advance. Food trade is accepted, but only if the food is nutritionally and ethically sound (i.e., produced in manner that makes our world a better place). All food trade must be approved in advance.

Our goal is to deepen community through educating and empowering people in one of the most fundamental aspects of being… FOOD.

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

May 09 2013
May 12 2013

LEAF Festival

Lake Eden and Camp Rockmont

LEAF is one of my all time favorite festivals. Great music, food, poetry slams, zip lines, drum circles, contra dancing, healing arts, primitive skills and general all around great group of people to share it with! i will be leading a Plant Walk on Saturday for an hour and Corey Pine Shane, Josh Fox and Mateo Ryall will be leading walks also that day. Need i say more...

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Apr 27 2013

Film Premier of Frank Cook tribute film "The Green Man"

The Metrosphere (Formerly Club Metropolis) in Asheville, NC

Join us for a viewing of this ten-minute film, along with an
evening of community, connection, memorial, and hors d’oeuvres
from the soon to be published Frank Cook cookbook

We will honor the legacy of this great green man, ethnobotanist, humanitarian and explorer extraordinaire! More info at

This activity will be part of a succession of events that will feature another film showing premier which is part of the Bloom series of films exploring consciousness festivals. Details below.

Emergence: Earth (, Innertain ( , Life as Art Studios and and hosted at MetroSpere (formally Metropolis).

Film, food, music and dancing at the Metrosphere 5 p.m. until late after the Frank Cook premiere!

The Frank Cook film showing is free and the rest of the activities are by $10 donation.

Contact Info:
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Fee: By Donation

Apr 21 2013

Fermentation Workshop

Small Terrain in West Asheville, NC

This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir, Yogurt Cheese, Essene Bread and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.

Worth it for the food and handouts alone!

Please help spread the word to anybody that may be interested!!!

RSVP to Natalie Pollard 1 (828) 216-8102 or email below

Contact Info:
Time: 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Fee: $20 - 40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Apr 21 2013
Apr 28 2013

Rivercane Rendezvous

La Fayette, GA

This event and its sister event in the autumn Falling Leaves are preeminent Earth skills/ancient arts happenings for the southeast region. i will help lead plant walks and may also do a class on fermentation.

Contact Info:
Time: All Day
Fee: Variable Pricing

Apr 14 2013

From Field to Fork with Everyone Cooks

Warren Wilson College Garden Cabin

This will be an action packed good time including:

A garden tour and seasonal gardening tips with Marc Williams,

Physical Excerices to work up an appetite,

Gourmet vegetarian cooking class with the "Sustainable Gourmet" Michael Gentry of Everyone Cooks

Live local music.



Contact Info: RSVP to Michael Gentry 828-273-6542
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $40

Mar 30 2013

Fermentation Intensive

Maverick Farms

Come join ethnobotanist and Appalachian State University alumni Marc Williams for an applied class in making healthy probiotic foods. This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. We will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then do a short plant walk to find some wild ingredients and then follow by crafting some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Essene Bread, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir, Yogurt Cheese, Seed Cheeses and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.

Worth it for the food and handouts alone!!!

Contact Info:
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $25-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Mar 20 2013
Mar 24 2013

Piedmont Earthskills Gathering

Shakori Hills in the Piedmont of North Carolina

Earthskills gatherings have been happening for many years around the world and they are now coming to the Triangle area for the first time!  Together, we will recreate an ancient village and share the skills of our ancestors, gather around the fires in the evening for community and experience the power of classes well beyond anything that has been offered in the Piedmont up until now.

The  Gathering will be a 5 day and 4 night event that offers in-depth learning for individuals and families.  This educational/enrichment program will focused on Primitive Living Skills and Homesteading. Top quality instructors will teach dozens of ancestral and heritage primitive skills such as matchless fire making, edible and medicinal plants, stone tool creation and use, ancient weaponry and basket making, just to name a few. This is an opportunity for people seeking to expand their connection with the natural world and develop community in the North Carolina Piedmont.

Earthskills gatherings are events where new friendships are forged, old friendships refined, and the empowering knowledge of pioneer, survival, native and traditional primitive skills are shared. These programs give participants the oppoortunity to become proficient in skills that have helped them redefine life goals and directions as well as broaden their knowledge of sustainable life ways, connection to nature, and the power of community. After a full day of hands on instruction, evening programs give us the opportunity to join in the revival of the great oral tradition of storytelling around the council fire, or the option to pull up a chair at any one of the camps where homegrown and traditional Appalachian music is played, or the opportunity to answer the call of the drum and dance around the fire under a star filled sky. i will be leading plant walks on various topics.

Registration will be limited to 300 people

(Register early to be sure you can attend!)

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Mar 16 2013
Feb 16 2013

Probiotics & a Good Spring Cleanse

Johnson City, TN

This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles and health supportive benefits. We will then do a short plant
walk to find a wild ingredient and craft some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available. Worth it for the food and handouts alone!

Contact Info: 423-262-9551
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 7p.m.
Fee: $35

Mar 09 2013
Mar 10 2013

Organic Grower's School

University of North Carolina Asheville

The Organic Grower's School is a premier educational event for the entire Southeast and even the country! The 20th annual event will be at the University of North Carolina Asheville Campus. Almost nowhere else will you find such a multitude of classes offered at such an affordable price. Over 70 educational offerings in total!

i will be leading a plant walk on campus Sunday afternoon 2 - 5:30 p.m. We will focus on plant family patterns and what they indicate regarding identification, conservation and ethnobotanical application including potential uses of exotic invasive plants and natives for food, medicine and beauty.  In the case of extremely inclement weather we will convene inside with collected plant materials and a slide show presentation.

Contact Info:
Time: 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Fee: Variable Approx $40-75

Mar 06 2013
May 08 2013

Spring Plants and Mushrooms of Southern Appalachia

Asheville, NC

Excited to learn more about our local Plants and Fungi? Ready to go deeper with Native Plants, Wild Foods, Dyes, and Medicines? This 10 week Hands On course will give you a strong foundation in Spring: Plant, Tree and Mushroom ID, Ecology, Uses, Harvesting Ethics, Preparation Techniques, Local Plant Medicines, Natural Dyes, Fermented Foods and Mead Making!

We will visit a diversity of beautiful forests and farms around the Asheville area. We will also utilize the ASHH class rooms for plant processing, lectures, and in inclement weather.
This class will be appropriate for beginning and experienced students.
One apprentice position open.
This series will mostly headed up by good friend and collegue Luke Learningdeer Cannon. i will be guest presenting on April 24th for a class we are calling Fermentation Frenzy and Bringing the Microbiome Home!
Contact Info: Class size is limited so please registrar ASAP at : 828-350-1221
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee: $545 with a Payment Plant Available

Mar 02 2013

Plant Walk, Wild Foods Lunch and Shiitake Inoculation Workshops

Eagle Feather Organic Farm outside Marshall, NC

Plant Walk & Lunch with Marc Williams
Plant Walk from 10 a.m. to 12 noon • $10
Lunch from 12 noon to 1 p.m. • $10

Lunch items will include, Wild Greens Pesto Pasta, Quinoa Tabouleh, Green Salad, Tahini Creasy Green Dressing, Ginseng Bliss Balls and Herbal Tea all with items picked locally on the farm!

Shiitake Workshop with Robert Morningstar
Workshop from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Workshop only, $15 to $25 sliding scale.
Workshop w/your oak logs, $25. Limit 6 logs.
Workshop w/our oak logs, $15 plus $5 each log.

Call Steven Neuliep at (828) 215-2121 to register or with questions.

Please make checks payable to Robert Eidus, 300 Indigo Bunting Lane, Marshall, NC 28753

No Dogs Allowed ~ Carpooling is Encouraged ~ Directions are on the Web site

Contact Info: Call Steven Neuliep at (828) 215-2121 to register or with questions.
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee: $10 - 55 depending on extent of participation

Feb 24 2013

From Field to Fork with Everyone Cooks

Warren Wilson College Garden Cabin

A succession of awesome inspirational presentations will make for a good time had by all!

WWC Garden Tour and Tips for Spring Planting with ethnobotanist Marc Williams

Five Element Qigong: Connect Your Inner Spirit to the Natural World
Ed Brown and Sue Mayer

Prep and Sample Vegetarian Tapas and Magical Meades
Michael Gentry and Marc Williams

Live Local Vintage Folk Music
James Vandenberg

See Everyone Cooks page on Facebook for updates, more info and further class opportunities. Please help spread the word.

Contact Info: RSVP to Michael Gentry 828-273-6542
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $40

Jan 30 2013
Feb 03 2013

3rd Annual Florida Earthskills Gathering

Finca Mycol, 23589 NW 19th Terr, Brooker, FL

From website description:

Thanks to all who were part of such an amazing event the last two years...between all the great know who you are! To all the wonderful wwoofers past n present helpin out, to the volunteers, to all the great teachers and students on the greenpath;and to the children that re-enlivened us all!  Looking forward to Feb 2013!
I am trying not to procrastinate too much so I will periodically update this blog.  This is the 2012 lineup from last year and I will update this as we fill in the instructors for 2013:  I am excited to announce a few instructors.  Seven song whom is one of the nations top herbalist/ecologist/botanist extradonaire will be returning for this event.  Myself (Mycol), Susan Marynowski, Mimi, Marc Williams, WIlly the Losen, Nancy Gildersleeve, RObert and Mysteri are some that are definite returns.
One intense workshop the last two years has been how to ethically kill and process a chicken.  I have decided we will do this to my male baby goat this year. 

Mycol Stevens (facilitator), Susan Marynowski (crocheting/knitting/contra calling), Green Deane (Florida ethnobotany), Ken Krauss (mycology and entheology), Doug Elliott (story telling and basketry), Willy Losen (log working/thatching),Mel Norris (cast net throwing and rocket stove construction) Jimmy/Miranda (tanning), Jeff Gottleib (net making,cordage and mocassins), Nancy Gildersleeve (palm weaving, brooms and pine needle baskets), Robert Wilson (gunsmithing & trapper trades),  Mysteri Barnhill (rug braiding & canning ), Andy Hemmings (atlatl flintknapping), Marc Williams (fermentation and ethnobotanist extrodinaire), Emily Ruff (herbal director Orlandos Holistic Living School), Baron Brown (hammock-making & wood bowl-carving), Kate and Gus (herbalism for kids), Lena (cordage and leather pouches), Liat (miso making, fermentation, & cobb construction), José (tempeh making & palm thatching),  Keith Grenoble (FL clay pottery making), Luke Learning Deer (Rennasiance man...his choice teaching!), Fuz Sanderson (didgeridoo making with lessons and drum facilitation and fire tools),Grant (archery and Qijong), Emily Faulkner (natural water filtration), Jonathen and Donny (flint knapping), Kaleb Wallace (native nutrition), Reid Tillary (wilderness navigation), Swampman (trekking and trapping), Barefoot Tony and Maureen (shitake log inoculation and grafting), Billy Willow (rustic furniture making), Karen Sherwood (vegetable fermentation), John Patterson (spring pole lathe demonstration) Ariel Grodner (Thai massage),  Claude Van Order (flint knapping & primitive tools), John Ahlers (flintknap demonstration), Karen Newman (palm weaving & cracker origami), and Natalie Bogwalker (buckskin sewing).
We will also be continuing cobb natural building on the multifunctional greenhouse and community kitchen be prepared to learn how to fling clay,sand and hay!
A trade circle will be set up...along with freecycle. The trade circle is an amazing opportunity to trade things you have made by your own hands (e.g..don't bring cigarrettes or candy bars to trade, but a pair of worked mocassins to trade for a pine needle basket).
Parking will be tight so please ride share if you can. We will have people guide you upon your arrival.
Please note that Finca Mycol is a private- ecocentric-permaculture-off-the-grid-20-acre homestead that along with permaculture happenings works on ecological restoration efforts. We have just planted close to 1,000 baby long leaf pine seedlings so look out for them. Please be kind to the land and pack in and pack out your belongings (and no cig butts!)
The Finca has very minimal electric solar, live well water and humanure compost.
Along with your camping gear, bring a headlamp and decent shoes. Note this is also the dead of winter and it is likely to have temperatures sometimes as low as the 20's if multiple cold fronts make their way bring warm clothes! may be super nice too so you should also have some shorts.
Sorry no four leggeds (e.g. dogs) (goats are ok if you got'm).
Fires will be limited to specific areas. If you have extra wood from around locally (don't bring wood in from afar to potential of spreading disease), then bring it on.  If you have some nice rocks for construction or a sweat lodge, bring em down.
Instructors and volunteers will get fed. We plan on having a 50$ meal plan for participants but if you bring this amount of grub, you are in to be fed the four days.
If you bring children, then you will be asked to help with the childrens activities.
Cost: sliding scale $100-200(camping included) for entire weekend or30-40$ daily (or barter equivalent). 
Volunteer positions are not yet filled so if you want to work trade, let me know sooner than later!  One change this year will be a mandated 50$ volunteer registration fee (Please note that we have not yet paid a cent to Willys tent investment of $3,000 and that almost half of the attendees were volunteers).
Attendees, please register by giving your word and at the gate sign in.
Come and set up camp on Tuesday or Wednesday if you are a participant. Thursday morning Mycol will give an indocrination walk of the Finca explaining what is going on here at your temporary home. We will circle up Thursday around high noon to start general classes off.   Volunteers and instructors are welcome to camp one week before and after the event.
A wish list has been added: tables, bulk food items, rocks, tarps.
Let me know if you have any nursing or doctor extra first aide kit would be good to bring.
Please leave negative energy behind and be in positive learning state where we can all grow together. No heavy alcohol drinking unless you make your own meads or beer to share!
Also note we may migrate further south post.  Any feedback would be welcome.  Visit and join our facebook page at

Contact Info:
Time: 12 p.m.
Fee: 100-200 sliding scale (Give what you can)

Jan 26 2013

Super Natural Sodas, Magical Meads and Loving Liqueurs

Small Terrain in West Asheville, NC

Just in time to make something special for Valentine's Day! Learn or further explore the ancient art of beverage fermentation. We will discuss everything from sodas for the children to magical health supportive formulations and loving libations for your sweetie and friends. The class will include handouts, tastings, snacks and some demonstration beverage crafting too!

Contact marc to RSVP at the email below.


Contact Info:
Time: 6 - 8 p.m.
Fee: $20 - 40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Dec 07 2012
Dec 08 2012

International Ginseng Exposition

Moutain Horticultural Crops Research Center, Fletcher, NC

This exposition wil be a unique opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the Ginseng trade. i will be participating in  a panel discussion on value added products as well as catering a breakfast featuring a host of local ingredients.

Contact Info:
Time: 10 a.m. Fri 2 p.m. Sat
Fee: $125

Nov 11 2012

Super Natural Soda, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Stonehouse old Brewery in Nevada City, NC

Come join Marc and Turtle at the old Stonehouse Brewery and Tavern for a journey through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various beverages while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special brews. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! Handouts will be given.

107 Sacramento Street  Nevada City, CA 95959

(530) 265-5050


Contact Info:
Time: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale

Nov 04 2012

East Coast-West Coast Medicinal and Edible Plant Comparison


This class will be held at the Health Alternatives for all Locals (HAALo) space in downtown Nevada City, CA on Sunday November 4th from 12-3 p.m.

We will cover the common overlapping plants between the Eastern and Western areas of the United States as well as special plants endemic to each coast. Sustainable medicinal and edible applications for plants will be discussed as well. Handouts will be provided.

Contact Info:
Time: 12 to 3 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale

Oct 28 2012

Wild Sierra Fall

Dancing Pines Farm outside Nevada City, CA

We will convene at the farm of Daniel "Madrone" Nicholson outside North Columbia, CA. Daniel is a botanical and mycological wonder. We will conduct a plant/mushroom walk and talk about/sample/process wild edibles for the fall in the Sierras. Wild food potluck at 5.... Contact marc for further details and to RSVP.

18392 Oak Tree Rd, Nevada City, CA

Contact Info:
Time: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale

Oct 18 2012
Oct 21 2012

LEAF Festival Fall Tree Plant Walk

Lake Eden outside Black Mountain, NC


This is my favorite festival ever! Think healing arts, earth skills, contra dancing, poetry slamming, amazing music and food to boot! i will be leading a plant walk focusing on trees at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday 10/20 from the Earthskills area. Other instructors for Earthskills include Corey Pine Shane, Alan Muskat, Sandi Ford, and Luke Cannon and that's just the beginning of amazing teachers on offer!

Contact Info:
Time: 2:30 P.M.
Fee: Variable

Oct 14 2012

Fermentation Intensive

Small Terrain in Asheville, NC

This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then do a short plant walk to find a wild ingredient and craft some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.

Worth it for the food and handouts alone!

Please help spread the word to anybody that may be interested!!!

RSVP to Natalie Pollard 1 (828) 216-8102 or email below

Contact Info:
Time: 3p.m. - 7 p.m.
Fee: $20 - $40 sliding scale (Give what you can)

Oct 13 2012

Plant Walk, Forage and Feast

Johnson City, TN

The owners of Mountain Yoga in Johnson City, TN have specially requested this event after attending a similar one at the Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary outside of Leicester, NC. This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the "green wall" and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us. $35. To reserve a spot please contact

Mountain Yoga 151-A East Mountcastle Drive, Johnson City, TN 37601
Contact Info:
Time: 2p.m. - 7p.m.
Fee: $35

Oct 05 2012
Oct 07 2012

Ethnobotany Intensive

Hostel in the Forest outside Brunswick, GA

Ethnobotanical Intensive with Mycol Stevens & Marc Williams

Mycol Stevens has a masters in aquatic ecology and has worked as a restoration ecologist/botanist for the Florida Fish and Game across the state of FL since 2004. He has traveled much of Central and South America and Africa, and has learned from some of the best teachers including Frank Cook.  Mycol has been teaching ethnobotany and edible mushrooms on the side since 2005.  He also lives off-the-grid on an “ecocentric” permaculture homestead where he eats from the wild almost daily and propagates and cultivates his own organic foods.  Mycol’s philosophy is to ween off the “system” and to eat your food as medicine.  Mycol has been inspired by the Hostel since the mid 90’s and much of its philosophy is reflected in his way of life.  Knowing the living world around you, connects you to the living world. Mycol hosts (Willing Workers On Oraganic Farms, (WWOOFers) at his finca. Contact him if you are interested in visiting. He also hosts an Earthskills gathering near the beginning of February every year.

Marc Williams is an ethnobotanist. He has studied plants intensively while learning to use them for food, medicine, biological conservation, and beauty. His training includes a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies concentrating in Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College and a  Master’s degree in Appalachian Studies concentrating in Sustainable Development with a minor in Geography and Planning from Appalachian State University. Marc’s major research in graduate school focused on the most useful plants of Appalachia. However it is clear that a holistic appreciation of nature irrespective of utility will be necessary to create the new paradigm that are current global situation calls for. He has since spent significant time learning the plants of the western U.S. and tropical regions as well. Marc has spent over a decade working at a multitude of restaurants, various farms, and travels throughout 24 countries in North/Central America and Europe and all 50 states of the USA. In those travels he has visited over 100 botanical gardens. He has taught hundreds of people about the marvelous lives of plants and their ethnobotanical and ecological applications. Marc first came to the Hostel in the Forest in March of 1998 and was immediately transformed through a first time sweat lodge experience with Tom Dennard the hostel founder. Like Mycol many of the principles that make the Hostel in the Forest such a special place have informed his expression of life in this world ever since.

 Teachings will start Friday and end Sunday afternoon. Workshops will include:

  • Botany 101 presentation
  • Wild Foods/Medicines walk
  • Super Food preparation presentation 
  • Botanical Beach Walk
  • Fermentation Overview with Honey Mead Making and sharing 
  • Potential Sweat Lodge Ceremony
  • Botanical slide shows of various parts of the world including Latin America, Africa and Europe are also possible.

 The cost will be $100 per person, which includes accommodations at the Hostel for the Friday and Saturday night as well as a beautiful vegetarian dinner on both nights.  Make sure to call ahead to reserve your spot!!!

Bring your notebook, any relevant books you have, a camera, a loupe if you have one, water bottle, rain coat etc.Handouts will be provided.

“Teach a man to fish, ya got food for life. Let your food be your medicine.”

 “The forests and fields are a table always spread” Henry Thoureau


Contact Info:
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Fee: $100

Sep 29 2012

True Nature Country Fair Plant Walk!

Highland Lake Cove outside Flat Rock, NC

Plant Family Patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 250,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and close to 500 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes . You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk around the True Nature Country fair grounds where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility, medicinality, craft, wildlife promotion and landscape beauty will be discussed. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.

i will also be leading up the preparation of a benefit meal at 6 p.m. that evening with details below.

A local foods dinner featuring fresh products from area sustainable farms. Local tea from Kari, Root beer from Uncle Scott's Green Salad, Stir Fry, fresh bread baked onsite from Patryk Battle and dessert from French Broad Chocolate Lounge! $25 adult/ $7 kids under 12 years old, includes a locally made bowl for your stir fry which is yours to keep!

Contact Info:
Time: 10:30 a.m.

Sep 23 2012

Fermentation Intensive

Maverick Farms in Valle Crucis

This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then do a short plant walk to find wild ingredients and craft some Kraut/Kimchee. The class will finish with a tasting of many fermented items provided for sampling including Kvass, Dosas, Kimchee, Jun, Water Kefir and more. Handouts and cultures to take home will also be available.

Worth it for the food and handouts alone!

Please help spread the word to anybody that may be interested!!!

RSVP to marc at the contact below

Contact Info:
Time: 1 p.m. - 7p.m.
Fee: $20-40 sliding scale

Sep 22 2012

Forage and Feast

Maverick Farms in Valle Crucis, NC

Come join us for a day of education, recreation and feasting.


Identify some of the most useful plant species in the region

Recognize the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine

Learn about some of the biggest problem plants of Appalachia and their potential uses

Practice the preparation of wild edibles

2pm-2:30pm Intro Talk
2:30pm-4:30pm Plant Walk and Harvest
4:30pm-7pm Meal Prep and Feast.

RSVP to Marc at the contact below!


Contact Info:
Time: 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale

Sep 15 2012

Forage and Feast

Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary outside Leicester, NC

We will meet at Soulflower Botanical sanctuary in Leicester, NC. We will talk for about ½ hour then walk for about 2 hours and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes.


Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine. Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region.Knowledge of some problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be.Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles.Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany.

Contact Info:
Time: 2 - 7 p.m.
Fee: $30-50 sliding scale

Sep 01 2012

Super Natural Soda, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Green Farmacy Garden outside Fulton, MD

Come join us at the legendary Green Farmacy garden of Jim Duke for a trip through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various drinks while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special sodas and liqueurs. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! A plant walk and foraging tour will also be part of the educational offerings. Please help spread the word to people in the area!

Space limited! Contact Marc Williams to RSVP

Contact Info:
Time: 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale

Aug 02 2012
Aug 05 2012

18th Annual Southeastern Permaculture Gathering

Arthur Morgan School, Celo, NC

Come to our 18th annual gathering at the beautiful Arthur Morgan School in Celo, NC. This is certainly one of my favorites of all time, even in a place and a life with many amazing events! i will most definitely be helping to facilitate a plant walk and will also be working in the kitchen if you want to help make Friday lunch!

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable

Jul 15 2012
Jul 21 2012

Seasonal School of Culinary Arts

Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, NC and the surrounding area

This cooking school offers an incredible opportunity to learn many different skills of the kitchen while inhabiting an incredible setting . Go to the website to get a greater appreciation. i will be leading a plant walk at 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. on 7/19 around the Warren Wilson College campus while also describing the incredible Asheville local mead and wine brewing scene. With the brewers of mead in particular it is all about building a story in a bottle. Special places, times of year, fellow harvesters, makers and bottlers. Then we come together in circle to introduce each preparation and its history with love and respect. The rest of the week will be focused in other ways about food and wine and features a host of inspiring presenters.

Contact Info:
Fee: Variable

Jul 14 2012

Plant Walk, Forage and Feast

Pickard's Mountain Eco-Institute, Chapel Hill, NC

This is two part class. The first part will include a general introduction to the world of plant identification, foraging, a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the "green wall" and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us.

Contact Info:
Time: 2p.m. - 7p.m.
Fee: $40 (Scholarships/Work Trade may be available)

Jun 14 2012
Jul 14 2012

National Rainbow Gathering

Somewhere in a National Forest in KY, TN, VA, NC or NH

The Rainbow Gathering is in some National Forest in a different state each year. The location this year will be probably somewhere in the Appalachian section of Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia or North Carolina with a small possibility of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, but the exact site is still to be announced. The actual location will be on the welcomehome website by mid June. Rainbow is certainly the most economical opportunity to learn plants in a deep way…All classes at Rainbow cost no money and there are of ton of different opportunities…We walk and talk about plants everyday and try to identify whatever we see. i will be there roughly from around 6/30-7/7

Contact Info:
Fee: Priceless...Free

May 22 2012

Growing and Enjoying Unusual Vegetables from Mountains to Sea

Doubletree Biltmore Hotel in Asheville, North Carolina

i will be presenting as part of the North Carolina State Master Gardeners conference. You do not need to be a Master Gardener to attend but members get significant discounts. The full conference starts on Sunday May 20th at 4 p.m. and goes until Wednesday May 23rd at 1 p.m. William Cullina, the incomparable author of several native plant books, will be in attendance and presenting on a number of subjects including macro photography.

My class will focus on discussing and sampling some unusual vegetables, both cultivated and wild. These plants offer the chance to increase diet diversity and interest while offering potential economic opportunities too. Come try something new!

Contact Info:
Time: 2:45 - 5 p.m.
Fee: $110 - $170 for full conference

May 20 2012

Plant Walk, Forage and Feast

Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary in Leicester, NC

We will meet at Soulflower Botanical sanctuary in Leicester, NC. We will talk for about ½ hour then walk for about 2 hours and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes. Objectives:

Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine.

Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region.

Knowledge of some problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be.

Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles.

Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany

Contact Info:
Time: 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Fee: $30-50 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

May 19 2012

Plant Walk, Forage and Feast

Johnson City, TN


The owners of Mountain Yoga in Kingston, TN have specially requested this event after attending a similar one at the Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary outside of Leicester, NC. This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the "green wall" and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us. $35. To reserve a spot please contact

Mountain Yoga 151-A East Mountcastle Drive, Johnson City, TN 37601


Contact Info:
Time: 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Fee: $35 (work trade and scholarships may be available)

May 04 2012
May 06 2012

Ethnobotany Intensive

Hostel in the Forest outside Brunswick, GA

Ethnobotanical Intensive with Mycol Stevens & Marc Williams May 4-6 2012

Mycol Stevens has a masters in aquatic ecology and has worked as a restoration ecologist/botanist for the Florida Fish and Game across the state of FL since 2004. He has traveled much of Central and South America and Africa, and has learned from some of the best teachers including Frank Cook.  Mycol has been teaching ethnobotany and edible mushrooms on the side since 2005.  He also lives off-the-grid on an “ecocentric” permaculture homestead where he eats from the wild almost daily and propagates and cultivates his own organic foods.  Mycol’s philosophy is to ween off the “system” and to eat your food as medicine.  Mycol has been inspired by the Hostel since the mid 90’s and much of its philosophy is reflected in his way of life.  Knowing the living world around you, connects you to the living world. Mycol hosts (Willing Workers On Oraganic Farms, (WWOOFers) at his finca. Contact him if you are interested in visiting. He also hosts an Earthskills gathering near the beginning of February every year. ,

Marc Williams is an ethnobotanist. He has studied plants intensively while learning to use them for food, medicine, biological conservation, and beauty. His training includes a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies concentrating in Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College and a  Master’s degree in Appalachian Studies concentrating in Sustainable Development with a minor in Geography and Planning from Appalachian State University. Marc’s major research in graduate school focused on the most useful plants of Appalachia. However it is clear that a holistic appreciation of nature irrespective of utility will be necessary to create the new paradigm that are current global situation calls for. He has since spent significant time learning the plants of the Western U.S. and tropical regions as well. Marc has spent over a decade working at a multitude of restaurants, various farms, and travels throughout 23 countries in North/Central America and Europe and 49 of the United States of America. In those travels he has visited over 70 of the best botanical gardens in the world. He has taught hundreds of people about the marvelous lives of plants and their respective uses. Marc first came to the Hostel in the Forest in March of 1998 and was immediately transformed through a first time sweat lodge experience with Tom Dennard the hostel founder. Like Mycol many of the principles that make the Hostel in the Forest such a special place have informed his expression of life in this world ever since. Further info can be found at where an online botany class in the tradition of Frank Cook is conducted by donation.


Teachings will start Friday evening and end Sunday afternoon.


Workshops will include:

  • Botany 101 presentation
  • Wild Foods/Medicines walk
  • Super Food preparation presentation 
  • Botanical Beach Walk
  • Fermentation Overview with Honey Mead Making and sharing 
  • Potential Sweat Lodge Ceremony
  • Botanical slide shows of various parts of the world including Latin America, Africa and Europe are also possible.



The cost will be $100 per person, which includes accommodations at the Hostel for the Friday and Saturday night as well as a beautiful vegetarian dinner on both nights.  Make sure to call ahead to reserve your spot!!!

Bring your notebook, any relevant books you have, a camera, a loupe if you have one, water bottle, rain coat etc.

Handouts will be provided.

“Teach a man to fish, ya got food for life. Let your food be your medicine.”

 “The forests and fields are a table always spread” Henry Thoureau

Contact Info:
Time: 6 p.m. Fri -5:30 p.m. Sun
Fee: $100

Apr 21 2012

Plant Walk, Forage and Feast

Maverick Farms in Valle Crucis outside Boone, NC

We will meet at Maverick Farms in Valle Crucis We will talk for about ½ hour then walk for about 2.5 hours and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the "green wall" and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us


Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine.
Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region
Knowledge of the biggest problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be
Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles
Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of Ethnobotany
Contact Info:
Time: 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Apr 15 2012

Exotic Invasive Plant Talk and Walk

Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Exotic Invasive plants are one of the greatest threats to biodiversity in the world. However, many exotic invasive are famous medicinals or are used for other functions in their places of origin. Our class will focus holistically on the phenomenon of exotic invasive plants. We will define exotic invasive plants and understand how they have come to be a problem. Subsequently we will reflect on the methods used to control exotic invasives. Many plants listed as exotic invasives have ethnobotanical uses beyond those typically pursued. The harvesting for these uses may be a potential additional strategy in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program for exotic invasive control. A review of the ethnobotanical literature helped underpin the opportunities to use these plants and effectively turn a problem into a resource. An excel spreadsheet was used to determine themes of exotic invasive recognition by various states and also the uses for plants that are listed. We will review this list of plants primarily focusing on uses for medicine. A plant walk will help to center the phenomenon of exotics with a tactile and pragmatically experiential approach. 

Space Limited!!!

Contact Chris Wagoner at the email below to register. 706-207-7746

Contact Info:
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee: $20-25 AHG members $25-30 non-members

Apr 14 2012

Plant Walk

Atlanta Botanical Gardens

Plant Families

Plant Family Patterns can greatly aid in demystifying the “green wall” of species around us. Approximately 250,000 species of flowering plants are known to global science. These species have been grouped into around 15,000 genera and close to 500 flowering plant families. About 200 flowering plant families grow in the temperate world where it annually frosts and or freezes . You will know something significant about the majority of plants that you see in the temperate world if you learn the top 30 families around you. It is often possible to guess whether a plant is edible, medicinal, or poisonous simply by the family it occupies. However, some exceptions are important to know as well. We will engage in a walk and talk at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens where we will delve into the major plant families of the Southern USA. Students will reinforce plant identification skills by observing family patterns such as leaf, flower and fruit types. Uses including edibility, medicinality, craft, wildlife promotion and landscape beauty will be discussed. The phenomenon of exotic invasive plants will also be covered in relation to their family membership. Participants will gain a more holistic understanding of the major plants comprising the Southern US flora and their potential ecological and ethnobotanical applications.

Contact Chris Wagoner to register at the email below.

Contact Info:
Time: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fee: $20-25 AHG members $25-30 non-members

Apr 07 2012

Herb Symposium: Plants and Healers of Appalachia in Honor of Frank Cook

Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, NC

Come for a day full of workshops and plant walks! Join local herbalists, community members, and students all ready to explore the amazing world of herbs. This will be a wonderful opportunity for all interested in wellness and the healing power of plants and nature to come together, celebrate and learn in honor of an incredible person and healer!

We are so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing line up of healers on board for the Symposium! Workshops will be led by Juliet Blankespoor, CoreyPine Shane, Ceara Foley, Natalie Bogwalker, Bloom Post, Sandi Ford, Doug & Todd Elliot, Brooke Sullivan, Marc Williams, Jessica Godino and our very own Jay Bost, Pat & Susan Ross, the Herb Crew and Keaton Rodland!

Workshop topics will include numerous plant walks, Plant Spirit Medicine, Medicinal Mushrooms, Ethnobotany, Primitive Skills & Plant Medicine, Ojas: The Essence of Vitality, Healing with Honey, Herbal First Aid, Adaptogenic Herbs and much, much more!

Visit to read about Frank Cook's life and information about herb schools, botany, and other related subjects. 20% of the proceeds will go directly to the non-profit, Plants and Healers International, started by Frank's friends and family.

Lunch $7 Not included in registration

Contact Info: Contact (828)771-5848 or to register
Time: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Fee: $20 - 50 Price varies for students and early registration

Apr 04 2012

Plant Walk and Mead Making Workshop

Denton, TX

Join us for an afternoon plant walk guided by ethnobotanist and herbalist Marc Williams. We will identify and discuss the plants we encounter along the way and gather ingredients to be brewed into a mead during the workshop.

The plant walk will be from 3pm-5pm and will be held at Clear Creek Natural Heritage Center which is located at:
3310 Collins Rd.
Denton, TX 76208

Please park in parking area 1 (which can be seen on the map in the following link).

An hour later we will convene at A Creative Arts Studio in downtown Denton for the mead making:
The address is:
227 W. Oak Street, Suite 101
Denton, TX 76201

The mead making workshop will be begin at approximately 6pm and go until about 9pm.

This event has 18 spaces available and you do need to RSVP.
To reserve your space for the workshop please contact Alena Veteto at 940-382-2658 and leave your name and contact number.

Contact Info: RSVP Alena Veteto at 940-382-265
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Fee: $15-25 sliding scale

Mar 25 2012

Growing Medicinal Herbs in the Sierra Nevadas

: John Woolman School, 13075 Woolman Lane, Nevada City, CA

The first of three classes will be focused on the seed, plant propagation, and nursery techniques. This includes sourcing/selecting quality seeds, timing of plantings/seedlings, seedling germination techniques, seedling development stages, transplant techniques, and site preparation for direct seeded plants. Sustainability, chemical free agriculture, and growing for quality are paramount to the teachers.  Instructors Marc and Daniel have worked professionally and academically with many herbs that are well adapted to local habitats and microclimates and will discuss in detail the propagation of these plants. The remaining two classes of this series will occur during the spring and summer of 2012 and will comprehensively cover the herbs’ needs as they are cultivated, matured, and harvested. Look for more information on this class series at


Daniel Nicholson is a naturalist and horticulturalist who has chosen to live close to nature in the Sierra foothills. He spends his time developing his sustainable organic farm, caring for orchards and gardens in the community, maintaining the educational and restoration efforts with the Yuba Watershed Institute, and teaching sierra natural history and horticulture classes to all ages and skill levels. 

Marc Williams bio is available at the about us section of this website...

Contact Info: Please register with Catie at or 530-615-6606
Time: 12:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee: General Public $40 (discounts and scholarships are available upon request)

Mar 24 2012

Foraging Skills Workshop for Edible and Medicinal Plants

Dancing Pines Farm, North Columbia, CA

Come discover the seasons’ richness that our Sierra Foothills native and wild flora can provide. Join Daniel and Marc as we visit many of the native bulbs, herbs, and spring greens that will be growing well now. Discussions will include: plant fermentations, plant identification tips, strategies for improving wild food production, sustainable harvest techniques, and a medicine making demonstration. Our goal is to send people home with a deeper understanding and appreciation of  the nutrition, availability, usefulness, and sense of stewardship of our local plants. There will be a willd food/local potluck at lunch break.

Contact Info: Contact Daniel for registration of more info: or 530-292-3589
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee: Suggested Donation $20

Mar 11 2012

Plant Walk!

Tilden Regional Park Botanical Gardens

We will walk around this incredible 10 acre California native plant garden taking note of plants that are particularly showy and or known for some type of ethnobotanical use i.e food, medicine, crafts...

Shasta Rd. Berkeley, CA

Contact Info:
Time: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Mar 10 2012

Fermentation Intensive

Aram's House 1714 Blake St., Berkeley, California

This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then have a potluck lunch with many fermented items provided for sampling. After lunch we will participate in a plant identification walk and harvest. Then we will finish up with a Kraut/Kimchee making and Natural Soda and Mead Making/Tasting in the afternoon. Handouts will be given.

Worth it for the food and handouts alone!

Please help spread the word to anybody that may be interested!!!

Please contact marc to RSVP

Contact Info:
Time: 10:30 - 4:00
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Mar 04 2012

Super Natural Soda, Magical Meads and Local Liqueurs

Stonehouse in Nevada City

Come join us at the old Stonehouse Brewery and Tavern for a trip through the ancient art of brewing beverages. We will sample various beverages while also crafting a mead and reviewing step by step directions for making your own special brews. This class will empower each student to reclaim the wonder of uniquely created drinks to please any palate! See Stonehouse website for directions

Contact Info:
Time: 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Mar 03 2012

Day Hike Along the Yuba River and Evening Presentation

Starting at the South Yuba Campground evening at Stonehouse in Nevada City

The hike will follow a section of the "cross-California trail," a concept that was very dear to the heart of naturalist John Olmsted, and later walked by Frank Cook and Steven Hein.  The trail extends from Jug Handle State Park just south of Fort Bragg, to Lake Tahoe.  The 30+ miles of it that climb up through the Yuba River Valley are arguably some of the most incredible and stunningly beautiful moments of the entire cross state journey!

The hike will rendezvous at The South Yuba Campground at noon and leave from there by 12:30.  We are hoping to spend about four hours on the trail, so come prepared for a full day, i.e. Hiking shoes/boots, warm layer/coat or rain gear, and something to snack on if you like.  The route may be considered strenuous by some as it involves a noticeable climb. 
Join the "next generation pilgrims"; Turtle and Marc as they guide an afternoon walk along scenic Yuba River, reflecting upon their September 2011 journey from Nevada City to Lake Tahoe.  Walk along with them as they retrace their footsteps, recounting stories and events from that adventure, with a special focus on the plants found along the way, with tips for their uses as food, medicine, and inspiration. Expect to learn something about the geology and history of this beautiful valley. 
With our fingers crossed for guest appearances by Stephen Hein and Daniel Nicholson, we are also excited about the sharing of stories and knowledge that each participant brings to a gathering like this!
But wait! It doesn't stop there!! After an afternoon of hiking, we will move to the Stonehouse for an evening of slides from Turtles trans-California hike-"300 miles and 16 days!"  The accompanying lecture will focus on Pilgrimage as a spiritual and environmental phenomenon, as well as looking at the concept of a "Cross-California Green Path".  Where it comes from, where it goes, and how it gets there, plus what needs to happen to make it a reality.

A wild foods potluck and an assortment of wild crafted meads and elixirs will round out the experience!!! 
We are aiming to be back in cars by 4:30 or 5, and en route to the Stonehouse. Events at the Stonehouse should be getting started by 5:30, with the talk and slideshow planned for some time after six.  All said and done, we should be closed up by 9:30, sending you home to get rested for the great Mead Class that Marc Williams will be hosting the following day! See website for further details.
This event is a fund raiser for Plants and Healers International (PHI), a non- profit organization. PHI is focused on preserving and carrying out the vision and legacy of Frank Cook.  PHI is actively involved in several areas of work, including helping the vision of a trans-California hiking trail come into reality. Visit their website at to learn more about this great organization.
A local group, The Mendocino-Tahoe Conservancy is also diligently working toward this same goal and will be holding a fundraiser in Grass Valley on Friday March 2nd, go to for more information about them and their event.
We hope to see you on Saturday, expecting that each and every one of you will be touched by the experience of "pilgrimage." "ua mau ke ea o ka 'aina i ka pono..."

Contact Info:
Time: 12 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Fee: By Donation...Benefit for Plants and Healers International

Feb 25 2012

Business of Farming Conference

Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, NC

The Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) Conference has always signaled to me the start of the farming year since it began almost ten years ago. i am honored to once again be preparing a wild foods dip for the pre-conference reception in exchange for my admission. Due to great demand the conference is currently full for regular registration but there is a waiting list!

Contact Info:
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fee: $30

Feb 19 2012

Winter Botany

Starting at the Appalachian School of Holisitic Herbalism

Come explore the first inklings of spring! We will look at bark, buds, fruits, shoots and early flowers to identify plants in their transitions from winter to spring. Ethnobotanical connections including foods, medicines, crafts, ecosystem support and aesthetic characteristics will accompany a lesson on winter botany. We will start at the Appalachia School of Holistic Herbalism for 1.5 hours and then head out on a field trip to a near by location.


(828) 350-1221

Contact Info:
Time: 1p.m. - 6 p.m.
Fee: $15-30 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Feb 18 2012

Plant Walk

University of North Carolina Asheville

This walk will be part of Transition Asheville's Skill Sharing Action Group's first ever Skill Sharing School

The event is in partnership with ASHE (Active Students for a Healthy Environment), Freeskool Asheville, Transition Asheville, The True Nature Country Fair, and UNCA's Student Environmental Center

It will be located at UNCA's Highsmith Student Union.

We will focus on plant family patterns and what they indicate regarding usefulness. Information will include potential uses of exotic, invasive plants and natives for food, medicine and beauty.  Dress for walking the UNCA campus. If inclement weather occurs then a collection of plant material will be available inside.

Other events will be happening throughout the day 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.! All classes are free or require a very modest materials fee!!!

Contact Info:
Time: 1:45 - 3:15 p.m.
Fee: Priceless...Free

Feb 11 2012

Super Natural Sodas, Magical Meads and Loving Liqueurs

Appalachian School of Holisitic Herbalism

Just in time for Valentine's! Learn or further explore the ancient art of beverage fermentation. From sodas for the children to other magical health supportive formulations and loving libations for your sweetie and friends. We will have handouts, tastings, snacks and craft some demonstration beverages too!

(828) 350-1221

Contact Info:
Time: 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Feb 01 2012
Feb 05 2012

Florida Earthskills Gathering

Finca Mycol outside Brooker, FL

From the Facebook event

Finca Mycol, 23589 NW 19th Terr, Brooker, FL


Please visit the new web site for more info.

The purpose of the gathering is to teach skills that help people live more harmoniously with the earth and each other and foster a sense of community among these like minded people. There will be four days of workshops centered on sustainable and simple living skills.

Register when you arrive. Sorry no early registration available.

Thanks to all whom were part of such an amazing event...between all the great know who you are! To all the wonderful wwoofers past n present helpin out, to the volunteers especially, to all the great teachers and students on the greenpath... infinite thanks.

thanks to the children that re-enlivened us all and looking forward to Feb 2012!

RIght now we are lining up the teachers....some whom have committed so far are:
Mycol Stevens (facilitator), , Susan Marynowski (medicine making), Willy Losen (log working/thatching), Jimmy and Miranda (tanning), Jeff Gottleib (cordage and mocassins), Nancy Gildersleeve (sash fingerweaver and pine needle baskets), Robert Wilson (trapper) and Mystery (canning), Andy Hemmings (atlatl flintknapping), Marc Williams (fermentation and ethnobotanist extrodinair), Emily Ruff (Orlando herbalist), Baron (woodcarving or blacksmithing, his choice!), Keith (FL clay pottery making), Luke Learning Deer (Rennasiance man...his choice teaching!).

Hopefuls are many...some of which are Doug and TOdd Elliott and Ken Krauss...of course there are many more. I have made a spread sheet for sign up so I will soon post this for you to see.

We will also be continuing cobb natural building with several leaders on the multifunctional greenhouse, community kitchen be prepared to learn how to fling mud!

A trade circle will be set up...along with some freecycle. the trade circle is an amazing opportunity to trade things you have made by your own hands...don't bring cigarrettes or candy bars to trade, but a pair of worked mocassins to trade for a pine needle basket.

Parking will be tight so please ride share if you can. We will have people guide you upon your arrival.

Please note that Finca Mycol is an ecocentric permaculture off-the-grid 20-acre homestead that along with permaculture happenings works on ecological restoration efforts. Please be kind to the land and pack in and pack out your belongings (and no cig butts!) The Finca has very minimal electric solar.

Along with your camping gear, bring a headlamp and decent shoes. Note this is also the dead of winter and it is likely to have temperatures sometimes as low as the 20's if multiple cold fronts make their way bring warm clothes.

Sorry no four leggeds (e.g. dogs) (goats are ok if you got'm)

Fires will be limited to specific areas.

We plan on providing grub for instructors and volunteers. We plan on having either a vendor or a meal plan for participants or self organized potluck syle free for all.

bathrooms are humanure compost systems.

If you bring children, then you will be asked to help with the childrens activities.

Cost: sliding scale $100-200(camping included) for entire weekend or 25-35$ daily.

volunteer positions are not yet filled so if you want to work trade, let me know sooner than later!

For now, please register by giving your word.

Come and set up camp on wednesday or thursday morn. we will circle up thursday around high noon to start things off.

If you can bring any rocks, for possible sweat lodge and other construction needs, please drag some down (we don't have many rocks in FL).

A wish list has been added: 5 gallon buckets, a large wok, tables, bulk food items.

Let me know if you have any nursing or doctor extra first aide kit would be good to bring.

Also I am seeking to have more milking variety goats so if you have a milker or one that can milk I'd love to trade to see what we can do.

Please leave negative energy behind and be in positive learning state where we can all grow together.

Contact Info:
Fee: $100-200 sliding scale

Jan 28 2012

Fermentation Intensive

Somewhere Glassworks, Outside Gainesville, FL

This class will be a great opportunity to holistically explore the ancient art of fermentation in the tradition of Frank Cook, Sandor Katz, Sally Fallon and others. The class will start with a lecture on basic principles. We will then have a potluck lunch with many fermented items provided for sampling. After lunch we will participate in a plant identification walk and harvest. Then we will finish up with a Kraut/Kimchee making and Natural Soda and Mead Making/Tasting in the afternoon. Handouts will be given.

Worth it for the food and handouts alone!

Please help spread the word to anybody that may be interested!!!


Contact Info: Contact for RSVP further details and directions.
Time: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fee: $30-50 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Dec 11 2011

The Nevada City Wild Mushroom Exposition

Nevada City, CA

This new event sponsored by the Yuba Watershed Institute is happening right in downtown Nevada City during Victorian Christmas! Sure to be action packed and fun.

See description from their website below:

A new addition to our popular Fungus Foray! YWI is bringing the Foray to downtown Nevada City! The Sunday Exploration is packed with presentations, displays, and identification workshops based on our seasonal Sierran mushrooms. Wild-crafted food concessions and mushroom merchandise available for sale. This event is concurrent with the Victorian Christmas Street Fair.

Contact Info:
Time: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fee: $5-10

Dec 10 2011

The 14th Annual Fungus Foray

North Colombia Schoolhouse

i am very excited to participate for the first time in this legendary event that happens at a prime mushroom time in the year. Frank Cook was a presenter at several Fungus Forays in the past. The Yuba Watershed Institute are sponsors of this great gift to the coummunity.

See description from the website below.

Our traditional Saturday morning wild mushroom hunt and identification will wrap up with an afternoon of displayed discoveries and educational identification workshops. Wild-crafted food concessions and mushroom merchandise available for sale. Bring a lunch and be prepared to walk in the woods. Also useful: collection basket, waxed paper bags, knife, and hand lens. 

Contact Info:
Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Fee: $12-20

Nov 12 2011

Wild Sierra Fall

Dancing Pines Farm, North Columbia, CA

We will convene at the farm of Daniel "Madrone" Nicholson outside North Columbia, CA. Daniel is a botanical and mycological wonder. We will conduct a plant/mushroom walk, hold a fermenting workshop including mead making, kraut, dosas and talk about/sample/process wild edibles for the fall in the Sierras. Contact marc for further details.

18392 Oak Tree Rd, Nevada City, CA


Contact Info:
Time: 10:00 - 4:00
Fee: By Donation

Nov 04 2011
Nov 06 2011

Nevada City Botanical Medicine Convergence

TBA, Near Nevada City, CA

November 4th, 5th & 6th , 2011

A Weekend of Intensive Herbal Studies for All Students of Herbal Medicine

“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity.” — Hippocrates

Teacher Line Up

 Kathi Keville (Founder of the American Herbalists Association), Candis Cantin, Pam Caldwell,  Marza R. Millar, Heather Luna Keasbey, Daniel Madrone, Marc Williams, and potentially others...

This convergence will be a great opportunity to go deeper with various aspects of plant medicine with a nice array of teachers and perspectives.

Contact Info:
Time: 6 p.m. Fri -5:30 p.m. Sun
Fee: $250-275

Oct 19 2011

The Wild Fall Gourmet: Seaonal Cooking with Native Plants

In the Kitchen

i am excited to teach tomorrow with Alicia Funk, the co-author of an excellent resource book titled Living Wild. i wish every micro bio-region could have a book resource like this. The subject of the class will be the Wild Food Gourmet: Seasonal Cooking with Native Plants. Topics will focus on local wild ingredients that may be incorporated into the Fall time and holiday season. My segment will be focused on fermented alcohol containing beverages of all sorts. Think, ales, ciders, meads, liquers....yum...Many local native plants of the Sierra Nevada Region will be included as potential ingredients for formulation. The class will be held at In the Kitchen near Nevada City, CA. Awesome cooking class venue model! This class will be a benefit for the Yuba watershed Institute (YWI) See further details at the website below.

Contact Info:
Time: 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $45

Sep 14 2011
Sep 23 2011

Green Path Pilgrimage...Yuba River to Tahoe

Sierra Nevadas

We will be hiking from the Independence Trail along the Yuba river to Lake Tahoe. About 70-80 miles. We hope to complete the hike in 8-10 days. The main motivation is to replicate and honor the trip across California our friend and teacher Frank Cook did about a decade ago. Turtle already hiked from Grass Valley to the Coast. Therefore, i along with Patrick Ironwood and his partner Marissa will be helping him finish the western portion of the trail. A group of folks are meeting at Rucker Lake along the Bowman Lake Rd. on Saturday if you are interested. Activities will include Plant/Mushroom walks, Mead making and various other sharings. Wish us luck!

Contact Info:
Time: TBA
Fee: Priceless

Aug 14 2011

Forage and Feast

Maverick Farms in Valle, Crucis, NC

Plant Walk, Forage and Feast $20-40 sliding scale (ie. give what you can) We will meet at Maverick Farms in Valle Crucis 828-963-5317. RSVP to Marc Williams We will talk for about ½ hour. Walk for about 2.5 hours foraging and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes. Objectives: Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine. Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region Knowledge of the biggest problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany Contact Info: RSVP to Marc Williams
Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Aug 13 2011

Forage and Feast

Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary

We will meet at Soulflower Botanical sanctuary in Leicester, NC. We will talk for about ½ hour then walk for about 2 hours and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes. Objectives: Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine. Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region Knowledge of some problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany Contact Info:
Time: 2-7 p.m.
Fee: $30-50 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Aug 05 2011
Aug 07 2011

17th annual Permaculture Gathering

Arthur Morgan School in Celo, NC

Come to our 17th annual gathering, at the beautiful Arthur Morgan School in Celo, NC. This is certainly one of my favorite events of all time! i will most definitely be helping to facilitate a plant walk and will also be working in the kitchen if you want to help make food! Classes are organized by open space technology and specifically geared to the talents and interests of the people present. Contact Info:

Aug 01 2011

Plant Walk!

Brightwood (20 min outside Boone)

Dear Gardeners and Friends, Please mark your calendar for Monday, August 1 at 10:00 A.M - 12 p.m. as you are invited and encouraged to take advantage of the great opportunity to gather at the Brightwood community for a talk and easy walk with ethnobotanist Marc Williams. Marc will talk about common and exotic local plant families then take the group on a walk to begin to learn to identify them by recognizing these families and what these families tell us about their uses and characteristics. Marc's talk will be at the home of Carol Hancock in Brightwood. It is a 25 minute drive from Boone. People can congregate at the Cooperative Extension to caravan if they wish and Meghan can transport some of you in the Extension van. If you would like to come on your own, please email Carol at for directions. Please notify Meghan to meet at the Extension Office at 9:15. Email RSVP to Carol would be appreciated. If you need to call, her number is 828-265-0155. A donation of any amount for Marc would be appreciated, as he supports himself and this important work in this way. Contact Info: RSVP to Carol Hancock 828-265-0155
Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Fee: By Donation

Jul 24 2011

Mead Making

Springhouse Farm

We will convene at Springhouse Farm located in Vilas, NC. The farm is operated by local bee keeper and agricultural heroine Amy Fiedler. We will go for a plant walk harvesting items to make a mead. During the process of making the mead we will sample various examples of the craft while discussing the finer points of brewing. Contact Info:
Time: 4-7 p.m.
Fee: $20-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Jul 22 2011
Jul 24 2011

Wild Herb Weekend

Valle Crucis Conference Center in Valle Crucis, NC

Wild Herb Weekend is a long standing gathering that features various classes on the nature of medicinal plants. This conference is set just outside Boone, NC and offers a chance for members of the North Carolina Herb Association and others to gather and learn from a host of notable regional professionals. Contact Info:

Jul 14 2011
Jul 22 2011

Firefly Gathering

Camp Pinnacle outside Hendersonville, NC

The forth annual Firefly Gathering offers an excellent example to go deeper with the crucial tasks known collectively as Primitive Skill or Ancient Arts. i will leading a plant walk and classes on fermentation during the main event. July 19-22 will be reserved for intensive classes where myself, Sandi Ford, Luke Learningdeer, and Natalie Bogwalker will offer an Ethnobotany intensive. We will be focusing on the multitude of connections between people,plants and the rest of nature. Activities will include a Botany 101 presentation/ plant walk, Survival 101 plant walk (Tools, Cordage, Shelter, etc), Tree walk, Ecology, Birds, Fermentation Practicum, Wild Foods/Medicines/Poison walk, Nutrition from a Traditional and Holistic perspective, Salve and Tincture Making and we will finish it all off with a Forage and Feast! The further point of the intensive is to raise the collective level of knowledge about taxonomy, botanical terminology, and more ethnobotanical uses for common and not so common plants. Contact Info:
Fee: Variable

Jun 15 2011
Jul 15 2011

National Rainbow Gathering

Washington State

The Rainbow Gathering is in some National Forest in a different state each year. The location this year will be Washington State but the exact site is still to be announced. It will be on the welcomehome website by mid June Rainbow is certainly the most economical opportunity to learn plants in a deep way… All classes at Rainbow cost no money and there are of ton of different opportunities…We walk and talk about plants everyday and try to identify whatever we see often between 100 and 200 species in all. i will be there roughly from around 6/30-7/7 Contact Info:

Jun 10 2011

Plant Walk!

Fantasy Farm

Join us as Marc Williams, Ethnobotanist, guides the group through this Appalachian forest. Marc will magnify plant families, utilities, history and crucial insight into the life of our diverse plants. Expanding the pallet, Serene Dae; Traditional Herbalist and Instructor, will be visiting these plant allies along with you, adding flavor along the way. This walk will last a few hours, so bring a hearty snack as well as H2O. Many folks may choose to bring a notebook and a camera as well. Suggested donation of $20 but true interest will not be turned away. Contact Info:
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Fee: Suggested Donation $20

Jun 04 2011
Jun 06 2011

Medicines From the Earth Symposium

Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, NC

This conference has a very deep focus on the medicinal aspects of plants. Many walks are included in the program with the likes of 7 Song and Doug Elliot. The incredible line up of other teachers includes Dr. Jim Duke, Dr. Ryan Drum, Mark Blumenthal, Cascade Anderson Gellar, David Winston, Vicky Shufer and many others. i will be working in the wings to pay the way for my first ever attendance. Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Price

May 29 2011

Forage and Feast

Soulflower Botanical Sanctuary

We will meet at Soulflower Botanical sanctuary in Leicester, NC. We will talk for about ½ hour then walk for about 2 hours and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes. Objectives: Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine. Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region Knowledge of some problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany Contact Info:
Time: 2 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Fee: $30-50 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

May 28 2011
May 30 2011

Your Body and Herbs Through the Senses - Wilderness Weekend

Pisgah National Forest

i will join clinical herbalists CoreyPine Shane and John Immel on the first day of a beautiful 3 day hike through the Blue Ridge mountains where you'll experience your body, organ by organ, and its numerous signs and signals. You'll explore how to select herbs for healing with only your five senses to guide you. These tools will help you develop a deeper relationship with your body and the seasons. The format of this workshop includes wilderness encounters with herbs and mealtime discussions/classes. May flourishes with spring abundance. Spring greens offer renewal and vitality after a long winter. Together we will gather berries and wild edibles for our evening meal and campfire, while we share our experiences of the day. In this workshop, you will learn * To select herbs for your body using only your five senses to guide you * To experience and prove directly the health benefits of herbs * Answers to questions like, "How's my liver doing today?" * The wild edibles and medicinal herbs of springtime This simple and practical workshop makes herbs accessible to both the novice and experienced user alike Register by May 26th for our early bird discounted rate of $95. Regular price is $120. Or, call 828-348-4880 Contact Info:
Fee: Variable see in description above and at website

May 12 2011
May 15 2011

Lake Eden Arts Festival (LEAF)

Lake Eden and Camp Rockmont in Black Mountain, NC

LEAF is one of my all time favorite festivals. Great music, food, poetry slams, zip lines, drum circles, contra dancing, healing arts, primitive skills and general all around great group of people to share it with! i will be leading a Plant Walk at 10:15 for an hour and Corey Pine Shane, Josh Fox and Mateo Ryall will be leading walks later that day. Need i say more... Contact Info:
Fee: Variable price

May 07 2011

Spring Wildflower Walk

Laughing Waters Retreat Center, Outside Fairview, NC

Spring wildflowers don't last long! Come explore the abundant mountain wildflowers on Little Bearwallow Mountain, one of the best examples of a Rich Cove Forest where there is an unusually diverse and abundant amount of wildflowers. Contact Info:
Time: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Apr 17 2011
Apr 24 2011

Rivercane Rendevouz

La Fayette, GA

This event and its sister event in the autumn Falling Leaves are preeminent primitive skills/ancient arts happenings for the southeast region Contact Info:
Fee: Variable Pricing

Apr 15 2011
Apr 17 2011

Ethnobotany Intensive

Hostel in the Forest in Brunswick, GA

Amongst the southern spring flora... workshops will include a Botany 101 presentation, Ethnobotany walks around the Hostel, a Photo Exhibit, a Beach Walk, and Honey Mead making Demo and Tasting. The cost is $100 per person, which includes accommodations at the Hostel for Friday and Saturday night as well as a beautiful vegetarian dinner on both nights. Bring your notebook, any relevant books you have, a camera, loupe etc. Handouts will be provided. Also bring a little food to share for lunch and whatever you need for breakfast. Friday will include a basic overview and Sunday is the optional beach walk so arrival and departure can be flexible. Teach a man to fish, ya got the food for life." "Let your food be your medicine." Hippocrates Contact Info:
Time: Approximately 5 p.m.
Fee: $100 (Includes lodging and dinner Fri/Sat)

Apr 09 2011

Forage and Feast

Maverick Farms in Valle, Crucis, NC

Plant Walk, Forage and Feast $20-40 sliding scale (ie. give what you can) We will meet at Maverick Farms in Valle Crucis 828-963-5317. We will talk for about ½ hour. Walk for about 2.5 hours foraging and then prepare a meal from what we find. Handouts will be given, including recipes. Objectives: Significant knowledge of the most prevalent plant families used for food and medicine. Ability to identify some of the most choice useful individual plants species in this region Knowledge of the biggest problem plants of this region and what some of their uses might be Understanding of the food production methods used to prepare wild edibles Awareness of resources available to further study the incredible world of ethnobotany Contact Info:
Time: 2-7 p.m.
Fee: 20-40 Sliding Scale (Give what you can)

Apr 08 2011

Plant Walk!

Appalachian State University

Come be part of a plant walk covering patterns for identification and utility. Many common plants around Appalachian have kin, or grow themselves, all over the temperate world! Increase your sense of place and friendship base wherever you go. Climb over the green wall that blurs most plants together and change your life forever! We will meet in front of IG Greer Auditorium facing Sanford Hall and the Plemmons Student Union. Join us for a walk and talk about the fascinating story of some plants from the ASU community. Contact Info:
Time: 3-4 p.m.

Mar 05 2011
Mar 06 2011

The Organic Grower's School

University of North Carolina Asheville

The Organic Grower's School is a premier educational event for the entire Southeast and even the country! The 18th annual event will be held for the second time at the University of North Carolina Campus making it all the more accessible. Almost nowhere else will you find such a multitude of classes offered a such an affordable price.

Contact Info:
Time: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Fee: Variable Approx $40-75

Feb 26 2011

Marketing Opportunities For Farmers Conference (MOFF)

Warren Wilson College

The annual ASAP conference always signals to me that the growing season is about to begin.Great opportunity to brush up on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP's), record keeping techniques, new markets and products and a bunch of networking... Contact Info:
Time: 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Fee: $35 for 1 $50 for 2

Jan 28 2011
Jan 30 2011

Florida Primitive Skills Gathering

Finca Mycol (North of Gainesville, FL)

Accomplished teachers will facilitate workshops on various topics. Mycol Stevens alone would be worth the trip for his knowledge of Permaculature, Botany, Mycology and overall Thrival Living. However 7Song and many other great teachers will be there as well. Contact Info: Mycol Stevens 352-359-1777
Fee: $75-$150

Oct 14 2010
Oct 17 2010

Lake Eden Arts Festival (LEAF)

Lake Eden, Black Mtn, NC

This is my favorite festival ever! i will be leading a plant walk focusing on trees at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday Contact Info:
Fee: Variable price but often no tickets at the door!

Oct 10 2010

Climate Action Day

George Washington Carver Edible Park

This class will be a great opportunity to learn info about some of the major cultivated fruits and wild edibles/medicinals for the Appalachian area. Other activities will be happening around the park and various locations throughout the city as well. Contact Info:
Time: 2-3:30
Fee: Priceless (FREE)

Oct 09 2010

WNC Naturally

Marshall, NC

Price includes some great classes and an incredible local feast provided by chef Michael Gentry. Admission price would be worth it for the food alone!i may chip in with my friend and teacher Chuck Marsh of useful Plants Nursery in his class about food as medicine. Contact Info:
Time: 12 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Fee: $15.00

Oct 05 2010
Oct 10 2010

Falling Leaves

LaFayette, GA

These gatherings in the spring and fall celebrate the group of tasks collectively known as primitive skills or ancient arts. Contact Info:

Oct 02 2010

Planting the Future Conference

Rutland, OH

This conference is held in honor of plant conservation but will have many workshops on the uses of plants as well Contact Info:
Time: 9:30a.m.-5p.m.
Fee: 40-50

Sep 25 2010
Sep 26 2010

True Nature Country Faire

Barnardsville, NC

i will be leading a plant walk at this marvelous agrarian's dream. Contact Info:
Time: All Day
Fee: $5

Sep 11 2010
Sep 12 2010

Ethnobotany Intensive

Brunswick, GA

Amongst the fresh blooms and maturing life of local fall flora... workshops will include a Botany 101 presentation, an Ethnobotany Walk, a Photo Exhibit, a Beach Walk, and Honey Mead Making. The cost will be $100 per person, which includes accommodations at the Hostel for the Friday and Saturday night as well as a beautiful vegetarian dinner on both nights. Bring your notebook, any relevant books you have, a camera, etc. Handouts will be provided. “Teach a man to fish, ya got the food for life." "Let your food be your medicine.” Contact Info:
Fee: $ 100 (Includes lodging and some food)

Aug 06 2010
Aug 08 2010

Southeastern Permaculture Gathering

Celo, NC

Come to our 17th annual gathering, August 6-8, 2010 at the beautiful Arthur Morgan School in Celo, NC. In a place and a life with many amazing events this is certainly one of my favorites of all time! i will most definitely be helping to facilitate a plant walk and will also be working in the kitchen if you want to help make Friday lunch! Contact Info:

Jul 30 2010
Aug 01 2010

Green Scene Gathering

Peaceful Valley Boone, NC

This is Ken Crouse's continuance of a vision he had with Frank Cook last year just before Frank's Passing. Plant and Mushroom walks galore mixed with sweet comraderie. Reserve a spot by 7/23 Contact Info: 973-5569
Fee: Donation

Jul 27 2010
Jul 31 2010

The Cullowhee, NC Conference: Native Plants in the Landscape

Cullowhee, NC

This conference is legendary and unfortunately i will yet again not be attending.If you are interested in Native Plants of Appalachia or even the East in general this one is crucial! Contact Info:

Jul 23 2010
Jul 25 2010

Wild Herb Weekend

Valle Crucis, NC (Near Boone)

i will be facilitating two plants walks and a discussion about natural dyes. this is always a sweet intimate gathering of plant people and herbal practitioners. i could also possibly lead a walk separate from the conference at the nearby Appalacian State University farm where i worked for two years. Contact Info:

Jul 18 2010
Jul 25 2010

Firefly Gathering

Camp Pinnacle

i will probably be teaching on Thursday 7/22 around Plant Taxonomy and Wild Plant Food Ways of Old Appalachia. This gathering was a big hit last year and has now moved to a new super sweet location. Contact Info:

Jul 11 2010
Jul 24 2010

Seasonal School of Culinary Arts

Warren Wilson College and Asheville, NC

This cooking school offers an incredible opportunity to learn many different skills of the kitchen while inhabiting an incredible setting Go to the website to get a greater appreciation. i will be teaching in the second week this year on 7/19. The whole second week of the school is dedicated to healthy and healing foods. My good friend and co-chef Michael Gentry and i will prepare a meal with students while discussing gluten and dairy free dietary regimes Menu for the class and meal includes Gluten free lasagna, Green Salad, Edible Flowers, Soaked Sunflower Seed Dressing, Blackberry Balsamic Dressing Herbal Tea and Bliss Bites for dessert! Can you say yum!!! Contact Info:
Time: See website for times
Fee: See website for prices

Jun 26 2010

Forage and Feast

Springhouse Farm, Vilas, NC

This is a two part class. The first part will include a plant walk and harvest of selected plants that may be used for food, medicine, or both. The second part will focus on the preparation of a meal from the plants that were harvested. This class will provide a holistic understanding of what it takes to bring sustenance from field to fork. Special attention will be given to how understanding patterns within the plant world can allow one to demystify the green wall and begin to have confidence in the usefulness and abundance of plant resources all around us. $20-40 sliding scale . To reserve a spot please make a payment to Marc's paypal account at or mail/bring payment to Springhouse Farm We need to know how many people will be attending, thank you Time: 2 p.m - 7 p.m.
Fee: 20-40 Sliding Scale

Jun 15 2010
Jul 15 2010

National Rainbow Gathering

Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania

The Rainbow Gathering is in some National Forest in a different state each year. The location this year will be east of the Mississippi but the exact site is still to be announced. i have heard Pennsylvania. It will be on the welcomehome website by mid June Rainbow is certainly the most economical opportunity to learn plants in a deep way…All classes at rainbow cost no money and there are of ton of different opportunities…We walk and talk about plants everyday and try to identify whatever we see. i will be there roughly from around 6/30-7/7 Contact Info:
Fee: Priceless